The "ILLUMINATI" et al is a VATICAN invention, concocted by the "Storm
Troopers" of the pope, also called the JESUITS, who first styled themselves
the "Illuminated Ones," or Los Alumbrados.

 The well-known name in conspiracy circles, Adam Weishapt is attributed as
the founder of the Illuminati and was in fact trained by the Roman Catholic
Jesuit Order, and feigned the appearance of a "rogue" priest from the Order,
as is their practice, for the purposes of establishing an anti-monarch,
anti-governmental, anti-religious movement that would either crush the
Vatican’s opposition in Europe, or completely infiltrate, then control, all
sectors of the ruling class.

This included attacks and infiltration into, but not limited to, Jews,
Protestants, the Protestant Monarchies, Freemasonry, and its erstwhile
millennial nemesis, the Russian Orthodox Church. With the latter, they
succeeded eventually with the establishment of the Russian Revolution, which
suppressed, persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, or killed its members and
clergy. If you compare the ritualism fro example, of the popes and the
Soviet Communists, they are a mirror image, even down to embalming their
particular brand of “popes.”

The Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. XIII, page 1011, says that the Society Of
Jesus is "a Roman Catholic order of clerks regular, founded by St. Ignatius
of Loyola in 1540."

The same document refers to the Jesuit order as being "a principal agent of
the Counter Reformation" (1973 edition). The Britannica also tells us in
Vol. XI, page 1096 that the Illuminati were "organized along Jesuit lines."

So then, this is not a wild notion of any one man. It is undeniable history,
available to anyone who chooses to pick up an Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Names such as: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Lenin, and Fidel Castro, were not such
trained and guided by Jesuits?

Communism was also a useful Jesuit invention, in that, it provided a
bogyman, a common foe, by which the Vatican would rally the West to its
anti-godless crusade in later years. Hitler of course, was touted by the
Vatican and its prelates as the great Western Messiah that would rid the
world of the devil Communism and its supposed sponsors the "Christ-killer"
Jews. The tactic worked with grandiose success.

Said Adolf Hitler: “Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so DID
LENIN too … The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the
hierarchical structure of the Catholic church. There were quite a few things
I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the Party.”  (Manfred
Barthel, The Jesuits: History and legend of the Society of Jesus 1984. p.

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this
statement: "The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according
to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual
Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to
copy exactly. Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the
equivalent of the Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close
imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order."

Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up
the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: "The Third
Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts
into practice the high principles of the papacy." If you are not aware of
what a concordat is, a concordat is an agreement between the Vatican and a
government. As far as the Vatican is concerned, that government that signed
the concordat has now become a part of the government of God, and the
Vatican fully intends to stabilize that government, give it divine
protection, and give it international protection.

Hitler was also ready to discuss with the Bishop his views on the Jewish
question: "As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which
the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has
regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it
knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see
the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and
perhaps I am doing Christianity (VATICAN) a great service." (The Nazi
Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162.)

Hitler’s version of human history was essentially one of religious
mythology. He believed that a pure German people had lived in an early
Garden of Eden. But this pure race had been attacked by the Devil, made
incarnate in the form of the Jew. Indeed, he said explicitly that "the Jew
is the personification of the Devil and of all evil."

And thus he reached his conclusion that in fighting the Devil he was doing
the work of Almighty God.

In Hitler's theology, a different original sin replaced the once committed
in the biblical Garden of Eden. "The mixture of the races is the original
sin [Erdsunde] of this world," he claimed. "The sins against blood and race
are the original sins of the world."

He thought of World War II in eschatological terms, and saw himself as the
commander of the forces of good standing at Armageddon and battling the
forces of Satan. "Often it seems to me as if we are all being tested by the
Devil and Satan, and we must pass through Hell together until we finally
obtain ultimate victory."

He did not view the Party and the Reich merely as secular organizations. "I
consider those who establish or destroy religion much greater than those who
establish a State, to say nothing of founding a Party," he had written in
Mein Kampf. And years later he told his followers, "We are not a movement,
rather we are a religion."

The institutional pattern he used for creating the Nazi’s New Order was the
Roman Catholic Church, which had so greatly impressed him.

As a boy he had dreamed of being an abbot. When he became Fuhrer, however,
he raised his sights and saw himself as a political Pope with an apostolic
succession. He announced to a closed meeting of the faithful in the Brown
House during 1930: "I hereby set forth for myself and my successors in the
leadership of the Party the claim of political infallibility. I hope the
world will grow as accustomed to that claim as it has to the claim of the
Holy Father."

He also fancied himself as a religious leader of the non-Christian world he
planned to conquer. "I'm going to become a religious figure. Soon I'll be
the great chief of the Tartars. Already Arabs and Moroccans are mingling my
name with their prayers."

Hitler saw striking parallels between his Ministry of Propaganda and
Enlightenment and the Church's Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith
aka THE INQUISITION (Congregatio de Propaganda Fide).

He remarked that his task was not to communicate knowledge "but holy
conviction and unconditional faith." He viewed the 25 articles of his Party
as "the dogma of our faith" and the "rock" upon which the Party was built.
Hitler's proclamation of the "Thousand Year Reich" has religious resonance.

He was also fond of speaking of the "inseparable Trinity" of State,
Movement, and Volk. As the sign and symbol of his movement Hitler chose a
special type of cross, and personally modified the design of this

The colossal Assembly Hall planned for his new capital of Germania should be
seen as a secular cathedral rather than a civic building.

The dome was to be large enough to encompass the Dome of St. Peter's seven
times -- a favourite number. As Albert Speer has noted, "It was basically a
hall of worship ... without such cult significance the motivation for
Hitler's main structure would have been senseless and unintelligible."

In reminiscing about the institutions and ideas that had influenced him,
Hitler said that he had learned a great deal from Marxist terrorism. But, he
concluded, "Above all, I have learned from the Jesuit order." Certainly the
oath of direct obedience to the Fuhrer was strikingly reminiscent of the
special oath that Jesuits swear to the Pope. Moreover, Hitler spoke of his
elite SS, who wore the sacred symbol and dressed in black, as his Society of
Jesus. He also ordered SS officers to study the Spiritual Exercises of
Ignatius of Loyola for training in the rigid discipline of the faith.

The close parallel between commitment to God and the sacred oath of
allegiance to Hitler is seen in a description of public oath-taking recorded
in the Nazi newspaper Westdeutscher Beobachter:

”Yesterday witnessed the profession of the religion of the blood in all its
imposing reality ... whoever has sworn his oath of allegiance to Hitler has
pledged himself unto death to this sublime idea.”

The bolts of excommunication and anathema, which Hitler hurled against
non-believers and heretics were not unlike those of a Gregory VII:

”Woe to them who do not believe. These people have sinned ... sinned against
all of life ... it is a miracle of faith that Germany has been saved. Today
more than ever it is the duty of the Party to remember this National
Socialist confession of faith [Glaubensbekenntnis] and to bear it forward as
our holy [heiliges] sign of our battle and our victory.”

The Nazis, like the Catholics, had their prophets, saints, and martyrs. The
Fuhrer sanctified his disciples who fell during the Beer Hall Putsch when he
said, in dedicating their memorial, that their death would bring forth "a
true belief in the resurrection of their people ... the blood that they shed
becomes the baptismal water of the Third Reich."

The Nazi’s also made great use of the notorious forgery “Protocols of the
Elders of Zion,” toward their destruction and persecution of the Jews.
Masons, a favourite target of the Vatican and Fascists, also faired poorly
and were hounded.

The protocols are also another invention of the Jesuits, ala Jesuit Abbé
Barruel, and promulgated via the Vatican and its global network of agents.

The conceptual inspiration for the Protocols can be traced back to the time
of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. At that time, a
French Jesuit named Abbé Barruel, representing reactionary elements opposed
to the revolution, published in 1797 a treatise blaming the Revolution on a
secret conspiracy operating through the Order of Freemasons.
Barruel's idea was nonsense, since the French nobility at the time was
heavily Masonic, but he was influenced by a Scottish mathematician named
Robison who was bigoted toward the Masons.

In his treatise, Barruel did not himself initially blame the Jews, who were
emancipated as a result of the Revolution. However, in 1806, Barruel
circulated a forged letter, probably sent to him by members of the state
police opposed to Napoleon Bonaparte's liberal policy toward the Jews,
calling attention to the alleged part of the Jews in the conspiracy he had
earlier attributed to the Masons. This myth of an international Jewish
conspiracy reappeared later on in 19th century Europe in places such as
Germany and Poland.

Now, authorship of a document can best be discovered from the document
itself-- by the cause it favours and the enemies it depicts. If one bothers
to give this disreputable Protocols forgery even a cursory examination, it
in fact depicts all the enemies of the papacy as servants of Satan,
including Jews, Freethinkers, the Free Press, so on and so forth, whilst the
supposed nemesis to the so-called conspiratorial “Elders” and depicted as
the potential saviours of godly society, and the entire world itself, are
the Vatican and the Jesuits. These institutions are portrayed as powerful
forces against the demonic “Elders” who supposedly peened the protocols,
thus they are humanities only hope of fighting this evil in the world!

Here is but one example of many which could be cited from the Protocols:
"We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent:
the Catholic Church...”
"We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only
institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in
existence, stand in our way.  The Catholic Church, with her methodical work
and her edifying and moral teachings …”
Laughable in the extreme, but none-the-less telling of authorship!  And what
would be an example of “… her edifying and moral teachings …” then? Such as
those doctrines that promoted and called for, the bloody INQUISITION, the
torture of man, woman and child perhaps? The bloody butchery of her holy
wars and crusades that Rome sponsored? The murder of “HERETICS”, persecution
of scientists, destruction of other religions, ad infinitum. Yet these
supposed evil Elders of Zion, fearfully see the Vatican as “edifying and

After WWII, in the US, vociferous Catholic prelates of the ilk of Bishop
Fulton Sheen, as but one of numerous bleating papal propagandists, attacked
Communism in the past, and although it is a by-product of Jesuitism itself,
they viciously attacked it to accomplish their goals to cement Western
allegiance and opinion alongside its own Globalist agenda.

The Vatican will, and did, try to rally the Christians together to attack
"The New Age Movement" for example. They got Christians so worked and
steamed up over this, whilst the Jesuits sat back and laughed their heads

After WWII, too many people also knew that the Vatican was responsible for
World War II so it was time for a face-lift.

Time to start the cover-up.

So then, Vatican II Council came into existence, and what the first
patriotic American Pilgrims called “Mother of Harlots,” put on a new make-up
job. She wiped her mouth with her bloody hands and said, "I've changed. Now
I like the Christians. I'm not going to call them heretics any more, but
separated brethren." She told the slumbering Christians to forget the past.
It was now time to push the “love gospel.” A time for healing! Just like in
France and Ireland. Remember...?

There were so many books in bookstores exposing the horrid deeds of the
papacy that the Vatican had to create a common enemy for both Catholics and
Protestants to unite against.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen launched the anti-communist attack, and behold, like
mushrooms, we saw anti-communist ministries popping up exposing the monster
in Moscow.

The Jesuits were busy on many fronts.

The John Birch Society blossomed, aided by the Jesuits, because it served
their purpose to have the attention of the Protestants shifted from the
Vatican to Communism.

At this time, Vatican sycophant and drunkard Senator McCarthy was riding
high. Publishers stopped publishing books exposing the atrocities and
history of the Vatican, and turned their attention to the Jesuit bogyman -

Even certain Christian publishers opposed to the papacy were bought out;
others didn't want to make a stand because it would raise eyebrows.

The Vatican religio-political system defines heretics as anyone who does not
give blind obedience to the pope.
Her treatment of them is most currently illustrated by the not too distant
bloodshed in North Ireland and the attempt to turn South Vietnam into a
Catholic dictatorship under President Diem just prior to the Vatican/CIA
promulgated Vietnam War. Nino Labello, long time insider Vatican journalist,
in his insider book on the papacy, “The Vatican Papers,” also clearly states
that at the time JFK was postulating the withdrawal of the US forces from
Vietnam, JFK’s “NAME WAS MUD” in Vatican corridors, his assassination soon

In the case of Vietnam, the "heretics" were the Buddhists who had to torch
themselves in the streets to get enough world attention to stop their
inquisition by the Vatican and its allies.

Many of them converted to Catholicism under the persecution. (See "Vietnam,
Why Did We Go?" by Avro Manhattan.)

Likewise in WWII, some of the most detailed evidence available, that many of
the World War II executions resulted from the refusal to convert to
Catholicism comes from the Papal/Nazi puppet State of Croatia.

Avro Manhattan in his book, "Catholic Terror Today," provides extensive
photo and documented evidence of the inquisitional nature of the war.

Upon the disintegration of Yugoslavia, Catholic Ante Pavelitch became the
leader of the independent Catholic state of Croatia under the protection of
Mussolini and Hitler.

Pope Pius XII also supported him with diplomacy and much money. When he was
firmly in control, he issued an ultimatum to the non-Catholic population
(heretics): convert to Catholicism or die.

Most of them were Eastern Orthodox and their churches were closed, parish
documents destroyed and worshipers often arrested, imprisoned in their own
churches and set on fire. Those who did not convert were submitted to
unbelievable torture or were butchered, man, woman and child outright.

How can the blind West continue to allow this religio-political monster to
manipulate it for its own religio-political Globalist agenda is beyong human

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:27 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

> Well is there an Illuminati Conspiracy - only update the name, it is
> just another name for murder inc., refined and polished - for all that
> glitters is not gold - until the gold is laundered.
> So this is the family into which Gore's daughter has married?   Note
> this man Myron Fagan worked for Joe Kennedy, and one wonder's why JFK
> was gunned down gangster style in the streets buried in red roses - red
> and white roses given to Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Johnson, when the yellow
> rose of Texas - thousands awaited them at the Trade Mart - so goodbye
> old Pal.
> Most of you have read this information but maybe not by Fagan.   He
> wrote the stage play The White Rose.....there is a rose - a white rose,
> named for President Kennedy - and in the heavens a White Rose - for the
> secrets to the murders are in the bible and in the astrologr's mark of
> doom.
> And Joshua 2, your continual namecalling merely reflects your dim
> wit........the bible code to which I refer, which is in a copyrighted
> manuscript was copyrighted by me in has nothing to do with
> that stupid "numbers" code - this code was once used by CIA which I have
> documented and once used by men at least the Baron had
> it.
> So do not show your obvious lack of breeding, Joshua2 - have you ever
> had an original thought in your life?
> The LIncoln murder and JFK murder among others were committed by the
> same Secret Society......they change their names but today they would be
> NWO.....and the pig Henry Kissingers still sits at a table where his cup
> runneth over, while he does not even want the children to have the
> crumbs, from his table - this pig wants to control the world by denying
> people food - corner the market on food, and now they go for the water?
> That has been in the making for 30 years - John Birch Society reported
> that 30 years ago when I thought they were the assassins for I was told
> by a former Attorney General of Ohio, they were controlled by organized
> crime- but at the time I did not know that organized crime was black ops
> of our Mossad has jewish mafia, and KGB has Jewish
> Mafia.....see Meyer Lansky's Last Will and Testaments?   Comes in crime
> section of your local library.
> Saba
> Saba
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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