The United States was designed as a Republic, not a democracy - the form of
government that the founding father said was the worst form of government
possible, always evolving into a tyranny.

The Socialist, Rush Limbaugh, calls himself the Dr. of Democracy; the
socialist actor that now heads up the NRA was on 60 minutes not long ago and
was heard to say that the Founding Fathers gave the USA a democracy.

Anyone ever wonder why the United States is in such deep doo doo.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume.

At 05:42 PM 8/8/00 -0000, you wrote:
>Democracy in the United States is in jeopardy.
>The litany of problems is widely recognized: brazen political deal-making
based on campaign contributions; entrenched voter apathy; a two-party
stranglehold that increasingly represents only the narrow interests of a
wealthy elite. Legalized bribery is a fact of life, as is the refusal of a
majority of citizens to vote. Ours is a crippled democracy, each day
appearing more as an oligarchy than a republic.
>Certainly most US citizens enjoy freedom of conscience and feel that they
can express their political beliefs without fear of government persecution.
But under the current campaign finance system the voices of a tiny few drown
out the voices of the majority. The right of free political expression has
been rendered meaningless by the massive amount of money flooding the
electoral system. The purchase of democracy is a theft of freedom.
>The state of our democracy is best represented by this new United
Corporations of America flag. Twelve corporate logos have been reproduced on
the flag which represent a snapshot of how corporations influence democracy
>see more at:
>Content-Type: image/gif; name="banner.gif"

>Content-Description: banner.gif
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="banner.gif"
>Attachment Converted: C:\Eudora\Attach\banner.gif

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