Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: FYI

> FBI Intelligence Efforts Have Risen Sharply  <<...OLE_Obj...>>
> The number of FBI intelligence officers has grown almost fivefold
> during the Clinton administration, but internal security and terrorism
> accounted for only 45 of the FBI's 12,730 convictions in 1998, a Syracuse
> University research center reported yesterday.
> The research center cautioned that convictions may not be the best
> measure of the effectiveness of the FBI intelligence effort, and an FBI
> executive said the small number may reflect the bureau's success in
> preventing actual terrorist attacks.
> FBI Director Louis J. Freeh has stated that the bureau is putting
> top priority on thwarting foreign spies and preventing terrorist attacks,
> but hard data about the change in emphasis have been sparse because so
> of the operations are classified.
> Citing federal employment data, Syracuse's Transactional Records
> Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) said the total of FBI intelligence officers
> increased from 224 in 1992 to 1,025 in 1999, but their exact duties are
> known.
> FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood said in an interview that
> these are intelligence analysts and that their increase is mirrored by an
> increase in field agents assigned to hunt spies and battle terrorists but
> that those personnel figures remain secret.
> The new intelligence analysts were hired "as part of our effort to
> use our information more effectively across programs, as opposed to
> its use within one program," Collingwood said.
> "It's all part of our effort to play a larger role in the
> intelligence community in counterintelligence and counterterrorism
> to identify, prevent and disrupt terrorists," Collingwood said.
> The TRAC study said Justice Department records show that in 1998
> there were 37 terrorism convictions and eight internal security
> from FBI cases. There was no earlier Justice data on terrorism cases
> the category was only recently employed, but national security convictions
> totaled seven each in 1992 and 1993, four in 1994, 12 in 1995 and eight
> in 1996, 1997 and 1998.
> In 1998, drug cases, bank robberies and bank fraud were still the
> three categories producing the most FBI convictions, accounting for 54
> percent of the 12,730 that year.
> "The low number of terrorism convictions is a good thing, not a bad
> thing," Collingwood said. "We're now working with the CIA and foreign
> agencies to disrupt terrorists before they can carry out their actions and
> preferably before they get inside the United States. Figures on those
> actions aren't recorded, because they are secret."
> He noted that the statistics can understate anti-terrorist efforts.
> "We recently convicted a gang in the Pacific Northwest of bank robbery and
> their convictions will show up that way, but they were robbing banks to
> support their terrorist activities," Collingwood said.
> The TRAC study itself said, "The number of criminal prosecutions of
> spies and terrorists is not a very good index of FBI concerns . . .
> these kinds of cases frequently are not brought into open court."
> The study found evidence that more time was being spent developing
> all kinds of cases, because the percentage of FBI cases that U.S.
> agreed to prosecute rose from 41 percent in 1992 to 49 percent in 1998.
> Also, the conviction rate for defendants in all kinds of FBI cases
> from 67 percent in 1992 to 76 percent in 1998. Median prison sentences
> from 18 months to 25 months.

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