Glad to see you back Prudy;  so, I wonder - we have military over the
world training UN ttroops.

The more I think of it, Clinton and/or NWO is slowly doing away and
destroying our OWN military and are establishing grounds for NWO UN
troops only.

Our military represented the birds in the sky, the fish in and on the
ocean, and our men on ground were something of which to be proud.

So now we arm Saudi Arabia and Israel and permit Sadaam Hussein to hoard
whatever he can and Russia cries about her financial woes and we spent
how much in a phoney cold war channeling munitions all over the world.

For the MAFIA controls the munitions....maybe that is why Sicily got
such a bad name - even Barabas used to work in sulphur mines and he
probably smelled more like brimstone than the devil himself.

So what is wrong with the picture.    The Air Force.....remember when
the song played "And touched the face of God" my brother in laws
funeral this was used - he flew with the best of them.

Anything full chicken Colonel up is political appointment......remembr
Maxwell Taylor, Spatz, Hap Arnold, Billy Mitchll,  Stilwell, and
Patton....these great men and some I had met - Nathan Twining was a
stuffed shirt, Edwin Booth a big ham......Eisenhower, well why did he
hate Patton because Patton knew the enemy - he new the Nazi and
Communist mind...he knew their goals........he knew the windmills from
the windmills and look what happned to him.

No we have a great military but the big General lists.   Look at that
Clark, that NATO that a soldier?   Look at the Japanese
sharpshooter called to WACO
 and Ruby Ridge who murdered and i say murdered a dog and its little 8th
grade owner and then the mother....this is our WEst Point now?

>From stuffed shirts to assassins?     When there is no war we have no
need of many oyou hve a reserve and national guard and
even the boy scouts being taught honor and obey - for in military always
thought a Gideon would do exactly as he was told...

Our military is being destroyed from within with idiots - political
hacks, like this Admiral Crowe making big bucks giving troops
questionable vaccines.......look at the military, and wonder and try to
remember the last ime you heard the song and beautiful words to "And
touched the face of God".

This is only reason I am voting for Bush - he said no US soldier will
wear UN uniform, and he said he would beef up military.

Our Constitutuion states you defend this country and its
borders.......Clinton opens door to enemy I think because he is being
just a little more than blackmailed....he is virtually held hostage in
our national capitol....he is in fact, a hostage....he knows where he is
safe, and the last place is in the White House.

I had a frigtening experiencne - a friend of mine is trying to get me
interested n learning all about Tarot Cards because I am looking for
Tarot Card Assassins - anything I can find.

I looked for the upside down man hanging from gibbet, but suddenly came
across the Falling Tower card which to me always represented
communications......suddenly I saw fall of dome and it looked like our
White House.   Scared the hell out of me.

So now I go back to listening to music of the world, and wonder how
Americian can ignore the works of Stephen Foster for writing Old
Darakies and Old Folks at Home, and prefer hateful rap music is written
to represent black america?

You see they push for race riots, hatred - not of a man or a woman, but
an entire nation of old people, blacks, hispanics, whites, christians,
moslems......turning one against the other.

I do not like Joe Lieberman.........why?  He speaks softly, smiles, and
quotes scripture - but I still do not like Zionism for they would
destroy the peaceful jew and arabs in holy land, rather than deal with
thm honestly, about the big bucks in oil.......bastards all....leave the
jew and the arabs alone - they speak words of peace but are preparing
for war big time.

Where you been Prudy.......was wonderin about you yestreday and today
was going to ask -  been at lake or on vacation?

And be proud of what is left of our military and remember those general
lists - my poor old brother in law got passed over twice and  he worked
with Elliott Roosevelt, who made General....and then he got passed by
and he was working with Trumans nephew -  he made General......but Phil
was getting older and always held full command ad into the missile race
and that guy had something they could never have.....big brain and big
heart....he paid way to college for two women who lost all in war.....he
always liked to help people but boy that guy was 100% GI Joe even though
he held full Command.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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