In a message dated 00-07-18 23:34:37 EDT, you write:

 I was going to add quite a bit here, but at
 this point, let us see if this post generates
 any constructive or informative responses.


One of the more productive avenues of research is the recent finding
of a ULF frequency embedded into the planetary HAARP propagation.
HAARP (and related systems) as a ULF generator may have two functions (1) ULF
affects the human limbic system and may be a mind control agent (2) ULF (as
well as electromagnetic frequencies) may affect seismic processes - notably
around the magnetosphere and the tectonic system of 20 or so inverted
tectonic plates that cover the Earth's surface.

SO HAARP - associated global electronic warfare systems - may have the
primary function of global mind control - Goal: to deny Universe society the
human population, and conversely to deny the human population knowledge of
Universe's society's initiative.  Likewise, the possible ability to unleash
tectonic processes may be part of a "cataclysm".

Other's would call this a scorched Earth policy - Dumb down the human race
with mind control.  It is expecially important to recall that all mind
control systems are GOAL-ORIENTED.

Here is the technology and the goal seems to be development of a disoriented,
dumbed-down population that becomes disenfranchised and unable to integrate
into Universe society.

For more extended comments on HAARP,  its explicit mind control and earth
changes applications, see:


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