In a message dated 00-08-06 03:26:09 EDT, Mike Smith writes:

<< I keep reading posts to the effect of "fight and save America while we
 Look people, that's NOT gonna happen. Not in your lifetime nor mine.
 I suppose one could even say it's preordained or prophesied. I am sorry
 to rain on your 4th of July parade, but there will be no saving of America
 no matter how many guns you have stashed.  >>

Should I presume you are from England or Australia since they have given up
their guns and made themselves defenseless against their government?  I can't
speak for everyone on this list, nor can I speak for most people on this
list, but I can tell you we are Americans.  We won't sit idle and watch our
liberty be taken from us without a fight.  Talking does little to protect
freedom, action is required.  Our Constitution gives us the right to end our
government and start over should the present government become an untenable
tyranny.  The United States was formed because we were oppressed by the
Monarch of our country and fought and won our freedom, not by talking but by

You seem to have a defeatist attitude and it is doubtful you would have the
stomach to end a tyranny.  When the criminals in Congress decide to forcibly
remove arms from the hands of private citizens that is when many Americans
will have had their fill of the fascist state.

Most of us are not so naïve to believe that government will listen to our
cries for freedom.  Government is Force, excessive use of Force; the only way
to overcome force is by more force.  Government has two choices, either
return freedom, or relinquish control of the Republic.

Bob Stokes

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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