In a message dated 08/20/2000 4:16:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

<<  This, too, is reminiscent
 of Vietnam, where President John F. Kennedy engaged the U.S. without
 consulting the handful of officials who actually knew something about
 Hanoi, Dien Bien Phu, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong.
 ... >>

Don't blame John Kennedy for the war in Viet Nam.
President John Kennedy did not "engage the U.S." in Vietnam.
The U.S. was "engaged" by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
starting at least by the time France was defeated at the battle
of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
The so-called "French Connection".....the opium and heroin trafficking
from the "golden triangle" of indochina became the "American Connection",
following the French defeat.
That's what Air America was all about.

U.S. engagement in Vietnam continued to grow for at least 7 years
before John Kennedy became President.
In November 1963, Kennedy issued a National Security Action Memorandum
which ordered all Americans out of Viet Nam by the end of 1964.
At the time of this Presidential Order, there were less than 16,000 Americans
in Viet Nam.
John Kennedy was assassinated just 20 days after he gave that order.
Lyndon Johnson cancelled Kennedy's order (NSAM), and eventually
ordered more than half a million U.S. military personnel into the
quagmire in Viet Nam.

     Regards to All

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