
Bush expected to describe Clinton years in 'regretful' tone

Thursday, 3 August 2000 11:55 (ET)

Bush expected to describe Clinton years in 'regretful' tone


 PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- Texas Gov. George W. Bush Thursday
night is likely to echo the criticisms of the Clinton
administration laid out by vice-presidential nominee Dick Cheney
Wednesday night, but advisers said the tone will be "regretful"
instead of directly confrontational.

 Bush will deliver his acceptance speech at the Republican
National Convention Thursday around 10 p.m. EST.

 Bush's communications director Karen Hughes told reporters
Thursday that "as part of making his case for the need for
change," Bush "will talk about the last seven years in a
regretful tone, not in a harsh tone."

 Hughes said the Republican nominee will talk about the Clinton
presidency as "years of so much promise but no great purpose."
She said Bush will argue that there have been many opportunities
during the Clinton administration for bipartisan agreement on key
legislation, but that those opportunities have been squandered.

 In his speech Wednesday, Cheney attacked Vice President Al Gore
and the Clinton administration, abandoning the
non-confrontational tone of the party's convention.

 "We are all a little tired of the Clinton-Gore routine," said
Cheney, the defense secretary in the administration of Bush's
father. "It is time for them to go."

 Cheney said a Gore administration would continue to foster a
divisive atmosphere in Washington, which grew out of the legal
and political battles surrounding the Clinton White House.

 "In the last eight years, that city has often become a scene of
bitterness and ill will and partisan strife," Cheney said.

 During a walkthrough of the convention hall Wednesday, Bush and
aides familiarized themselves with the lavish stage and tested
the auditorium's sound systems and lighting for about 20 minutes.

 Bush's acceptance of the GOP nomination will cap a night of
speeches with a theme convention organizers call, "President with
a Purpose: a strong leader who can unite our country and get
things done."

 Speakers ahead of Bush include Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and
George P. Bush, the governor's nephew, who has become something
of a media darling in the past few weeks.

 Jan Bullock, the widow of the man -- Democrat Bob Bullock --
many credit with teaching George W. Bush the art of Texas
politics will also address the convention Thursday night.

-- Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights
reserved. --

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