Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Buchanan Wins Ballot Battle in California
Thursday, August 31, 2000


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- After weeks of intra-party turmoil that has threatened
to tear apart the already fractured Reform Party, Patrick J. Buchanan was
named the party's official presidential nominee in California Thursday and
will appear on state ballots, Secretary of State Bill Jones announced.

Jones acted on the last day for state party organizations to submit names to
him to meet ballot printing deadlines for the Nov. 7 general election. He
also acted after Buchanan forces threatened a lawsuit, although a Jones
spokesman said that had no bearing on his decision.

Backers of rival Reform Party candidate John Hagelin were outraged and said
they may seek court action to overturn Jones' decision, which they said he
lacked the legal authority to make.

"It seems clear to me that either the Secretary of State has been threatened
with a lawsuit or is looking for an easy way out or he does not care about
the election process, which is a horrible thought," said John H. Place, vice
chairman of the Reform Party of California.

Buchanan campaign spokesman K.B. Forbes said the campaign's legal team
prevailed on Jones. "Agreement was reached," Forbes said. "It shows that the
merits of our case are credible."

Jones' decision is a huge boost to Buchanan, who claimed the national party
nomination after a raucous convention in Long Beach last month. Hagelin
supporters, made up of many of the original backers of Reform Party founder
H. Ross Perot, walked out of the convention in protest over what they viewed
as a hijacking of the fledgling party by Buchanan, a former Republican. They
held their own meeting at which they nominated Hagelin as the party standard

Since then, the factions have joined the battle over which candidate is
entitled to $12.6 million in federal campaign funds, and have fought
state-by-state over who will be listed on the ballot. Election officials in
Iowa and Montana held drawings to determine which name would be on the
ballot. Buchanan won in Iowa. Hagelin prevailed in Montana, but a judge
overturned that decision Thursday. Federal Election Commission officials have
yet to decide which candidate will get the money.

In California, Jones' decision to place Buchanan on the ballot was based on
his office's "long-standing policy" of taking direction on such matters from
the state party's chairman.

In this case, California Reform Party chairman Raymond O. Mills submitted
Buchanan's name on Aug. 15, just two days after the party's national
convention had concluded. But Jones rescinded the name eight days later,
after the state party's 13-member board of directors voted 7-6 to overturn
Mills' decision and prohibit him from submitting a nominee's name without
board approval. Jones spokesman Alfie Charles said the secretary of state
only rescinded Buchanan because Mills, the party chairman, "told us it was
the will of the party to rescind the name."

The party infighting continued through Wednesday night, when Mills and other
Buchanan supporters boycotted a conference call to hash out the issue, and
Mills submitted another letter to Jones naming Buchanan the party's official

Jones accepted the submission based on Mills standing as party chairman and
turned it over to county officials for ballot printing.

Charles acknowledged the Buchanan campaign was set to challenge Jones in
court, but said Jones' decision was based on the office policy of following
the direction of the state party chairman.

Place charged that Jones abused his discretion by not following the will of a
majority of state Reform Party board members. He said the board "will have to
regroup now," but will likely consider legal action.

But Charles said Jones was only acting by the book. "The secretary of state
clearly stated the policy of this office and is not going to get into an
analysis of intra-party disputes," Charles said. "The state needs the parties
to conduct themselves in a way that will allow us to meet the deadlines in
the election code."

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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