In a message dated 07/30/2000 7:53:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< According to a recent survey, a whopping 75% of the
 American people believe the answer to the above question is
 no. The Portrait of America poll conducted July 23 reveals
 that most Americans believe it really doesn’t make much
 difference whether George W. Bush or Al Gore is elected
 president of the United States this November. They might be
 right. >>

Well, it does.  Shrub and the Bush family mafia will have the entire
framework of the environmental protection we still have left dismantled in
six months.  The oil companies will be in the Alaska Wildlife Reserve before
that.  It wasn't until I read Molly Ivins' "SHRUB," that I realized what a
wiley politician Shrub really is.  In a state with a weak gornernorship, he
managed to annihilate the entire environmental structure in a remarkably
short time.  I know Gore isn't what I want to be the keeper of the green, but
if we can't have Nader, Gore beats Shrub.  If only because he's not so
efficient in the matter.  Prudy

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