From: "Robert F. Tatman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Carrying this a little further, it seems that modern corporations, and
> by extension modern government, offer a safe haven for many psychopaths, whose
> antisocial or asocial conduct goes unnoticed or at most subsumed under the
> rubric of good, aggressive business practices.

Yes!  In fact I would make an argument that the modern corporate mentality (which has 
been adopted by modern politics) REWARDS
certain psychopathic behaviors....

"Workaholism" can be as debilitating and destructive as any other "-aholism", yet it 
is the one addictive behavior which is nurtured
and encouraged in our society, especially by business.  Long gone are the days where a 
company "looked after" their
the driving force behind a company's business plan is how much money can be made for 
the executive board, and perhaps the
investors -- and if that requires laying off long-time workers, so be it.  And amongst 
the first to get the pink slip are anyone who
dared to try to have a private life outside of the office.

I'm not talking about slackers here -- I'm talking about good, productive workers who 
routinely work their full shifts, pitch in
when needed and work necessary overtime...but who DO leave at the end of the work day 
to pick up their kids and who spend time with
their families on weekends instead of coming in to work when such OT isn't needed...

These are the people who are seen as 'not being team players', and who get the walking 
papers first...while those who perhaps aren't
as productive, but spent their time goofing off with the 'right people' retain their 

I work at a small company which is seen as an 'up and comer', where this mentality is 
rife...the company designed a 'rec room',
complete with pool table, for employees to be able to take a break during the 
day...all well and good, but what you see are the 'in'
crowd playing pool most of the day, and then staying after hours so that it seems they 
are putting in OT (BTW, this is a
customer-service company, so when these people are playing pool, customers are not 
being serviced)....

But while it is acceptable to play pool for hours during the workday because the big 
bosses like to play pool, we are having a hard
time trying to get the company to institute flextime; just this past week they sent 
out a questionaire to employees, where on one
question we had to explain to them just what we would do with flextime if we had it.  
I consider such a question an invasion of
privacy; I don't feel it's any of the company's business WHAT any employee would do 
outside of work with the flexible hours.  But it
demonstrates this company's attitude that we don't -- or shouldn't have -- a life 
outside of work.

This place forces us to attend meetings and classes after hours, and we aren't paid 
extra for it.  It is a real hardship for people
with children, but everyone HAS to attend, and if you don't you're marked as someone 
who 'doesn't fit into the team'...

And so you have children being raised by parents who are either successful at playing 
this game, and so get the message that such
antisocial and asocial behaviors (as applied to workers' families and society at 
large) are to be encouraged because they are
rewarded; or you have children being raised by parents who have not succeeeded at 
playing the game, who have either been routinely
passed over for promotion or laid off outright, and so the same message is driven home 
to the next generation...


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