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That's the way the money goes

Illustration: Brett RiderLife's so unfair. The rich get richer, while the
rest of us just scrape by. Is society to blame or are deeper forces at work,
asks Mark Buchanan
WHY do rich people have all the money? This may sound like the world's
silliest question, but it's not. In every society, most of the wealth falls
into the hands of a minority. People often write this off as a fact of
life--something we can do nothing about--but economists have always struggled
to explain why the wealthy take such a big slice of the pie.
If Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Mézard are right, it is more than a fact
of life: it's a law of nature. These two scientists have discovered a link
between the physics of materials and the movements of money, a link that
explains why wealth is distributed in much the same way in all modern
economies. Their theory holds out a scrap of hope to the poor of the world:
there may be some surprising ways to make society a bit more equal. And it
promises a new fundamental science of money. Economic theory is about to grow

In the 19th century, economists were certain that each society would have a
unique distribution of wealth, depending on the details of its economic
structure. But they were dumbfounded in 1897 by the claim of a Paris-born
engineer named Vilfredo Pareto. The statistics, he insisted, prove otherwise.
Not only do a filthy-rich minority always hog most of the wealth, but the
mathematical form of the distribution is the same everywhere.

To get a feel for Pareto's law, suppose that in Germany or Japan or the US
you count up how many people have, say, $10 000. Next, repeat the count for
many other values of wealth (W), both large and small, and finally plot your
results on a graph. You will find that there are only a few extremely rich
people, and that the number of people increases as W gets smaller--at least
until you get down to those with almost no wealth at all. This is exactly
what Pareto found: the number of people having wealth W is proportional to 1/W
E. Pareto found that the exponent E was always between 2 and 3 (see Diagram)
for every European country he looked at, from agrarian Russia to industrial
England. And up-to-date statistics show the same thing.

This distribution means that most of the wealth gathers in the pockets of a
small fraction of the people. In the US, for example, 20 per cent of the
people own 80 per cent of the wealth. In Britain and in the nations of
Western Europe the numbers are similar. The shape of the graph seems to be

For over a century, this universal law of wealth distribution has defied
explanation, many economists simply putting it down to the inherent
distribution of people's abilities. The truth may be simpler.

Economic theories have for years been founded on all sorts of dubious
assumptions: that markets are in equilibrium, for example, or that people
behave with perfect rationality. These assump- tions simplify economists'
intricate equations, but they often lead to rather peculiar conclusions.
There is even a "no trades" theorem, says Bouchaud, that in an economy where
all the participants are perfectly rational, no trade should ever take place.
So Bouchaud and Mézard are pioneering a totally different approach. They are
going back to basics, trying to get by with an absolute minimum of
"Ten years ago," says Mézard, speaking from his office at Paris-Sud
University, "Jean-Philippe was one of the first physicists to get interested
in finance." Questioning many traditional ideas, he at first met resistance.
Since then, however, Bouchaud has built a company dealing in risk management
that has won the attention and respect of the financial industry. Now at the
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay in Paris, he and Mézard are setting their sights on
a more ambitious goal: to build a theory of economics from the ground up.

An economy is just a large number of people who can trade with each other.
Each individual has a certain amount of money he or she can invest or use to
buy the services or goods of others. This is all beyond argument. Things get
more contentious when you try to turn these words into precise equations. Who
trades with whom? Which investments pay off and which do not?

Bouchaud and Mézard start from ground zero, with only one assumption: life is
unpredictable. Buy some stocks and you might get a healthy return or a
devastating loss; returns on investments are random. The trade network is
also haphazard. Each person trades with a few others chosen at random from
the population. "Our idea," says Bouchaud, "is to see how much we can explain
on the basis of little more than pure noise."

With these few ingredients, the model seems to contain almost nothing at all.
"In its basic points," says Mézard, "it's really trivial." There are many
ways to build these basic elements into some equations, but fortunately the
researchers had another clue.
A guiding principle of physics is the notion of invariance. Rotate a circle
about its centre, and its shape remains unchanged. This is what makes a
circle an especially simple and important shape in geometry. Similarly, the
fundamental equations of physics are invariant under the action of certain
mathematical operations, making them special cases in the space of all
possible equations. Newton's laws of mechanics don't change if you alter the
velocities of every body by an equal amount; otherwise, the physics you saw
would change depending on how fast you were moving.

The economic equivalent of this is that a theory should produce the same
results if you change the units of currency. "This is what we try to explain
to our children," he says, "when they complain that their pocket money will
go down when we shift to euros." Consequently, Bouchaud and Mézard wrote down
the simplest equations they could find that were invariant with changes in

Getting equations is one thing; solving them, another. There are millions of
people in an economy, and that means millions of equations, which is why
economists have tended to shun this "bottom up" approach. Bouchaud and Mézard
made their task easier by keeping the ingredients of their model so simple,
but they were still left with a daunting task. Then, earlier this year, they
became the beneficiaries of a miraculous mathematical coincidence.

As "condensed matter" physicists, the pair have for two decades been
investigating the properties of solids and liquids, substances in which the
atoms or molecules are crammed together. The traditional subjects of this
field are materials such as pure metals and water, whose particles settle
into a well-defined state such as an ordered crystal. But since the 1970s,
researchers have been increasingly intrigued by "ill-condensed" matter in
which competing forces frustrate this condensation. In this class of
materials--which includes glass, dirty alloys and polymers--the particles can
end up in a vast number of disordered but more or less equivalent

Two competing forces
To overcome some of the mathematical difficulties in the theories of these
materials, physicists have invented a simple "toy model" called the directed
polymer. Imagine a long wire (the polymer) lying on a landscape that
undulates up and down at random (click on thumbnail below for diagram). The
wire is tethered at one end to a post. Gravity will tend to pull it down into
the valleys, but as the landscape is random, the wire will have to bend to do
so. So two forces--gravity and the wire's desire to stay straight--compete
with one another.

Ups and downs: wires draped across a random landscape represent how money
flows from person to person over timeAs a result, the wire has to compromise:
running through the valleys, so long as that doesn't entail too much bending,
and, whenever the path becomes too tortuous, arching up over a pass to seek a
straighter route. There is no obvious "best path" for it to follow.

Many physical systems behave in a similar way. Take a magnetic field line,
for example, as it tries to slip through a high-temperature superconductor.
Left alone, it would follow a straight path. But these materials contain
defects--analogous to the valleys and peaks--that attract or repel the lines.
So the path they take is some compromise between going straight through and
swinging by attractive defects.

In such real, physical problems, working out the details of the compromise is
difficult. In 1988, however, physicists Bernard Derrida and Herbert Spohn of
the École Normale Supérieure in Paris solved a version of the
directed-polymer problem exactly. There is one extra crucial element in the
problem: temperature. In seeking some path across the random landscape, for
example, the wire also puts up with a continual buffeting from air molecules,
which knock it about from one path to another. The buffeting grows more
vigorous with increasing temperature, and, as it turns out, the strength of
this storm determines how the wire manages its compromise between going
straight across and staying in the valleys.

"When the temperature is high," says Mézard, "the peaks and valleys have
little effect." The buffeting is so violent that the polymer largely ignores
the landscape, and flaps about all over the place. As the temperature falls,
however, there comes a point at which the buffeting is no longer strong
enough to drive the polymer over the landscape's peaks. Suddenly, the peaks
and valleys become far more influential, and the polymer gets stuck in place,
trapped along one irregular path. This sudden condensation is like the
freezing of glass, or the pinning in place of a magnetic field line.

Mézard and Bouchaud have now discovered that the equations for this directed
polymer model are identical to those for their economy (Physica A, vol 282, p
536; So to solve their equations they
need do no more than pluck out some gems from the physics literature. And
what these equations show is that under normal conditions, their economy
follows Pareto's law.

To see how the model economy and a directed polymer are related takes a
little imagination. Start with the irregular landscape, and throw a whole
bunch of polymers across it. Let them settle down, and take a snapshot. This
is now a picture of the economy over time.

Think of the people in the economy occupying positions on the y-axis of the
landscape, and progressing to the right over time (see Diagram, p 24). A
polymer plots the path of some quantity of money as it moves from person to
person. So at any point, the wealth of a particular person is determined by
the number of polymers that cross over their y-value.

The irregular returns on investments are reflected in the ruggedness of the
landscape: deep valleys are places where there tends to be more money, the
returns in investments being high; peaks are where investors fare badly and
money is rare. The vigour of trade--how easily money flows between people--is
analogous to the temperature. "The wealth follows a kind of random walk,"
says Bouchaud.

There is, however, more than one kind of random walk. Which kind wealth
follows depends on how "hot" the economy is. When trading is easy, and the
irregularity of returns on investment not too severe, the economy behaves
like a polymer at high temperature. Just as the polymer flaps up and down
with ease, adopting almost any configuration without being too strongly
affected by the underlying landscape, so does vigorous trading enable wealth
to flow easily from one person to another, tending to spread money more

But because the returns on investment are proportional to the amount
invested, rich people tend to win or lose larger amounts than poorer. Over
time, even if all changes are random, wealth ends up following Pareto's law
with an exponent E between 2 and 3. How much money an individual has need
have nothing to do with ability. Chop off the heads of the rich, and a new
rich will soon take their place.

This is not to say that the distribution of wealth cannot be influenced. The
model offers what might be the first lesson of economics to be firmly founded
in mathematics: that the way to distribute wealth more fairly is to encourage
its movement. Taxation, for example, tends to increase E. This is still a
Pareto law, but with the wealth distributed somewhat more equitably, the rich
own a smaller fraction of the overall pie. With an exponent of 3, for
example, the richest 20 per cent would own 55 per cent of the wealth. It's
still not fair, but it's better than the US today.

The model makes it clear, however, that taxes only work when they are
redistributed evenly: if the rich get a disproportionate share--because of
lucrative corporate contracts with the government, for example--then the
social effect of the tax is wiped out. And according to economist Anthony
Atkinson of Oxford University, economic texts have long assumed that there
should be some kind of "trade-off" between equality and efficiency: that
while spreading the wealth more evenly, higher taxes will also slow economic

Fairer and freer trade
Yet there may be many ways besides taxes to help wealth move about, for
instance by widening the number of people with which any one person tends to
trade. In other words, Bouchaud and Mézard's model implies that a more equal
society could come from encouraging fairer and freer trade, exchange and
competition. Happily for economists, this idea dovetails with their
experience and expectations, but the model gives these expectations a robust
mathematical foundation.

If hot means vigorous trading and low volatility in investments, cold means
restricted trading and highly irregular returns. As Bouchaud and Mézard
reduce the ease of trade and increase the degree to which investments are
random, they find a sudden change in their distribution of wealth: in a cold
economy, wealth freezes.

Just as the polymer gets trapped into one irregular valley, and so follows a
path dictated almost entirely by the random landscape, so wealth finds itself
unable to flow easily between people. In this case, the natural diffusion of
wealth provided by trading is overwhelmed by the disparities kicked up by
random returns on investment. In Bouchaud and Mézard's model, the economy
falls out of the Pareto phase into something much nastier. Now wealth becomes
even less fairly distributed, condensing into the pockets of a handful of
super-rich "robber barons".

Might this be the case today in some developing or troubled nations? It has
been estimated, for example, that the richest 40 people in Mexico have nearly
30 per cent of the money. According to economist Thomas Lux of the University
of Kiel in Germany, "most economists would anticipate that wealth
concentration will be higher in economies with limited exchange
opportunities--such as Russia, for example". Unfortunately, he adds, "these
are usually the economies for which we have poor data or no data at all."
Mézard suspects that such societies may have been more common in the past,
but again the economic data are sparse. So testing this prediction of the
model won't be easy.
Having illuminated Pareto's law of wealth, Bouchaud and Mézard's approach is
pointing towards a deeper theoretical perspective on economics. They hope to
build more realistic models by moving away from the assumptions of complete
randomness, and that every economic agent is identical. Their work offers the
promise of understanding not only how the economy behaves now, but also how
things might conceivably change.

Could political instability throw an economy out of the Pareto regime? Or
might wealth condensation be a generic risk if there is too much central
planning in an economy? And are there any other hidden variables, changes
that might tumble an economy over the precipice and into the depths of
inequality? With the global economy becoming more and more tightly knit,
these are questions that should concern the whole planet.

Mark Buchanan writes from the village of Notre Dame de Courson in northern
France. He can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From New Scientist magazine, 19 August 2000.


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