United Societies in Space (usis.org) Constitutional Convention, will
 be held at the University of Denver Law School, Denver, Colorado,
 USA on  August 4-5, 2000.  The convention is open to the public.

 USIS' Constitution, to be adopted at the Convention, establishes a
 private governance entity in Space, independent of the U.N. and
 national governments, and based on the common law. Exopolitic's
 author Alfred Webre, a Yale Law School-trained international
 lawyer, has been invited to address the Convention with a
 mechanism to allow for institutional docking with extraterrestrial
 government, as that occurs.

 Exopolitics and USIS will be discussed by author Alfred Webre as
 guest July 28 at 1 AM PT on KOA radio (Rick Barber).  You can
 listen to the program live at: http://www.850koa.com/listen.html

 Exopolitics is the study of government and politics in the Universe.
 EXOPOLITICS, EPISODE ONE, an idea-manifesto, is available free
 at Universebooks.com.

 EcoNews Service.com - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness &
 Universe Politics.          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA     http://www.ecologynews.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK      http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/

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           Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia
                        E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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