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Agency of Fear
Opiates and Political Power in America
By Edward Jay Epstein
Chapter 19 - World War III

 On August 2, 1971, Nelson Gross, of Saddle River, New Jersey, was chosen to
lead a worldwide attack on illicit drugs. As A New Jersey politician, Gross
had been successful in staging a quiet revolt against the older wing of the
Republican party in New Jersey, thus gaining a modicum of power for himself
in 1968. He failed to win elected office as a congressman or senator, even
though he ran loyally on President Nixon's law-and-order theme. After his
defeat for the Senate in 1970, Gross asked Nixon for a position in foreign
policy, and Nixon appointed him senior advisor and coordinator for
international narcotics matters at the Department of State. In theory, the
"global war against drugs was to be coordinated by the newly created
(September, 1971) Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, which
held its first meeting on network television and included such illustrious
figures as Secretary of State William Rogers, who nominally chaired the new
committee, Attorney General John Mitchell, Secretary of the Treasury John
Connally, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, newly appointed Secretary of
Agriculture Earl Butz, and CIA director Richard Helms. The committee met on
only three other occasions before it was phased out after the 1972 election,
and most of the day-to-day tactical decisions were left to Gross and Egil
Krogh, who was, in addition to his other duties, executive director of the
cabinet committee.

Although a battle had temporarily been won in Turkey, the war against heroin
was anything but over-at least as far as Gross and Krogh were concerned. The
1972 election was little more than a year away, and there was the dramatic
possibility for further victories in the war against heroin. The rapidly
expanding BNDD (its budget had trebled in four years) advanced the theory
that there still remained a large Turkish stockpile of opium, which would
explain the need for drug agents in the foreseeable future. According to the
convenient stockpile theory, every Turkish poppy farmer had squirreled away a
hoard of opium as a dowry for his daughter's marriage and for other future
emergencies. Even though they were now being forced by their government to
plow under their opium crops, they could reach into this presumed hoard and
sell it to traffickers for the American market.

President Nixon had already publicly demanded the eradication of the poppy
flower from the entire world, and Gross concluded that America could not wait
for the screw worm to be developed. The Golden Triangle was not only
producing ten times as much illicit opium as Turkey ever produced but
supplying about 20 percent of the American soldiers in Vietnam with pure
heroin. Gross foresaw that it was only a matter of time before this Golden
Triangle heroin found its way into the American market, and he decided to
consult Graham Martin, who had been ambassador to Thailand and to Italy
before becoming ambassador to South Vietnam. Much to Gross's surprise, but
not necessarily to the White House staffs, Ambassador Martin, in a state of
exasperation, reported in no uncertain terms that the only way of disrupting
the supply of opium from the Golden Triangle was to organize assassination
teams to kill the few key traffickers that controlled the trade. Though New
Jersey politics in Gross's day were fairly tough, assassinations seemed

Instead, Gross decided to -make heroin a primary foreign-policy objective of
the United States. He ordered fifty-odd American embassies around the world
to draw tip fiction plans which specified how American diplomats in those
countries could stimulate interest in the heroin problem to persuade the host
government to conform to American narcotics objectives, and to detail ways in
which the CIA and State Department intelligence could be used to discover and
intercept heroin traffic. Gross further wanted American diplomats to threaten
any country that refused to cooperate in the effort with an immediate cutoff
of economic and military aid. He even suggested the use of the American veto
to prevent the World Bank and other international financial organizations
from extending credit to such countries. There was considerable concern in
the higher councils of the State Department that such "heroin diplomacy," as
Gross called it, would lose more friends for the United States than it would
net traffickers, and might endanger what they considered more long-term
foreign-policy objectives, such as the safety of the United States. Henry
Kissinger's National Security Council also had its doubts about heroin
diplomacy, especially since less than two months before Gross assumed his
command in the new global war, the secret report of a White House task force
with representatives from both the National Security Council and the State
Department concluded, "application of aid sanctions would be ineffective and
counterproductive except where degrees of U.S. support establish overwhelming
diplomatic dependence (Vietnam)." The White House task force recognized that
aid sanctions might result in favorable publicity for the president, but
listed against this advantage six drawbacks.

1. would exasperate relations and make cooperation even less likely.

2. may create internal political repercussions making it difficult for
governments to cooperate (Turkey, Pakistan, India).

3. Would be counterproductive to other major U.S. security and foreign policy
needs (Southeast Asia, Turkey).

4. Cannot be applied to countries where we provide no aid (France, Burma,
Lebanon, Bulgaria).

5. Could not be applied easily within international financing institutions
... unless we invoke extreme action of veto.

6. A11 threats subject to our bluff being called

When Gross read the "international working group report," as it was called,
he knew he was playing with fire in threatening to cut off American aid, but
he also believed that " our bluff wouldn't be called. He thus began the main
counterinsurgency effort against heroin by inducing Laos and Thailand, which
were militarily dependent on the United States, to form mobile strike forces
with American advisors. These strike forces could then be employed against
narcotics traffickers in the Golden Triangle. In Laos, "irregular" narcotics
police, as the State Department put it, burned a group of huts suspected of
being used for converting opium into heroin, before a more formalized groupe
social dinvestigation was created to enforce the newly promulgated narcotics
laws (written by the American embassy in September, 1971).

In Thailand, U.S. aid financed the creation of a task force known as SNO (or,
less acronymously, the Special Narcotics Organization), which attempted to
intercept opium caravans in northern Thailand and to intimidate Thai
officials involved in the traffic. For example, one SNO colonel, recruited by
the CIA, simply went to leading Thai officials and told them in a quiet voice
that they would be killed if they continued in the opium business. (Many
withdrew, and others were killed, according to the unverified claims of CIA
officials.) Among the traffickers in the Golden Triangle were private armies
of Nationalist Chinese. Gross and his CIA advisor on the working committee
believed that it would be more effective to buy them out of the opium
business than to threaten them. Despite the cabinet committee's stated policy
against preemptive buying of opium, which Eugene Rossides and John Connally
in the Treasury Department insisted on, a deal was struck in March, 1972,
with a band of Chinese in northern Thailand. In return for land in Thailand
for "farming" and "assistance," which was to be financed mainly through the
United States, though laundered through the United Nations, they delivered
twenty-six tons of brownish material that supposedly constituted their entire
opium stockpile, and pledged to remain out of the opium business for several
years. The deal subsequently appeared somewhat embarrassing when unevaluated
CIA reports were leaked to columnist Jack Anderson by some American
missionaries interested in arranging opium purchases for competing
Nationalist troops. These reports said that the brownish material which was
delivered and incinerated in front of news cameras was in fact heavily
weighted with cow fodder. The BNDD, which had sampled the narcotics randomly
and found a "high content" of opium, disputed Anderson's charges. (If the
bureau's samples were indeed random and accurate, it would seem that the CIA
reports which emanated from the missionaries were inaccurate.) In any case,
the possibility for counterinsurgency warfare was ultimately limited by the
always-present danger of embarrassing leaks about the United States
government's buying opium or arranging the intimidation (or assassination) of
our allies in Southeast Asia.

Gross also attempted to spread the American heroin crusade to the rest of the
world by convincing underdeveloped nations that narcotics was a major problem
for them as well as for America, and that they should immediately create a
special narcotics police force modeled on the American Bureau of Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs. The United States would provide the equipment, propaganda
, and necessary narcotics agents to train the local forces. Cambodia, for
example, was given $20,000 to create the Kharnir Narcotics Unit and received
"technical guidance provided through bimonthly visits of Bureau of Narcotics
personnel from Saigon." Afghanistan received training for one Afghani police
officer and $60,000 for "an aerial survey of opium poppy cultivation areas."
The number of narcotics advisors in American embassies abroad proliferated at
such a rate that Daniel Patrick Moynihan complained in a telex, when he was
ambassador to India, "One can scarcely enter an American embassy in some
parts of the world without being surrounded by narks. The cable traffic that
crosses an American ambassador's desk concerns drugs more than any other
single issue of domestic importance. Visiting bureaucrats are more likely-on
a statistical basis-to be concerned with drug matters than any other subject."

In the midst of his far-flung global war against heroin, Gross became the
target of a grand jury in New Jersey investigating corruption in his former
bailiwick. As his own indictment grew nearer, he reluctantly had to return
from his peripatetic travels to Afghanistan (where he helped arrange the
return of Timothy Leary from Kabul) and other opium-producing regions, to
prepare his own defense. In early 1973 Gross was indicted and convicted of
several felonies, including conspiracy to bribe and evasion of taxes. Without
his irrepressible enthusiasm, the global war was quietly disassembled by the
State Department, which now returned to its more traditional role.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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