>From Dr. Janet M. Eaton, NB, Canada:
Although the synthetic gas is extremely rare, .... it still poses
potential problems, the paper's authors say, because concentrations
of the gas are rising quickly,   the gas probably takes more than
1,000 years to break down  and its source -- although certainly from
human activity --  is a mystery. ... Its name, trifluoromethyl
 sulfur pentafluoride, is enough of a tongue twister that
chemists prefer to talk about it using its chemical formula,
SF5 CF3 ......... Some chemists said yesterday that it was possible
that the gas was being used secretly in military  equipment. A
similar gas, sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6 , is on lists of chemicals
used in electronics, weapons and for other military purposes. But
they added that the new gas might also be used secretly  by some
industry or it could simply be anunintentional byproduct of some
manufacturing process somewhere in the  world
Dr. Gary A. Gard, a chemistry professor at Portland State
University in Oregon said  "Not too long ago, people thought we can
dump anything we  want in the ocean because it's so vast.It's
the same thing with the atmosphere. It's just been seen as this
huge sink. Now we see it's not an infinite reservoir. People
should realize that and start taking better care of it."

fyi- janet


July 28, 2000

          New Greenhouse Gas Identified, Potent
          and Rare (but Expanding)

          By ANDREW C. REVKIN

                  Scientists have found rising
                  concentrations of a newly
                  identified gas in the air that traps
          heat more effectively than all other known
          greenhouse gases, the dozens of
          compounds released by industry and the
          burning of fuels that act like a greenhouse
          roof and may be warming the global

          The synthetic gas is extremely rare, so far reaching
          concentrations just over one-tenth of one part per trillion
          of air, according to a paper published today in the journal

          But it still poses potential problems, the paper's authors
          say, because concentrations of the gas are rising quickly,
          the gas probably takes more than 1,000 years to break down
          and its source -- although certainly from human activity --
          is a mystery.

          "So far, there is far too small a quantity to be of
          concern," said William T. Sturges, an atmospheric chemist at
          the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and the
          study's principal author. "But I wouldn't want to see it
          enormously increased."

          The study provides the latest evidence of the global reach
          of pollution and the sometimes unintended consequences of
          industrial activity, said many chemists familiar with the
          report. Advance copies of the paper circulated this week by

          Some chemists said yesterday that it was possible that the
          gas was being used secretly in military equipment. A similar
          gas, sulfur hexafluoride, or SF6 , is on lists of chemicals
          used in electronics, weapons and for other military

          But they added that the new gas might also be used secretly
          by some industry or it could simply be an unintentional
          byproduct of some manufacturing process somewhere in the
          world. The gas could come from any number of industrialized

          The gas was found in samples taken by instrument-laden
          balloons 21 miles up in the stratosphere and in air trapped
          under layers of Antarctic snow. Its name, trifluoromethyl
          sulfur pentafluoride, is enough of a tongue twister that
          chemists prefer to talk about it using its chemical formula,
          SF5 CF3 .

          Its discoverers found no evidence of the gas in the air
          before the 1950's, with only a scattering of molecules
          appearing in the 1960's and then a steady rise, with
          concentrations now rising about 6 percent a year.
          Altogether, the scientists calculated, about 4,000 tons have
          been released so far, with an additional 270 tons emitted
          each year.

          That still has resulted in an overall concentration of about
          0.12 parts per trillion in air, making the gas exceedingly
          rare, Dr. Sturges said.

          But because SF5 CF3 is such a potent, and nearly permanent,
          heat-trapping gas, he and his colleagues said, they hoped
          the finding would serve as a call to industry and
          governments to find its source.

          Molecule for molecule, it is 18,000 times more effective at
          trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, the
          most familiar greenhouse gas, Dr. Sturges said. And, like
          the durable chlorofluorocarbon chemicals, or CFC's, that can
          erode earth's protective ozone layer, the gas is extremely
          long-lived, with molecules probably persisting for 1,000
          years or more once they are lofted in the air, the study

          The global warming potential of a greenhouse gas is a
          measurement devised by scientists to describe the relative
          contributions of different gases to the predicted warming of
          the climate. It is the ratio of the amount of heat trapped
          by a certain quantity of the gas to the heat trapped by an
          equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide over 100 years. If the
          gas traps 10 times as much heat as carbon dioxide, then the
          global warming potential for that gas is 10.

          Scientists can precisely measure the ability of a gas to
          trap infrared energy -- heat in the laboratory.

          Yesterday, several chemists who work with similar compounds
          said that they were astonished to learn that thousands of
          tons of the chemical had infiltrated the atmosphere.

          "I nearly fell off my chair," said Gary A. Gard, a chemistry
          professor at Portland State University in Oregon, who is an
          expert in the properties of compounds containing fluorine, a
          versatile element that has helped scientists produce the
          atom bomb, prevent tooth decay and make Teflon coatings and

          Dr. Gard recalled how SF5 CF3 had first been synthesized
          more than 40 years ago by one of his mentors, George H.
          Cady, at the University of Washington, but had never found
          much use beyond pure research.

          "To the best of my knowledge, no one is using it on an
          industrial scale," Dr. Gard said. "It's the kind of research
          chemical where you'd buy 100 grams or 50 grams, but you
          wouldn't buy a ton of this stuff."

          Other chemists said that SF5 CF3 was briefly employed about
          30 years ago as a chemical tag to track the flow of
          pollution from smokestacks. The advantages were that it was
          inert and stood out clearly in samples taken downwind, said
          Edward A. Tyczkowski, a fluorine chemist in Newport, Tenn.
          who once manufactured about 100 pounds of the material for
          government scientists. But he said only a few pounds were
          used in such tests and he knew of no large-scale production.

          Dr. Gard agreed with a theory proposed by Dr. Sturges that
          the traces of the chemical in the air could be some
          unnoticed byproduct of industrial processes using fluorine.
          He also agreed that a search should be made for the source.

          F. Sherwood Rowland, an atmospheric chemist at the
          University of California at Irvine, who shared a Nobel Prize
          in 1995 for discovering the link between CFC's and the ozone
          layer, noted that other greenhouse gases containing fluorine
          were unintended industrial byproducts.

          Dr. Rowland said the new finding was important because it
          underscored the need to give serious consideration to even
          the atmosphere's most minor constituents.

          In that sense, he said, the new gas is similar to CFC's,
          which prompted an international treaty to protect the ozone
          layer but have never existed in concentrations higher than
          550 parts per trillion.

          Dr. Gard said the newly discovered atmospheric gas also
          served as a reminder that the atmosphere is not some
          boundless expanse.

          "Not too long ago, people thought we can dump anything we
          want in the ocean because it's so vast," he said. "It's the
          same thing with the atmosphere. It's just been seen as this
          huge sink. Now we see it's not an infinite reservoir. People
          should realize that and start taking better care of it."

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