This article is very insightful. I really appreciate the point of view since we're living in the South right now. It helps explain some things I haven't understood at all, especially the part about how people refuse to stand up against injustice out of fear, and who, when ordered, will pick up those rocks and throw them. I have been amazed, not only with the authoritarian tactics of governing bodies here in Louisiana, but at the stunning silence and acquiesence of the people. My husband and I have been neither silent nor acquiescent, and soon we won't be living in Louisiana anymore either. We've moved often in the last handful of years - this time we don't have a choice. I conclude that the people are silent and acquiescent for good reason around here, and my husband and I are lucky we aren't just burning hunks of flesh scattered all over the neighborhood ... yet. Samantha In a message dated 8/13/00 2:15:44 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Drug War Racism and the Ruling Class > > (12-26-98) > > Excerpt from Drug War Economics: The Machine behind the Madness > > I met Eldridge Cleaver several years ago in a meeting of activists in Glendo= > > ra of all places. I dropped a bombshell on the crowd that got a nod from the= > > Eldridge Cleaver himself. I stated, "Racism and brutality have a place in c= > > ontrolling society. It is apparent that racism is used to keep the minoritie= > > s in their place. Far more important, however, racism was an example that ke= > > pt the white man in their place as well."=20 > > I explained, I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina in the 1960s. Contrary= > 20= > to media hype, it wasn't that whites looked down on Blacks in the South. It= > 20= > was more like whites were afraid to stand up to the injustice, so they looke= > > d the other way instead. That is how you deal with a government that you are= > > afraid of. You live your life as a grain of sand on the beach.=20 > > Once you have learned to bow down to injustice, if ordered, you will pick up= > > a rock and participate in it as well. That's part of the process of learnin= > > g your place in this institution called America. The reason I bring this up= > 20= > is, these corrupt drug laws enslave our legislature, as much or more than th= > > ey enslave to public. Government is about power and control of resources whe= > > re the power structure does not tollerate rogue legislators. These unenforca= > > ble drug laws enslave our legislature and force their co-operation as well.= > 20 > > Examples. Joycelyn Elders son was raked over the coals for $50 of Cocaine be= > > cause Joycelyn Elders refused to co-operate with this dirty little war. When= > > Dan Burton's son got popped for pounds of pot and walked away, Dan Burton w= > > as bought and paid for as well. If you don't think Obstruction of Justice wa= > > s involved in that plea bargain you need another beer. > > This is how the game is played in America. Our legislators are afraid to opp= > > ose this dirty little war because their bosses (and I don't mean the public)= > > will ruin their political careers and their lives at the first sign of rebe= > > llion. This was the reason behind the swift and brutal crackdown on Proposit= > > ion 215 in California. The trouble makers had to learn their place in societ= > > y.=20 > > This drug war is not about enforcing the Rule of Law. The drug war is enforc= > > ing a rulling class global economic policy. It consolidates Wealth, Power an= > > d Control over the masses with an Iron fist and millions of prison cells. So= > > remember, when our legislators refuse the Drug War carrots, they will feel= > 20= > the Drug War stick. Joycelyn Elders' son is an example to Congress and the g= > > overnment that cooperation is manditory. The backlash to Proposition 215 in= > 20= > California (medical marijuana initiave) is an example of repression for ever= > > yone else. Government is about power and control.=20 > > Sincerely, Jay Lindberg=20 > > > ------=_NextPart_000_006F_01C00519.22 <A HREF=""></A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 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