Well that sounds like a great ship, this submarine but it was built like
the Titanic?  Flawed maybe?   And the sub had absolutely NO
lifeboats....and like the Titanic, their first calls for help were
ignored and their leader, Putin - darn, he had to come home from his
vacation, for the day this ship sunk, he was somewhere in paradise while
118 brave sailors were at the bottom of the ocean - no wait, they were
just 350 feet under water....

Something is wrong here and the USA was in on it.....what else is in
that sub - why did the Russians sell the list of the sailors for $650
dollars....life is cheap isn't it, so long as it is not your own life of
which we speak?

So remember, we are dealing with KGB and top secret stuff.....so then
why did the KGB form a KKK and they had all kinds of neo nazi literature
they used and this KKK was formed by KGB and the Walker spies.....KGB
sent KKK literature out all over the world - and got caught...like the
Israelies when they bombed the USS Liberty and napalmed and bombed it
for 45 minutes when 170 lie wounded, and the other 34 lay dead on
deck....wanted to blame the bombing on the Egyptians, but got caught>
And this ship was in internaional waters and they do not like to talk
about that either.

Sound familiar?   Was there something on that ship they wanted to sink
along with the men who were expendable......maybe there were no men
aboard?   Maybe it is all a big lie?

Big modern state of art sub well then, why do they steal our secrets?
Like Mossad and KGB - they seem to have a lot in common, do they not?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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