With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Tuesday July 18, 2000; 8:09 PM EDT

Press Tried to Cover Up Hill's 'Jew Bastard' Slur

Sources in Arkansas told mainstream reporters at least a year ago
about Hillary Clinton's use of anti-Semitic language, but they
and their editors decided to withhold the bombshell revelation
from the American people.

"The State of a Union," a new book by former UPI reporter Jerry
Oppenheimer on Bill and Hillary Clinton's marriage, has forced
new scrutiny of 26-year-old allegations that the first lady
called former campaign aide Paul Fray a "F--king Jew Bastard."

But it turns out that Oppenheimer was far from the first reporter
to get the story.

NBC's Andrea Mitchell admitted Monday night that Fray recounted
the incident, complete with Hillary's anti-Semitic slur, during
an interview for the network's "Dateline NBC" program in 1999.
But NBC News editors decided to kill the report on the
sensational allegation because the story lacked corroboration,
Mitchell said.

The folks at NBC must not have tried too hard to substantiate
Fray's account, since his wife, Mary Lee, was more than willing
to corroborate the charge - as she has for dozens of reporters
since the story resurfaced on Friday.

Vanity Fair writer Gail Sheehy, who has enjoyed special access to
Mrs. Clinton over the years, did interview Mary Lee Fray for her
book "Hillary's Choice." But Sheehy told Newsday that even though
Mary Lee's account included Mrs.  Clinton's vile slur, her
husband made no mention of it in a separate interview.

Sheehy does not say that Mr.  Fray denied the story - only that
the subject did not come up.  Apparently the author herself
decided to avoid the topic, thereby ruling out any chance that a
second source for Hillary's anti-Semitic shocker would compel

Sheehy also took a pass on another story that lent credence to
what Mary Lee Fray had told her.

One-time Clinton consultant Dick Morris gave the Vanity Fair
writer an exclusive account of his now legendary story about
Hillary's use of a Jewish stereotype during an argument she had
with him.  "Money - that's all you people care about is money,"
Morris said Hillary yelled after he asked for a pay raise in

Last November Morris went public with the story, noting that he'd
told it to Sheehy for her then-upcoming Hillary biography. But
when the book hit the stands in December, Morris' explosive
report was nowhere to be found.

Apparently, even after hearing the key Clinton confidant's
account of Mrs.  Clinton's anti-Semitic remark, Ms.  Sheehy made
no connection to Mary Lee Fray's "Jew Bastard" story.

Now that the mainstream press has finally picked up on the
Hillary shocker that she walked away from, Sheehy calls the
charge "outrageously unfair."

But even with reporters going full throttle on the story, news
editors have declined to acknowledge that the very first person
to go public about Hillary's use of the term "Jew Bastard" was
former Clinton bodyguard Larry Patterson.

The recently retired Arkansas state trooper also says he and his
colleagues overheard the first lady using the "N" word on at
least six occasions.

In an exclusive interview with NewsMax.com last September,
Patterson detailed Hillary's regular use of ethnic slurs well
into the 1990s.

Ironically, though the media blackout on Patterson's far more
damaging account continues in full force, "State of a Union"
author Oppenheimer cites the former Clinton bodyguard's story as
corroboration for Paul Fray's account in his book.

Hear Trooper Patterson's blockbuster interview with NewsMax.com's
Christopher Ruddy in More Than Sex: The Secret Lives of Bill and
Hillary Clinton.

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