I Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Press Release

 For Immediate Release

 29 July 2000


 Contact: Anthony Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
          Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Philadelphia, PA -- In 1951 William L Patterson and Paul
 Robeson petitioned the UN charging the US government with
 the high crime of genocide against Black Americans. In 1964
 Malcolm X spoke before the Organization of African Unity
 again charging the US government with violating the human
 rights of African Americans. In recent years various Black
 organizations and individuals have appeared before UN
 committees and agencies and have appealed to foreign
 governments to intercede on our behalf.

 We have called on the international media to alert world
 public opinion, international organizations, governments
 and non-governmental organizations, to the growing peril
 that the African American people face. In two days 45,000
 delegates and active supporters of the Republican Party will
 converge on this city to nominate their Presidential and
 Vice Presidential candidates and to adopt a platform. While
 they celebrate, tens of thousands of African Americans
 will be under police lock down and occupation of their
 communities. This reality manifests the two nations,
 separate and unequal, nature of race relations in the
 United States. This situation, in its essentials, is
 identical to apartheid colonialism of the South African

 An accurate understanding of the nature of Black oppression
 is critical to mobilizing international support to prevent
 what we believe could eventuate in a great human catastrophe;
 genocide. Since the passage of the Comprehensive Civil
 Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
 the situation for the majority of African Americans has
 worsened. Socio-economic and housing data show that African
 Americans are more unequal than in the 1960's. A Black
 middle class has emerged with greater opportunity, income
 and wealth; albeit, no where near the level of the white
 middle class. Eighty percent of our people are, however,
 more segregated (the majority of the working class and poor
 in deteriorating ghettoes), more unemployed and under-
 employed, more criminalized, undereducated and homeless than
 40 years ago. The situation resembles the period of legal
 segregation known as Jim Crow, which was constructed after
 the Civil War. Rather than a rural, peasant, population,
 today we are overwhelming urban and working class.

 The legal gains of the 1960's have been trumped by the
 structural violence brought on by the rapaciousness of
 neo-liberal economic policies, imperialist globalization
 and the anti-African American policies championed by the
 Republican and Democratic Parties. A stunning reflection
 of this is rising infant mortality and a lowering life
 expectancy for African Americans. One study indicates that
 Black men living in Harlem have a lower life expectancy than
 men living in Bangladesh. When this is combined with the
 spread of HIV/AIDS, cancers of every type, heart disease and
 hypertension the outcomes are horrifying. Moreover, in spite
 of the catastrophic health emergency in the Black community,
 we have less access to health care than any group in the
 nation. From a socio-economic, health and demographic
 standpoint the conditions of Africans in America resemble
 those of many nations of the developing world.

 Of alarming and overriding significance at this moment
 is the political and legal status of Africans in America.
 African Americans are being deprived of their citizenship
 rights. As such, we are becoming a stateless people. In
 1857, in the landmark Dred Scott Decision, Chief Justice
 Roger Taney declared, " a black man has no rights a white
 man need respect". We are returning to that legal doctrine.

 Approximately 3.5 million adult African Americans are
 without the elementary right to vote due to imprisonment,
 being on parole, probation or some other way under the
 control of the criminal justice system. In several states,
 including Pennsylvania, former prisoners who have completed
 their sentences are denied the right to vote for up to five
 years. Jury pools, which are drawn from voter lists, as a
 result, eliminate large numbers of Africans in America. Tens
 of thousands of Black people are, therefore, denied the
 right to a jury of their peers. Prosecutors and judges, at
 the same time, conspire to eliminate eligible Blacks from
 juries. These practices violate the equal protection clause
 of the Fourteenth Amendment and the voting rights provisions
 of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

 Yet, this is but the tip of the iceberg. Systematic and
 violent police attacks upon and murders of Black people is
 predicated upon the devaluation of Black life and the idea
 that we are merely second or third class citizens; a status
 tantamount to being a non-citizen. Black folk, in the end,
 are denied most legal protections. Moreover, the police
 function as an occupying army in African American
 communities and neighborhoods. Rather than protect residents
 and citizens, they attack them at will. The widely used
 practice of racial profiling is a military tactic adapted to
 the specific conditions of an urbanized, colonized working
 class population. Its intent is to contain Blacks within
 designated, limited and ghettoized geographic areas. Once
 racially profiled, or identified as being outside of those
 areas, the police assume the right to shoot, beat and kill
 on sight. On the other hand, there are street units, made
 up of undercover paramilitary thugs, who patrol Black
 neighborhoods under the guise of seeking out drug dealers
 and criminals, but whose primary mission is to intimidate,
 assault and murder innocent working class Black people. The
 intent, once again, is to contain and limit the movements
 of Blacks. New York City's street units have been the most
 violent and murderous. These methods led to the brutal
 murder of the West African immigrant Amadou Diallo. On other
 occasions open torture is used. Haitian immigrant Abner
 Louima was brutally tortured in a Brooklyn New York police
 precinct. Pepper spray, tear gas, choke holds and other
 paramilitary methods are used to subdue law-abiding
 citizens merely because they are suspected of a crime.

 It is estimated that more than 2,000 Black and Latino
 civilians were murdered by police officers in the 1990's.
 To understand the full impact of these killings they must
 be combined with the three strikes and you're out measures,
 which have put thousands of non-violent offenders in jail
 for life. Black folk, who make up 13% of the US population,
 constitute 55% of those in prison. On any single day over
 50% of young African men in our major urban centers are in
 jail or under the control of the criminal justice system.

 Scientific racist scholarship has emerged to justify police
 violence against Blacks. These studies, such as the Bell
 Curve, argue that behavior, such as intelligence and
 criminality, are genetically determined. Blacks, they
 insist, are genetically coded to commit violent crimes
 and are thus beyond the bounds of civil society and civil
 rights. The police and other societal forces of repression
 must, therefore, control them. Corporate sponsored pop
 culture, such as gangster rap and the genre of Hollywood
 films known as Black exploitation films, stereotype Black
 youth as lazy thugs and criminals, thereby rationalizing
 police violence against them.

 The dramatic rise of Black men in prison has shocked the
 world. We now witness the distressing rise of women and
 children behind bars. This is exacerbated by the growing
 trend to try children as adults and to even execute persons
 who committed crimes before they were legally adults.
 Furthermore, the prisons are being transformed into
 factories for cheap slave labor. This has led to the
 rise of a prison industrial economy.

 The death penalty is a uniquely racist instrument of the
 forces of reaction that are arrayed against Black people.
 African American men constitute 45% of those on death row,
 although they are but 6% of the population. All white juries
 have convicted close to 40% of Black death row inmates.
 Disbarred, inexperienced and unqualified lawyers have
 represented most of them. Most have been convicted on
 the basis of the flimsiest evidence.

 Increasingly, the death penalty is being used as a political
 weapon to silence politically outspoken African Americans
 like Shaka Sankofa and Mumia Abu Jamal. This is, indeed, an
 ominous development. The Republican nominee for President,
 George W. Bush, has overseen the executions of 137 people,
 most Black and Latino, many undoubtedly completely innocent.
 The execution of Shaka Sankofa is viewed by legal scholars
 and observers of the death penalty as a public lynching; a
 form of state sponsored terrorism.

 As the situation of police assaults on Blacks increases
 new laws have been placed on the books that undermine the
 constitutional protections from, or redress for police
 brutality and murder. The courts and criminal justice system
 have become universal devices to repress and re-enslave
 Africans in America. The most endangered group is death row
 inmates. The Affective Death Penalty Act of 1996 narrows the
 door to federal appeals for wrongful convictions. It under-
 mines habeas corpus. It speeds up the death process for poor
 and Black people. New judicial procedures and laws are a
 return to the form of law and order institutionalized in
 the infamous Black Codes that arose after the Civil War and
 were enforced by the KKK. A profound transformation of the
 architecture of the law is occurring. Changes which portend
 profound danger for black people and the possibilities of
 democracy in the United States.

 Along with this is the continuing presence of COINTELPRO
 type surveillance of political activists. Hundreds of Black
 Panthers, Black Liberation Army, civil rights and other
 activists from the 1960's and 1970's languish in prisons for
 crimes they are innocent of. Jeromino Ji Jaga Pratt spent 27
 years in a California jail in a FBI frame-up. Assata Shakur,
 among others, remains in exile. Mumia Abu Jamal is a heroic
 symbol of the imprisonment of political activists and
 revolutionaries. Tens of our leaders like Medgar Evers,
 Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated.
 Growing evidence points to government conspiracies in
 their deaths.

 When added up these are violations of the human rights of
 African Americans on a massive scale. It is our contention
 that they warrant serious consideration under Chapter VII
 of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human
 Rights, as well as other treaties that uphold and protect
 human rights.

 Our appeal is made because of the dangerous situation posed
 to the lives and wellbeing of Black as a consequence of
 these human rights violations. We contend they constitute
 a form of genocide as defined under international law.
 Imprisonment, police brutality and murder, criminalization,
 disease, functional illiteracy, social and cultural
 marginalization, police military occupation of African
 American communities are variables which separately or
 in combination over one or more generations could imperil
 Black collective existence, as well as our primary social
 institutions, such as the church and family.

 It is not news that the political situation in the US
 has moved dangerously to the right. Both Democrats and
 Republicans are right wing. The police state measures and
 terror targeted on Black folk have given rise to fascistic
 elements within each party, but in particular in the
 Republican Party. The law and order slogans of each party is
 coded language for a dictatorship of terror and repression
 against Black folk. These forces of repression rely upon
 legal, extra-legal and illegal measures against the Black
 community. Along side these developments is the rise of
 fascist and nazi paramilitary organizations that express
 admiration for Adolph Hitler and the KKK. Pennsylvania
 leads the nation in the sheer number of these groups.

 The appearance of fascism and ultra-rightwing forces at
 the highest levels of the major political parties and within
 the government and the Courts, as well as armed paramilitary
 groups whose members number in the hundreds of thousands, is
 not just a threat to Black folk in the US, but to democracy
 in the world and to international peace and security.

 We are appealing for emergency action on the part of the
 world community to act to interrupt and reverse this growing
 and ominous threat to the lives and well being of Black
 folk. We make this appeal not just on our behalf, but on
 behalf of world peace. We look first and foremost to Asia
 and Africa, who like us have experienced racial, colonial
 and neo-colonial oppression.

 We repeat, we foresee a horrific human tragedy if concerted
 international action is not forthcoming. Black folk live
 under a regime of terror in their communities and homes.
 Seldom does this terror intrude into the lives of White
 America. They, therefore, support the police and courts. In
 this respect there is a crucial political disconnect between
 Black and White opinion. A separation that bespeaks an
 apartheid/neo-colonial reality. Whites, generally, enjoy
 bourgeois freedoms and liberties, within the structures
 of US capitalism. Africans Americans are politically and
 legally marginalized and under assault. Hence, while most
 White Americans deny any affinity with racism and racial
 discrimination, their social and political practice belies
 a profound investment in the oppression of Black folk and
 the continuance of white supremacy.

 On the eve of the Republican Convention a Black man was shot
 five times then viciously beaten by a gang of Philadelphia
 cops. Pictures of it, like the Rodney King beating, went
 around the world, painting a live and dramatic portrait
 of the Black condition in Philadelphia. A few days later
 a homeless and mentally ill man was shot to death in the
 city's main train station. The brutal reputation of the
 Philadelphia police is well documented. In the 1970's the
 US Justice Department took control of the Department due to
 its documented racial discrimination and brutality. In 1985
 they firebombed a Black neighborhood and murdered 11 people,
 including five children. In recent years a 19 year old,
 Donata Dawson, was shot while sitting in his car. Police
 murdered a twenty-six year old worker, Erin Forbes; stopping
 him on suspicious of a minor crime. Philadelphia is but
 a microcosm of police treatment of Blacks nation wide.
 Rather than aberrant behavior this brutality and murder is
 government policy. Testament to this is that cops are seldom
 if ever convicted of their crimes. As was the case in the
 Amadou Diallo case prosecutors and the attorneys for the
 cops conspire to prevent guilty verdicts.

 We believe the authorities have declared war on Black
 people. This war begins with politicians, policy makers and
 judges at the highest levels of government and are carried
 out on the street level by police departments. The major
 political parties are complicit, neither opposes police
 brutality, each supports more police, law and order
 policies, police "get tough" tactics and more prisons.

 The conscience of the world must be awakened to our plight.
 We call upon humanity to speak out on our behalf. This human
 calamity which is occurring to Africans in America portends
 disaster for humanity. We make our appeal on the basis of
 humanity, mutuality, human decency and peace. We cannot wait.

 African Americans have stood and fought along side all
 progressive and freedom seeking forces throughout the world.
 We have stood shoulder to shoulder with Afro-Asiatic and
 Latin American liberation struggles. We stood with India
 against British colonialism. We heralded the Chinese
 Revolution. We were with Nkrumah of Ghana, Azikwe of
 Nigeria, Kenyatta of Kenya and Castro of Cuba. We stood firm
 and actively opposed Portuguese colonialism, white settler
 rule in Zimbabwe and South Africa's annexation of Namibia.
 We were among the first to raise the cry "Free Nelson
 Mandela and All South African Political Prisoners". We
 demonstrated and fought for sanctions against the apartheid
 regime. We now call upon humanity to come to our assistance
 in this dark hour of our resistance.


 *Statement Endorsers/Coalition Members include:

 Sisters Supporting Sisters
 Black Radical Congress, Philadelphia
 African Peoples Solidarity Committee
 Black Women Defense - Million Woman March
 National Peoples Democratic UHURU Movement
 National African Liberation Front -- Dec. 12th
 African American Freedom and Reconstruction League
 Caribbean American Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
 Int'l Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal/MOVE
 Nat'l Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA)


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