AH!  Delta Green.  Well, this is "fiction" writing in the tradition of Lovecraft with 
a modern edge.  Delta Green is a covert and illegal operation within the government of 
the US who views its duty as rooting out the minions of the Old Ones and others of the 
Cthulhu Myth Cycle and stopping their attempts at causing madness and destruction.  I 
highly recommend the books and the web-site.  It is all very interesting stuff, and 
merely fiction. . .but I have often wondered at how the actual events and high 
strangness of history and existence (at least at times) correlates so well with much 
of what Lovecraft started with his so-called myth cycle, as well as by the continued 
propagation of it by countless writers over the years.

On Sat, 12 August 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

> from:
> http://www.delta-green.com/home.html
> Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.delta-green.com/home.html">Delta-Green.com</A>
> -----
> Search:
> "Evil never dies. Darkness never retreats. In the cracks and the crevices of
> our society there are monsters undreamed of by the rank and file of humanity.
> I've been there. I've seen them. They exist in the spaces between things, in
> the folds of existence where we can't find them. Sometimes they cross over,
> sometimes they manifest, and all hell breaks loose. Only this is not Hell,
> nor Heaven. This is like nothing anyone has ever understood. This is pure
> evil, pure destruction. This is the Apocalypse."
> -- Maj. Gen. Reginald Fairfield, U.S. Army (Ret.), 25 FEB 1994
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> More Tales of Terror
> Ideas. You want 'em. We got 'em. By the dozen, in all shapes and sizes. From
> ugly little beasts to raving monstrosities, and every horror in between.
> Scenario idea after scenario idea for Call of Cthulhu, each with three
> different ways to implement them so your players never know what's coming.
> Fresh, hot, and juicy, straight from the grill of grue--and bloody, bloody
> rare . . . Click the book above to find out more!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Accessing delta-green.com...
> Access approved.
> Accessing file...
> This is a database of critical information to be shared among case officers,
> agents, and other authorized parties.
> LAST UPDATE: 29 JUN 2000
> RELEASED BY: Christopher
> APPROVED BY: Alphonse, Adam [Cell A]
> UPDATE - 18 JULY 2000: Friendlies report that two Delta Green simulation
> manuals were recognized in the Origins Awards for Game Design, described as
> "the Oscars of gaming." DELTA GREEN: COUNTDOWN was awarded for Outstanding
> Achievement in Roleplaying Supplement Design, and DELTA GREEN: THE RULES OF
> ENGAGEMENT was awarded for Outstanding Game-Related Novel. Congratulations to
> the authors of these manuals for their fine work in expanding the influence
> of our group.
> LATEST INTELLIGENCE: New files at Delta-Green.com include a number of Case
> Histories, a chilling Field Report, several pieces of Imagery Intelligence,
> documentation of a dedicated Delta Green IRC server, an Agent Dossier, and
> one humor article in Section 8. Archival of the high-traffic Delta Green
> Mailing List continues on a more-or-less daily basis.
> THREE: PROJECT RAINBOW is now in progress, and the book should be available
> for shipping by mid-July. DGEO3 is not sold in stores, and is only available
> through front company Pagan Publishing's mail-order catalog, The Outsider.
> Details may be found on their web site: www.tccorp.com.
> Interested parties can obtain the latest intelligence from front company
> Tynes Cowan Corporation (ref Operation PAGAN PUBLISHING) by subscribing to
> the Pagan Publishing announcement list. Agents and friendlies alike should
> sign up at the Tynes Cowan Corporation website to be added to the list.
> Write for Delta-Green.com! Your reports could be critical to other readers.
> Click here to learn more.
> S I T E   I N D E X
> Questions are a burden for others. Answers are a prison for one's self. Click
> here if you dare to seek the truth.
> Case files, research and analysis, imagery, dossiers, and other vital
> intelligence can be found here.
> *   Items of Mutual Interest
> (Primary documents.) It's a dangerous world out there, and Delta Green can't
> investigate everything. Here are an assortment of anomalous incidents,
> briefings, and training scenarios that we haven't yet checked out.
> Enterprising agents are encouraged to examine these documents and pursue them
> with diligence. If you do, send any completed reports to <Case Officer
> Christopher>.
> *   Reports from the Field
> (Mission reports.) Cell A has authorized the distribution of these final
> reports from actual Delta Green operations, both successful and calamitous.
> Read and learn.
> *   Case Histories
> (Short stories.) A DG agent is a person of many talents. Some of our more
> literary-minded agents have contributed these short stories, fictionalizing
> their own field operations into a form more suitable for public perusal.
> *   Rare Documents Collection
> (Roleplaying resources.) This file includes numerous game-related documents
> of use to CALL OF CTHULHU players.
> *   Imagery Intelligence
> (Art & photos.) DG agents with illustration or photography skills have
> contributed much to the organization's archives. Some of their work appears
> in this tabfile.
> *   Debriefing Transcripts
> (Online campaigns.) Delta Green roleplaying-game training exercises are
> frequently conducted online. Full transcripts from such exercises are
> provided here
> Several important resources are available, including online forums and the
> infamous Delta Green mailing list.
> *   AMEN
> (Discussion board.) The Agent Message Exchange Network, established to aid
> agents and case officers in ongoing operations and simulations.
> *   Communications Security
> (Internet privacy.) Lots of people want to know what you're doing on the net.
> Don't let them.
> *   Mailing List
> (E-mail discussion list.) The Delta Green mailing list is a hotbed of
> intrigue and mystery, as well as entertainment. Most of the discussion is
> focused on using DG in CALL OF CTHULHU roleplaying-game training exercises,
> but real-world strangeness is also a frequent topic. This tabfile explains
> how to subscribe to the list and also offers archived messages.
> *   The Ice Cave
> (Annotated archives.) Case Officer Davide Mana takes discussion threads from
> the DG mailing list and sorts them by topic in the Ice Cave. The result is a
> vast and ordered resource for DG agents and friendlies.
> *   The Safe House
> (Chat room.) As long as you're here, why not stop by for a chat? This
> web-based chat system allows direct communication between our agents.
> These documents include detailed dossiers and references to Delta Green
> assets in both print and online media.
> *   Cell and Agent Dossiers
> (Human resources.) An organization is only as strong as its people. This
> tabfile profiles a number of DG cells and agents, as submitted to Cell A by
> case officers. They may be useful for roleplaying-game training exercises
> such as CALL OF CTHULHU.
> *   Private Sector Allies
> (External links.) There are numerous DG-related web sites on the internet,
> profiled here for the surfing pleasure of our agents and friendlies.
> *   Declassification and Publication
> (Do it yourself.) How to create your own Delta Green site and submit articles
> for Delta-Green.com.
> Real-world sources on the internet that DG agents may find useful or
> inspiring.
> *   Deep Cover
> (Federal sites.) The U.S. government maintains many interesting web sites. A
> sampling are listed here, for the edification of taxpayers.
> *   Disinformation
> (Fringe and private sector research sites.) For every rational thought there
> are three equal and opposite irrational thoughts. The proof of this
> hypothesis is left as an exercise to the reader, but you may begin by
> perusing the strange web sites linked from this tabfile.
> *   Textbook Cases
> (Organizational profiles.) This file provides detailed profiles of agencies
> involved in Delta Green operations.
> *   The PX
> (Online store.) We have to fund the conspiracy somehow. Help us out by buying
> some stuff, via Amazon.com and the Outsider mail-order catalog.
> Uncontrollable laughter can be a sign of a healthy psyche--or a sign of
> impending psychological collapse. You can decide which is the case for the
> authors of these hilarious excerpts from the Delta Green mailing list.
>     Delta Green books are available from Amazon.com. Follow the links below.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome to America at the end of the Millennium. Do you know who is pulling
> the strings? Delta Green does. This outlaw conspiracy operates within the
> U.S. government, fighting a clandestine, unauthorized, and highly dangerous
> rearguard action against the forces of darkness. Winner of the ORIGINS Award
> for Best Roleplaying Game Supplement! Click the book to buy it from
> Amazon.com.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The largest Eyes Only chapbook to date, Project Rainbow reveals the secrets
> of the U.S. Navy's stealth and invisibility experiments... and the
> catastrophic results which even the wildest conspiracy theories have never
> guessed. Includes an all-new scenario by author Dennis Detwiller.  Click the
> book to buy it from The Outsider.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Winner of the Origins Award for Best Game-Related Novel of 1999! The first
> Delta Green novel, by DG co-creator John Tynes--now in paperback! When an
> agent vanishes, leaving behind a lifetime of mystery and igniting a future of
> peril, a Delta Green team is pulled into a vortex of horror and deception,
> destiny and betrayal. Click the book to buy it from Amazon.com.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Government agents face shattering horror as the final years of the twentieth
> century churn bloodily to a close. Grim, searing stories of mysteries,
> conspiracies, and personal apocalypse. This is an anthology of original
> horror fiction in the Delta Green milieu. Click the book to buy it from
> Amazon.com.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Winner of the Origins Award for Best Game Supplement of 1999! International
> allies and enemies! The Hastur Mythos! Secrets of Majestic and the Fate,
> revealed! Two years in the writing, Countdown is even larger than Delta Green,
>  and it is packed with campaign seeds and resources for every Keeper. Click
> the book to buy it from Amazon.com.
> This Delta Green Web Ring site is owned by C.O. "Christopher".
> [ Previous 5 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous ]
> [ Next | Skip Next | Next 5 Sites ]
> [ Random Site | List Sites ]   This Cthulhu Web Ring site is owned by C.O.
> "Christopher".
> [ Previous 5 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous ]
> [ Next | Skip Next | Next 5 Sites ]
> [ Random Site | List Sites ]
> Delta Green is an award-winning setting of modern conspiracy and Lovecraftian
> horror from Pagan Publishing.
> Best viewed with Netscape 3.1 or Explorer 3.0.
> Except where noted, all contents of this web site are ©2000 The Delta Green
> Partnership.
> Contact Case Officer "Christopher," webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> if you have any questions or to submit a file.
> -----
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> All My Relations.
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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