On Tue, 15 Aug 2000 12:16:25 -0400, Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posted article
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> Okay Ty - I agree, but what is so dumb - you can grow that stuff free in
> your own bathtub?

Yeah, that's true.  But of course, it would be nice if it was legal to
do so.  I don't think most pot smokers actually want to break the law,
but they like smoking up illegally than not smoking up legally.

> It grows wild and like herbs and natural medicines, many will be
> outlawed until they are synthenticized.....then pay big bucks.

Perish the thought!  I don't mind if Pfizer grows my buds, but I don't
want them ground into powder and shaped into a little pill!

> What a big price for Columbian Gold?   Why is it so valuable?

Because of the risks involved in trafficking it.  Growers look at their
past statistics and they know about how much will be confiscated by the
cops.  The more the cops confiscate, the higher the drug prices go.  Of
course, at the same time, drug dealers know that people will pay that
for drugs, so besides the other factors involved, there's also a 2,500%
profit to be made on drugs.  I always shake my head when I hear about 6
pot plants uprooted with a street value of $24,000.  Keep in mind that
I've never seen a real, live marijuana plant, but 6 plants = $24,000???
Puhleeze!  That's just insane!  And people are winning insurance claims
after the cops come in and steal their plants!  I think that's great,
but the value of the stuff still amazes me.  How many pounds can be
taken from a single plant?  1/4 ounce sold for $25 in Dallas about three
years ago.  So at those prices, if 6 plants can have a street value of
$24,000, that means you can get 2.5 pounds of pot from one plant,
selling for $4,000, or $1,600 per pound.  Of course, buying that much at
once usually gets you a bulk discount.  A friend of mine got 1/4 pound
(4 ounces) for $250.  Don't worry.  He's dead now so they can't hurt
him.  Anyway, Dallas prices were very cheap compared to other places in
the country.  Some places, 1/4 oz costs around $50 or $60.

So if you consider that you can grow a marijuana plant to maturity in
only a matter of 3-5 months, and considering that they're naturally
pest-resistent, and the fact that the stuff can grow virtually anywhere,
then the only reason left for the high prices is the fact that it's a
black market commodity, and perhaps availability.  Most people buy from
a dealer.  The few who grow themselves may value it with street prices,
but in reality, since gardening is a hobby for many, and given that a
little goes a long way with the stuff, the value of 2.5 pounds of pot
probably isn't more than about $50.  People who make a living at growing
pot, though, will sell the stuff at street prices and make huge profits
on only a few plants simply because they can sell for that price and
people will pay it.  If the stuff was mass produced by corporations on
large farms, you could get the stuff for probably $5 per pound.  Much
better than the current $1,000+ per pound you pay now.  Some people
think that legal drugs selling for such a low price would result in
people REALLY getting stoned.  Not necessarily so.  It simply means that
people wouldn't have to spend as much to get their fix.  Instead of
spending $50 per month on a couple of quarters, they'd spend probably
about $10.00 because I'd expect a huge tax to be put on it if it ever is
legalized.  That would make me happy to pay taxes on pot.  I can't think
of any pot smoker that wouldn't be happy because it would still mean an
80% drop in prices!

> I once had a little marijuana plant I cared for until I found out
> what it was and then I stopped watering it and it died and natural
> death and one day it was gone, and somebody had smoked it.
> You want marijuana?  Grow your own, and roll your own.  Next think
> they will be after the catnip and what will my cat do?  Will they
> take her to the cat slammer?

I'm growing some catnip now.  Jeez, that stuff is hard to grow!  I've
had some sitting out in some potting soil for months and it's barely
grown an inch.

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