Well that is all fine and grand.  But I PERSONALLY caught Bill Gates's
Microsoft in a
DELIBERATE  I REPEAT  DELIBERATE act of comsumer fraud.
I tried to mitigate the matter prior to legal action but was "brushed off"
until I felt it necessary to SUE Microsoft.

Since that time I initiated legal proceedings Microsoft I have been
THREATENED by Microsoft that I will be SUED
by them as recompense for their time and money spent.

My suggestion to you Mr. Bill-Lover would be that when Microsoft writes an
application that can draw blood from a stone,
you should invest heavily in Microsoft stock!  To sue me for legal
expenses...rofl.... I'm still saving up for a pot to piss in!

What is the consumer fraud I make allegations of?

In the End Users Licence Agreement that ships with MS Flight Simulator 2000
it states in section 6 that if the original
media (ie: the CDrom it came on) is necessary to play/use the software, the
end user (ME) may make a copy of it for
the strict purposes of "archival and back-up".

Well guess what?  MicroSHAFT incorporated a new form of CDrom encryption so
that any copy (burned CDrom)
that you try to use is REJECTED by the game as an "incorrect CDrom",
CONTRARY to my rights granted to me
under the End Users Licence Agreement. If it doesn't work, it's not a TRUE

This act of consumer fraud was effectual BEFORE I even left the store I
bought the game at! Before I even removed
the shrink wrapping. In other words this fraud was PREMEDITATED!!!

Last night their lawyer left me a message on my answering machine with an
out of court settlement offer. This offer I am
not at liberty to discuss because part of the offer included a
Non-Disclosure Agreement, and it would be rather imprudent
of me to say anything at this point that might jeopardize my case against
them. I replied to their lawyer that he should fax me
the wording of this non-disclosure agreement as I am reluctant to waive my
right of freedom of speech. So the matter is still
in limbo at present.

To prove that I am suing them and to PROVE that they are wanting me to be
SILENT about the potentially damaging
evidence I have on them I will say this much:

1) The court docket number for the case of Michael C. Smith  v.  Microsoft
Canada Co. is P0090104280
This is in the Province of Alberta, Canada, and in the city of Calgary. This
is a matter of public record
and anyone can verify this info is indeed true.

2) Their lawyer is Colin Feasby [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the lawfirm of Osler,
Hoskin & Harcourt.
You can ask him yourself if I'm suing Microsoft.

3) Our next court date is  9:30 am Sept 1st. Court room 202. 603 6th Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0T3
Your invited to attend me slamming your "boyfriend" Bill Gates.      ;)

The fact of the matter remains that the man and company you love Soooooo
much has been caught in a
CRIMINAL act of fraud, although I preferred to take them on in civil
litigation. It is still a CRIMINAL act!

When they want a non-disclosure agreement I know they're running scared that
this will make it to trial and
besmirch their name.God Forbid!!!! it could even set a PRECEDENT!!!  When
those crooks offer an out of
court settlement to a blue collar high school dropout when they posses
billions of dollars to hire the brightest legal
minds in the land.... you know they're scared and have their backs to the
wall. They know they got caught and they
know they've already lost!

You can always count on Microsoft to do thie right thing.... but only after
they've exhausted every other possibility.

Do you still see Bill Microshaft in the same light?

Mike Smith

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 5:48 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Twisted: Open letter to Bill Gates. OR. How fucked up ARE

>       In Defense of Individual Rights
>             An Open Letter to Bill Gates
>             By David Holcberg
>             The Justice Department committed a grave injustice against
you, Bill
>             Gates. Your crime was to be too ambitious and too successful
in a
> society
>             riddled with envy. You were condemned for your ability, which
> you
>             stand out from the crowd.
>             The wealth you own is the measure of the wealth you produced.
>             dollar you own was given to you in exchange for a product you
> created
>             and offered in the market. You never pointed a gun at others
or used
> force
>             to compel them to buy your products. You set your terms and
let them
>             free to accept them or walk away. The companies and customers
>             dealt with you, did so by a voluntary decision based on their
>             self-interest.
>             Speaking for myself, I think I got a bargain from you. I have
> using
>             Windows for the last six years to learn, work, communicate,
> and
>             enjoy my life. All for less than a dime a day!
>             But the most important thing I want to tell you about, though,
> concerns
>             your motivation and your defense.
>             Despite what you claim, I don't think you are motivated by the
> of the
>             consumers, nor do I think you should be. I think you are
> by love
>             for your work and by a passion to use your mind to achieve
> values. As
>             Howard Roark, from The Fountainhead, said in his courtroom
> "The
>             creator lives for his work. His primary goal is within
>             I think you are fundamentally an egoist, and you should be
proud of
> it. An
>             egoist is a man who values reason, holds his mind as his only
> and
>             has personal happiness as his goal. As Aristotle said, "Pride
is the
> crown of
>             all virtues," and you certainly earned the right to wear
> it--proudly.
>             Don't fall gently into the altruist trap of justifying
yourself by
> the good you
>             have done for others. You must understand that antitrust is
> about
>             protecting and benefiting consumers, but about controlling and
> harming
>             successful producers like Microsoft. The problem with anti
trust is
> not that
>             it is being misapplied against you, but that it is immoral on
> principle. It is
>             immoral on the grounds that it violates the inalienable
> rights of
>             businessmen to their lives.
>             I long to hear you demand to be left alone, and for the simple
> reason that
>             you have a right to your life, to your freedom, to your
property and
> to your
>             happiness. Microsoft is yours-- not Bill Clinton's, or Janet
> or
>             anybody else's.
>             You are a creator and a human being, and as such, you need
> to
>             live, to think, to evaluate, and to take action. You can't
think or
> act or live
>             by permission. You can't have other people telling you how to
> your
>             business or what to do with your products--certainly not the
> ignoramuses
>             from Washington.
>             Government bureaucrats have no right to interfere with your
> your
>             work or your company. You should be a free man. On that
> and on
>             that principle alone you should defend yourself. Don't settle
> the thugs
>             at the Justice Department. Don't help them pretend they are
> people
>             with good intentions looking after the good of the consumers.
>             compromise on your principles, or on your right to life and to
> property.
>             As philosopher Ayn Rand said, "In any compromise between good
> evil,
>             it is only evil that can profit." Don't collaborate with these
> people; if
>             they want to break Microsoft, let them come in with the guns
and do
> it
>             themselves; let them figure out how to do it. Above all, don't
> sanction the
>             terrible injustice they are doing against you. It is true they
> the power
>             to destroy Microsoft, but they don't hold the power to fake
> nature of
>             their crime or to silence you.
>             You have started a revolution in the computer industry that
> the
>             world. Maybe you could also start a revolution in the way
> are
>             perceived--by speaking out for your rights. But whatever you
do, I
> want to
>             thank you Bill Gates for making my life so much better.
> <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
> ==========
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> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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