On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:25:48 -0500, ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> E-Mails sometimes already have paid advertisements attached.

Yes, if you use Yahoo Mail or some other free e-mail provider, they
attach an advertisement.  They probably attach an ad if you use a free
ISP, too.  I use Earthlink and they don't attach ads to e-mails, but I
pay $19.95 a month for my service.

> Does an e-mail replace a letter?  Does a Thank You phone call
> replace a Thank You note?  Does a Thank You note replace a gift?
> Does a Gift replace the time spent delivering it in person?  how
> much is your time worth and the person you are Thanking?  If this
> is classed the same as a letter or otherwise it would prove that
> America has lost it's basic manners and worth.

Or perhaps people need to get over themselves.  I don't expect to be
thanked in person.  I don't have to be thanked at all, but if somebody
wants to, an e-mail is fine with me.  I don't want to be thanked as much
as I would like to know if the item(s) I've given will be useful.  If it
is, I may send similar items.  If I get no response at all, I may assume
that the item wasn't useful and I won't send as often or I won't send
the same types of items.

What it boils down to is, I treat others how I expect to be treated.  I
don't need to be told "thank you" face to face, via letter as opposed to
e-mail, or anything.  Simply knowing the item was received and not lost
somewhere is plenty for me.  Therefore I feel somewhat uncomfortable
when people hover over me expecting a thank you that I wouldn't want for


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