Danforth: FBI acted properly at Waco

ST.  LOUIS, July 21 (UPI) -- Former Sen.  John Danforth Friday
cleared the federal government of wrongdoing in the 51-day siege
at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and blamed the
followers of cult leader David Koresh for starting the fire that
killed about 80 people.

Following a 10-month investigation, Danforth released his
preliminary conclusions at a St. Louis news conference.

Attorney General Janet Reno appointed the Missouri Republican to
investigate the April 19, 1993, government assault on the Branch
Davidian compound following years of charges that the FBI fired
on the Davidians, igniting tear gas.  The incident has become a
rallying point for various militia groups and the alleged impetus
for the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building by Timothy
McVeigh.  "Government agents did not start the fire at Waco,"
Danforth said in releasing his preliminary findings.  He also
concluded there was no misuse of the military and no coverup.
"There was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Attorney
General Reno, the present and former director of the FBI, other
high officials of the United States," Danforth said.  "The
Davidians set their place on fire.  They spread fuel.  They set
it on fire," he said.  "The other thing that happened was that
they began shooting their own, including children.  Five children
were shot to death in the head, execution.  One child under the
age of four was stabbed to death."

In answer to a question, Danforth said his investigation placed
the blame for the Waco tragedy "squarely" on the shoulders of
Koresh and his followers, who refused to surrender.

He said the Davidians resisted a legitimate arrest warrant with
gunfire and refused for 51 days to surrender to the FBI, setting
the stage for the tear- gas assault by federal agents.

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Eric Holder issued a statement
praising the report on behalf of the Justice Department.  Holder
directly supervises the FBI as part of his duties.  "We are
pleased that Senator Danforth has determined that the
responsibility for the tragedy at Waco rests with the Branch
Davidians, not the government.  It is a finding entirely
consistent with the decision rendered by a jury in Waco just last
week," Holder said.  "Today's independent review sheds further
light on the truth, and discredits many of the unsubstantiated
allegations that have skewed the public's perception of the
events of April 19, 1993.  The events at Waco led to the deaths
of at least 80 Davidians and four ATF agents.  We join Senator
Danforth in wishing that this report begins the process of
restoring the faith of the people in their government ."

However, Danforth criticized the FBI for being less than open
about the tragedy after it occurred and said that reluctance to
disclose information fed public suspicion.  "There is no doubt in
my mind about the conclusions of this report," Danforth said in
the preface to the document.  "Government agents did not start or
spread the tragic fire of April 19, 1993, did not direct gunfire
at the Branch Davidians and did not unlawfully employ the armed
forces of the United States."

Danforth's report came after a federal jury in Waco issued an
opinion that government agents were not responsible in a wrongful
death civil suit brought by Davidian survivors and relatives.

The special counsel was blunt in his assessment.  " What is
remarkable is the overwhelming evidence exonerating the
government from the charges against it, and the lack of any real
evidence to support the charges of bad acts," Danforth said.
"This lack of evidence is particularly remarkable in light of the
widespread and persistent public belief that the government
engaged in bad acts at Waco.  ...The readiness of so many of us
to accept as true the dark theories about government actions at
Waco deserves serious attention by all of us."

All Americans carry the images of Waco, he said.  "In the face of
such calamity, we have a need to affix blame.  Things like this
just can't happen; they must be the government's fault," Danforth
said in his report.  "We are somehow able to ignore the contrary
evidence -- never mind the fact that the FBI waited for 51 days
without firing a shot, never mind the evidence that Davidians
started the fire, never mind that FBI agents risked their own
lives in their efforts to rescue the Davidians -- and we buy into
the notion that the government would deliberately kill 80 people
in a burning building."

Danforth said the only "antidote to public distrust is government
openness and candor. Instead, and tragically, just the opposite
occurred after Waco."

He said the government did "nothing evil" at the end of the
siege, but "its failure to fully and openly disclose to the
American public all that it did has fueled speculation that it
actually committed bad acts on that day.  Even in their dealings
with this investigation, some government (FBI) officials have
struggled to keep a close hold on information.  "More
importantly," he added, the FBI did not disclose for six years
that agents used three pyrotechnic tear gas devices several hours
before the fire started.  "This non-disclosure is especially
puzzling because the use of these pyrotechnics had nothing to do
with the fire. They were used four hours before the fire began,
75 feet from the Branch Davidian residence, and in a manner that
could cause no harm," he said.

Agreeing with Danforth, Holder said the FBI"s non-disclosure for
six years of the use of three pyrotechnic tear gas rounds before
the end of the siege " is especially puzzling because the use of
these pyrotechnics had nothing to do with the fire."

Holder said the "overwhelming evidence demonstrates that the
attorney general sought and received assurances (from the FBI)
that pyrotechnic gas rounds would not be used.  And, the evidence
is equally conclusive that she received information that such
rounds were not used."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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