New Sunspot Count of 402 Sets Record High...07/21/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Why does this not surprise me. Well I think you know what is coming next.
 Some of the largest solar flares and CME's to date. Within 48 hours of
 this event, watch for extreme weather all around the world. Also watch for
 an increase of forest fires.

 Remember, there is a compounding effect to earth changes. In other words,
 because of the already increased weather phenomena, the new and even
 stronger solar events enhance what is already expected to be "record
 breaking" events.

 FEMA has already began its mobilization procedures to address what they
 believe to be national crisis proportions over the next several months.

 Has the Hopi's description of "The Great Purification" begun? Keep in mind
 one very important statement the Hopi's use "Life will end...As We Know
 It". This is very different than "life will end". Is there a spiritual
 orientation to what we are witness to today? You Bet! So many disciplines
 have said this very thing hundreds and thousands of years ago.

 I believe this is all part of a bigger whole. One might call this "The
 Unfolding". Not with any form of negative connotation, but with the idea
 of renewal, transformation, evolution, or one of my favorites the
 Ascension process. A movement of rising into a higher realm of being.

 Watch for my upcoming article titled "If there is something called "new
 thought", what was the old one".

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

 Notice: Earth Changes TV email address has changed.
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