A new book, The Covert War Against Rock, by Alex Constantine, Feral
 House Press, 2000, explores "what you don't know about the deaths of Jim
 Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Michael Hutchence, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix,
 Phil Ochs, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, John Lennon and The Notorious Big.
 The book's thesis is that these suspicious deaths, some of which were
 never solved, were caused by COINTEL-PRO-type operations.
 NewsMakingNews highly recommends this important book, and publishes this
 excerpt about the famous Altamont Concert in Alameda County which was a
 death knell to rock festivals.  .

  by Alex Constantine © 2000

 I'm very proud to be called a "pig."  Ronald Reagan.

 Five months after the drowning death of Brian Jones, a music festival
 held near San Francisco turned murderous, smothering Aquarius and its
 political anthems with a handful of apocalyptic screen images, "restless
 youth" seemingly devouring itself.  The rolling Stones were the
 centerpiece of the hellish fiasco at Atlamont on December 6, 1969. The
 band would forevermore be tainted by the surreal violence of Gimme
 Shelter, the documentary film that chronicled the disaster, and so would
 the counterculture the Stones had done much to inspire.

 The festival was conceived in the first place to redeem the group's
 flagging image.  The press had laid into Jagger and crew, emphasizing
 their greed.  "The stories of the Stones' avarice spread," journalist
 Robert Sam Anson reported, and critics pointed to Mick's $250,000
 townhouse, the collection of glittering Rolls Royces, "and [they]
 wondered how revolutionary `a man of wealth and taste' could be.  A
 token free appearance would still those critics.  The concert, problems
 and all, was going to happen.  For the Stones' sake, it had to."

 The group's management set out to select a site for the event.  They
 consulted Jan Wenner, the editor of Rolling Stone, who sent them to
 several professional concert promoters, and they in turn put them in
 touch with famed San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, fixture of
 California's well-heeled "conservative" power base.

 This was the first Big Mistake.  Belli was summed up at his funeral in
 July, 1996 by Bishop William Swing, in a eulogy stitched with irony in
 the context of Operation CHAOS, at Grace Cathedral. Over the infamous
 attorney's pale cadaver, the Bishop bid farewell to Belli:

 A man of law against the chaos of life,
 A man of chaos against the laws of life.1

 A cartoon that appeared after Belli's death in the San Diego Union
 Tribune was an eloquent expression of his ethical standards.  It
 depicted St. Peter on the telephone, reported in, "I've got a guy here
 claiming he was struck and injured by one of the Pearly Gates,"  and
 there, smiling like an angel, stood a well-groomed soul identified by
 the nametag on his briefcase: "M. Belli." 2  The San Francisco Chronicle
 bid him farewell with a letter to the editor that appeared on the Op Ed
 page: "Melvin Belli helped establish the principles of the plaintiff
 attorney: avarice, immunity to logic, self- aggrandizement and perfect
 contempt for the interests of society."3

 He was not only an ambulance chase par excellence.  The legendary Melvin
 Belli was one of the CIA's most trusted courtroom wonders until
 hypertension and cardiovascular disease claimed him on July 9, 1996.
 His client roster included Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, Martha Mitchell and
 Jim Bakker.  His first high-profile client was Errol Flynn, who,
 according to documents released under FOIA to biographer Charles Higham,
 was an avid admirer of Adolph Hitler, recruited by Dr. Hermann Friedrich
 Erben, an Abwher intelligence agency, to spy on the United States.  The
 FBI, Higham discovered in the midst of poring through the many boxes of
 FOIA documents dropped on his doorstep, pestered Flynn and the studio
 employing him over his wartime association with a Nazi, "but there was
 little doubt that Will Hays and Colonel William Guthrie, a high-ranking
 Army officer on the studio payroll as Jack Warner's troubleshoot in all
 matters connected with politics, were responsible for the cover-up...
 Hays and Guthrie managed to smother the numerous inquiries that began
 seriously to threaten Errol's career." 4  Melvin Belli, Flynn's
 attorney, could also be counted on to button his lip, and he did
 repeatedly as a CIA-Mafia legal counsel in a number of assassination
 cover-ups." 5

 It was Melvin Belli who chose the speedway at Altamont for the
 festival.  "As a staging ground for a rock concert," Anson concluded,
 "especially one expected to draw 300,000 people or more, Altamont could
 hardly have been worse.  The raceway, which was on the brink of
 bankruptcy, was small, cramped, and difficult to reach. Its acres were
 littered with the rusting hulks of junked automobiles and thousands of
 shards of broken glass.  In appearance, it had all the charm of a
 graveyard.  Worst of all, though, the deal for its use had not been
 sealed until the final moment.  Whereas Woodstock had taken months to
 prepare, Altamont had to be ready within twenty-four hours." 6

 The second Big Mistake of Altamont was the hiring of Ralph "Sonny"
 Barger and a contingent of Hell's Angels to keep the peace.

 Barger, it has since been divulged, was an informant and hit man on the
 payroll of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).  When
 Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver fled the country for Algeria, the ATF
 negotiated with Barger to "bring Cleaver home in a box."  He often made
 deals with law enforcement in exchange for dismissal of charges against
 fellow Angeles.  Barger was even hired by federal agents to kill
 immigrant farm labor activist Cesar Chavez, and may well have if Barger
 hadn't first been arrested by police into the Bay area on a prior
 homicide charges. 7

 The accusation arose in the death of Servios Winston Agero, a drug
 dealer.  In a surprise courtroom maneuver, Sonny took the witness stand
 and confessed to his arrangement with local police and federal agents.
 Over a period of several years, he testified, he had brokered deals with
 Oakland authorities to give up the location of hidden cache's of
 automatic weapons, mortars and dynamite in exchange for the dismissal of
 all charges against member of his motorcycle gang.  This was a deal he
 had brokered with Edward Hilliard, then a sergeant at the Oakland Police
 Department's vice squad.  Hilliard refused to comment when questioned by
 reporters.  The defendant admitted for the record that he sold narcotics
 for a living, forged IDs, and slept with a pistol under his pillow.  On
 several occasions, though, Barger refused to respond to questioning and
 was fined $3,000 by Judge William J. Hayes for each demurral.

 Deputy prosecutor Donald Whyte asked the "spiritual" leader of the
 Hell's Angeles, an admitted federal operative, to name officers who
 asked him to "kill someone."  Barger squired and claimed that he could
 not recall, exactly, but att5empted several phonetic variations of a
 possible name. 8 Even in the courtroom, it seems, he was not about to
 risk retaliation by government contacts.

 But the deal was exposed anyway by ATF whistle-blower Larry Shears.  The
 agent told his story to narcotics agents, and they gathered evidence on
 the murder plan before talking to the press.  Shears announced that
 Barger had been contracted to kill Chavez, an assassination ordered by
 agribusiness magnates in the San Joaquin Valley.  Chavez was only alive,
 Shears reported, because there had been delays. The first came when AFT
 agents insisted that certain files first be stolen from the farm union.
 The arson of union offices was attempted by hired hands, another delay.
 Confirmation of these allegations came three weeks later when union
 officials complained to reporters that there had been recent "arson
 attempts against [farm] union offices.  Others have been riddle with
 bullet holes, and on at least two occasions, attempts were made to steal
 records in the union offices."

 The next glitch in the Chavez assassination, Shears said, came when the
 hit man, Sonny Barger, was arrested for the Agero murder. To support his
 statements, Shears waved a federal voucher at reporters signed by
 Senator Edward Kennedy, a payment of $10,000 to Shears for services
 rendered as an informant to narcotics agents and the IRS." 9

 In March 1989, according to wire releases, Sonny Barger was convicted
 with four other Angels for conspiracy to violate federal firearms and
 explosives laws in a variety of plots to kill members of rival
 motorcycle clubs.  Barger and Michael Vincent O'Farrell were sentenced
 in US District Court, Louisville, Kentucky, for their part in the
 transport of explosives with intent to kill.  Barger and three others
 were slapped with additional counts for "dealing with a stolen
 government manual." Barger was freed on parole three years later.  The
 mystery of his early release was dispelled by the Tucson Weekly in
 1996--it seems Barger had a political guardian:  "You can talk about the
 biker tradition," a law enforcement source explained, "the Harley, the
 patch that they've killed for, but in the end, what's most important is
 money.  Hell's Angeles is represented in 18 countries now.  They're
 probably the largest organized crime family that we export from the US.
 At the center of this global expansion is Oakland-based International
 President "Sonny" Barger, who's had his hand on the throttle of Hells
 Angels' money and mayhem machine since the late '50s, despite occasional
 prison stints.  When Barger was released from prison in 1992, an
 estimated 3,000 people attended his party.... Some influential people
 might get bought.  I can't tell you that Colorado Senator Ben Nighthorse
 Campbell received any money....  I do know that he used his influence to
 try to get Sonny Barger out of prison." 10

 Barger's booze-swaggling, two-wheeling entourage were paid killers.  And
 since the carnage at Altamont, the Hell's Angels have twice attempted to
 kill the Rolling Stones.  In March, 1983, a witness called himself
 "Butch," his true identity protected by the federal witness program,
 testified before a Senate Judiciary Committee about plots to kill the
 Stones.  "There's always been a contract on the band," he admitted under
 questioning.  There were "two attempts to kill them that I know about.
 They will some day.  They wear they will do it."  The vendetta, Butch
 said, originated with the killing at the Speedway concert, and was
 motivated by the failure of the Stones to back the Angel prosecuted for
 the killing.  The first attempt to assassinate the entire band took
 place in the mid-'70s. "They sent a member with a gun and a silencer" to
 a hotel where the Stones were staying.  The hit-man "staked out the
 hotel, but [the Stones] never showed up," said the government
 informant.  And in 1979, the Angels' New York chapter "were going to put
 a bomb in the house and blow everybody up and kill everybody at the
 party."  But this conspiracy sank with a cache of plastic explosives,
 accidentally dropped overboard from a rubber raft.  Killing the Stones,
 he testified, was an "obsession" with the bike gang." 11

 Who in 1969 suspected that the Hell's Angels was in reality a death
 squad leader in the pay of "conservative" political operatives?  The
 swastika tattoos and gothic jewelry?  Window dressing.  The roughing up
 of peace demonstrators?  The shootouts?  The terrorizing of small
 towns?  The rapings?  The drugs?  A refreshing break from the status

 A supplier from Berkeley donated 1,000 hits of LSD laced with speed to
 Barger's Altamont security force, and the Angels toted along several
 cases of red wine and a generous supply of barbiturates.  The concert
 commenced at 1 p.m. with a set by Santana, and before long the beatings
 began.  By the time Santana ripped to a close, the first casualties
 limped into the first aid station.  There were broken arms, open wounds,
 shattered jaws and ribs, and bad LSD trips that left joy-seekers
 screaming in terror.  There were so many of these that the Thorazine
 cache ran dry within a few hours, leaving the overdosed untreated." 12

 The Jefferson Airplane played songs about social unity and revolution
 and a flung beer bottle fractured a woman's skull.  She reeled, fell,
 stood and collapsed again.

 Jagger arrived in helicopter. Anson writes:  "Kids got up, yelled, and
 started running, bursting past the Angeles to get close to him.  Jqagger
 emerged, smiling, waving, calling greetings, with Timothy Leary at his
 side flashing the peace symbol." 13

 Jagger hurried to the safety of his trailer.  The Angels resumed beating
 concert-goers.  A photographer was told to stop shooting the violence
 and give up the film.  He refused and an Angel smashed him in the face
 with his camera.

 Crosby, Stills and Nash preceded the Stones, but the escalating violence
 forced them to cut their set short.  The Stones would not play until the
 sun went down and delayed their appearance some 90 minutes, aggravating
 the macabre tension of the event.  The Angels, riding on electric
 currents of met amphetamine and lysergic acid, bludgeoned the audience
 with lead-filled pool cues.  At long last, Jagger strutted across the
 stage, sporting a red, white and blue stovepipe hat, silver pants, black
 boots, an Omega symbol emblazoned on his chest.

 The Rolling Stones packaged the occult education they had received from
 Satanist Kenneth Anger.  "The top hat," explains Anger biographer Bill
 Landis, "was snatched from the legend of [Bobby] Beausoleil," The
 Mansonite killer of L.A. guitarist Gary Hinman.  "The Crowleyan personal
 power tripping" was amplified by "pop iconography and massive amounts of
 cocaine to fuel Jagger's attempt at incarnating Lucifer." 14

 The Stones managed to lumber through "Jumpin" Jack Flash" and "Carol,"
 but "Sympathy for the Devil" was accompanied by howls from the crowd
 directly in front of the stage.  Jagger urged the audience repeatedly to
 "cool down, cool down, now..."  Another outbreak accompanied "under My
 Thumb."  The source of the commotion was the stabbing death of Meredith
 Hunter,18, who pulled a gun and reportedly took aim at Jagger.

 "As Mick peered out," Ben Fong-Torres recalls, "there were kids staring
 at him in incredulous silence, mouthing the word, `Why?'"

 After the concert, reports Anson, "there was a mysterious shake-up in
 the Angel hierarchy, and the suicide of one Angel who had been
 particularly close to the rock scene."  Alan David Passaro, 24, one of
 Barger's soldiers and an ex-convict, was charged with Hunter's murder.
 But Barger himself was unapologetic.  "I'm no peace creep by any sen\se
 of the word.  Ain't nobody gonna kick my motorcycle." 15 Passaro,
 already serving a prison sentence on an unrelated offense when served,
 was eventually acquitted on grounds of self-defense.

 A platoon of cinematographers was assembled by directors Albert and
 David Maysles to shoot Gimme Shelter, the Altamont documentary.  They
 were directed to concentrate on the violence, not the performances on
 stage.  A recent TV Guide  review of the video complains that the crew
 "focused resolutely on the mayhem and discord." 16

 "Sympathy for the Devil" was the last-grasp anthem of the festival scene
 in America. A repeat of the disaster was visited upon Louisiana a few
 months later, when an excess of 50,000 young people turned out for a
 "Celebration of Life" on the Atchafalaya River.  The Galloping Gooses
 motorcycle club, hired to attend to security, chain-whipped the
 celebrants, leaving three dead and many wounded. 17

    A cancer was growing on the counter-culture.


 1. Herb Caen, "Above and Beyond," San Francisco Chronicle, July 24,
 1996, p. B-1.
 2. Ibid.
 3. Letter to the editor, San Francisco Chronicle, July 19, 1996, p.
 4. Charles Higham, Errol Flynn: The Untold Story, New York Doubleday,
 1980, pp. 91-92.  Background on Higham and the government documents
 released to him come from author's interviews of Higham.
 5. San Francisco columnist Herb Caen reminisced about Belli's bosom
 friendship with the screen idol, both of whom had a keen interest in
 teenage girls:  "When he and his close friend and client, Errol Flynn,
 were out on the town, no young lady was safe.  Two Rogue Scholars on the
 loose, both exceedingly handsome and dangerous to know too well.  Every
 time I saw Mel on eh make I thought of Dorothy Parkers' line about the
 girl who lost her virginity sliding down a barrister.  One night at
 Cal-Neva, the Tahoe gambling joint with the California-Nevada state line
 running through the lobby, I saw Mel crossing that line with a very
 young girl.  Referring to the then-statute against crossing a state line
 with a minor for immoral purposes, I asked him `Does she know about the
 Mann Act?' `Know about it?' he whooped.  `She loves it!"  Herb caen,
 Friday's Fractured Flicker,  San Francisco Chronicle, July 12, 1996, p.
 C-1.  For background on Melvin Belli's interaction with the Central
 Intelligence Agency and the Mafia, see: Constatntine, A., Psychic
 Dictatorship in the U.S.A. 1995, p. 191.  Diamond, S. Spiritual
 Warfare,  1989, p. 30; Hinckle, W., If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade,
 1990, p. 200, Johnson, R.W. Shootdown, 1987, pp. 377-8, 394-5; Kantor,
 S. The Ruby Cover-up,  1992, pp. 224-35, 415-6; Marrs, J., Crossfire,
 1990, pp. 414, 424; Pipe, M.C. Final Judgment, 1993, pp. 161, 172-5,
 Ragano, F. Raab, S. Mob Lawyer, 1994, pp 241-8, 360, Scheim, D.,
 Contract on America, 1988, p. 154, Scott, P.D. Deep Politics,  1993, p.
 6. Rogbert Sam Anson, Gone Crazy and Back Again, New York: Doubleday,
 1981, p. 141.
 7. Account of Larry Shears, ATF agent, alleging that Barge was recruited
 by ATF agents--at a time when G. Gordon Liddy worked for the ATF, a
 division of the Treasury Department--to assassinate Eldridge Cleaver;
 December 17, 1971 news broadcast, Channel 23, Los Angeles, CA.
 8. Drew McKillips, Amazing Story by Hells' Angels Chief,  San Francisco
 Chronicle, December 12, 1972, p. 1.
 9. ATF Agent Says He Was Part of Coast Plot to Kill Cesar Chavez, New
 York Times, January 2, 1972, p. 31.
 10. Karen Brandel, Angels in Arizona, Tucson Weekly, August 15, 1996, p.
 11.  Hotchner, p. 320.
 12. Anson. p. 148.
 13. Anson, p. 149.
 14. Bill Landis, Anger, The Unauthorized Biography of Kenneth Anger, New
 York:  Harper Collins, 1995, p. 177.  It is ironic that with Scorpio
 Rising (1964), Anger the Satanist had launched the popular mythos
 surrounding the Hell's Angels.  Anger's cultural oddity, Landis writes,
 "made them seem more lyrical after all the media reports on gang rapes,
 chain whipping and stomping they were doing."  (pp. 118-19).
 15. Anson, pp. 156-57.
 16. Gimme Shelter 1970.  TV Guide Movie Database, Internet posting.
 17. David P. Szatmary, Rockin' in Time: A Social History of Rock and
 Roll, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1987. p. 149.

 The end.

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