
U.N. peacekeepers need major overhaul, report says

UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations must dramatically overhaul
its peacekeeping force if it is to avoid the kind of failures
that have plagued the world body over the past decade, an
international panel said Wednesday.

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan called the recommended changes
-- which include creating the equivalent of a defense ministry to
ensure troops can deploy quickly -- are "absolutely essential to
make the United Nations a truly credible force for peace."

The 10-member panel stopped short of recommending creation of a
U.N. army, but called for member states to establish several
brigade-size forces of 5,000 troops that could deploy within 30
days of Security Council action.

The 58-page document also calls for modernization of operations
in New York with the latest telecommunications systems and highly
trained staff.

"Without such capacity the Secretariat will remain a reactive
institution, unable to get ahead of daily events," the report

Annan appointed the panel of 10 experts after highly critical
reports on the U.N. role in Rwanda and Srebrenica. Their job took
on added importance after 500 U.N. peacekeepers were taken
hostage by rebels in Sierra Leone in May.

The report is expected to be high on the agenda of the U.N.
Millennium Summit, which will bring together 150 world leaders
September 6-8 in New York to address the role of the United
Nations in the 21st century.

The United Nations was founded after World War II "to save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war." The peacekeeping
report said meeting this challenge is the yardstick that people
throughout the world still use to judge the organization.

"Over the last decade, the United Nations has repeatedly failed
to meet the challenge, and it can do no better today," the report

Panelists stressed that "no failure did more to damage the
standing and credibility of United Nations peacekeeping in the
1990s than its reluctance to distinguish victim from aggressor."

While U.N. peacekeeping should stick to its "bedrock principles"
-- consent of the parties, impartiality and use of force only in
self-defense -- the panel said impartiality is not the same as
equal treatment of all parties in all cases.

In the case of obvious aggressors, it said, "peacekeepers may not
only be operationally justified in using force, but morally
compelled to do so."  The panel emphasized that U.N. troops
should be prepared to deal with attacks and hostage taking.

Former Algerian Foreign Minister Lakhdar Brahimi, who chaired the
panel, said at a news conference that members were "very, very
shocked" at how poorly equipped the U.N. peacekeeping department

The panel said just 32 officers at U.N. headquarters lead about
27,000 U.N.  troops from 20 countries scattered across the globe
in 14 peacekeeping operations -- a staff size that no national
government would tolerate.  Similarly, more than 8,600 civilian
police are deployed, with a headquarters staff of only nine.

"This is clearly not acceptable," Brahimi said. "This had got to

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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