NOTE George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (link at URL)
                     Psychosocial Manipulation of Human Populations

 Page presentation, organization and LEIRG content © Leading Edge
 International Research Group. 1999. Mirrors not authorized.
 [ Links Checked (V.V.) 23 October 1999 23:44:32]

 Background and Origins of Population Manipulation and Control

                The Development of Darwinian Thought and Belief Systems
 in the West

                The Development and Origin of Eugenics and Race Science

                The Development of Neo-Darwinism and Genetic Determinism

                Inter-Connections: England | United States | Germany |

                Social Darwinism: Science and Myth

                The Relationship Between Darwinian and Malthusian Social
 Control Patterns

                Materialism and the Concept of the Primacy of DNA and

                The Development of the "Species" Problem | The
 Development of the "Population" Problem

                The Eugenics Movement in the United States

                Population Research Institute Students Page - NSSM 200 on
 Population Control

                Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP) " The
 Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
                (CRLP) is a non-profit legal and policy advocacy
 organization dedicated to promoting women's
                reproductive rights. CRLP's domestic and international
 programs engage in litigation, policy
                analysis, legal research, and public education seeking to
 achieve women's equality in society
                and ensure that all women have access to appropriate and
 freely chosen reproductive health
                  CRLP Activties USA | Congress | Litigation |
 Contraception | Abortion  | Law Challenges
                  CRLIP International Program | News | Search By Region
 World Map | UN |
                  CRLP Female Circumcision - Male Genital Mutilation
 Monitoring |
                  Cario Population Conference on Population and
 Development Feb 8-12, 1994 |
                  CRLP/UN - Created/Defined Concept of "Reproductive
 Rights" for World Populations
                  CRLP/UN - Created/Defined Concept of "Refugee Rights"
 for World Populations |
                  CRLP/UN -   Created/Defined Concept of "Reproductive
 Health" for World Populations |
                  CRLP/UN  Foreign Reproductive Control Policy
 Initiatives | CRLP Hot Topics |
                  CRLP Statement of Goals | CLRP "Accomplishments" |
 "Employment Opportunities"

                Advances in birth control, population policy, and public
 attitudes  Carnegie Mellon University

                Some Literary Resources on Eugenics

                Eugenic Theory in Contemporary Mainland China | Eugenic
 Practices in China

                Investigational Database on Eugenic Practices in the
 United States American Eugenics Database

                How the practice of Psychiatry lit the racial fires in
 population groups

                Conference on Practice of Psychoanalysis and Relation to
 Social Power Functions

                Population Control  Practices of  Nazi Germany During
 World War II

                The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult

                Eugenics and the Third Reich: "Postive" and "Negative"

                Relationship between concepts of genetics, violence and
 state repression

                The Roots of the IQ Debate as Concepts of Eugenics and
 Social Control

                The Pioneer Fund in New York As Promulgators of Fascism"
 New York Times 1977

                Through a Glass Darkly: The Genetic Future of Eden"

                Human Genome Research Defined as High-Tech Eugenic Policy

                Betting with lives: Clarence Gamble and the Pathfinder

                Nuremberg War Crimes Trial

                Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Nuremberg
 Medical Tribunals

                Race Hygiene: Three Bush Familiy Alliances from George
 Bush, The Unauthorized Biography

                Human Dimensions of Gene Therapy

                Social Issues of Genome Innovation and Intellectual

                Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese American

                Behind Blue Eyes: Contemporary White Racial Politics

                Inculcation of the Prussian Educational System into the
 United States

                Who's Who in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 [book]

                "Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N." | Ford Empire
 Played Both Sides In War

                Knights of Darkness: SMOM - The Nazis, Vatican and the

                Origin of EEC Blueprint in Nazi Regime

                Nazi Gold: Joint UK/US Statement 19 May 199, etc.

                Switzerland And Nazi Germany: A New Look

                Nazi Rocket Parts Linked to Sweden

                Business and Political Alliances Between the U.S.
 "Establishment" and the Nazis - Before,
                During and After World War II - up to the Present,
 Projects Paperclip and 63

                Companies Associated with Concentration Camps | Coca Cola
 Company and the Nazis

                Recent Books on Transnational Organized Crime and the
 Illicit Drug Industry

                Race, Ethnic Succession, and Organized Crime

                Post WWII I.G. Farben Extensions and/or Corporate

                Monsanto | Ciba Switzerland | Searle Eli Lilly | Roche |
 Bayer A.G.

                August 1997: Farbenindustrie i.A. Cancels Shareholders

                Development of "Social Sciences" and Interesting

                From Harvard to Buchenwald: A Chronology of Psychiatry
 and Eugenics"

                "Mass Murderers in White Coats" by Lenny Lapon

                "From eugenics to Assassination: British Psychiatry"

                The Allopathic Medical Paradigm

                     Twentieth Century Medicine: The Bacteriological Era

                     The Medical Mafia

                     The Medical Conspiracy in America

                     Medical Paradigm Menu

                     Reproductive System Cancers

                     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

                Development of Corporate International Technocratic
 Manipulation Paradigms

                     Biological Manipulation of the Planetary Population
                     Vaccine Paradigm, Biological Warfare, Gulf War
 Syndrome, Pharmaceutical Industry,
                     FDA, Immune Dysfunction

                     Chemical Manipulation of the Planetary Population
                     Fluoridation, Excitotoxins, Aspartame, Glutamates,
 Mercury Amalgams, Environmental
                     Synergistic Co-Factorial Effects, Food Additives

                          Food, Diet and Human Degeneration
                          Meat and Dairy, Protein, Diabetes, Cholesterol,
 Cancer and Additive Gambits

                     Psychosocial Manipulation of the Planetary
                     Basal Paradigms, Psychosocial Programming, Mind

                     Electromagnetic Manipulation of the Planetary
                     Electromagnetic Spectrum Effects on Human

                     Research Scientist-Initiate Briefing on the Status
 of Technology
                     The famous treatise from LE#78 on the Status of

                     Excerpts from the Leading Edge Master Research
 Chronology --Updated 10 Sept 97
                      Integrative Linear Chronology of the Manipulation
 of the Planetary Population

                Current Earth Paradigm Studies | Current Timewave
 Compression Graphs
                Timewave Zero Fractal Time Compression Analysis

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