So Bill Ball - The Crap Stops here with the people - and we start by
flushing that bunch out of our congress, white house and schools.

Begin on a local America for I say this, you attack the Boy Scouts, you
are attacking our children.

If the queers want "boy scouts"......let them form their own....only
they will need to merge with their own little girl scouts.....hard to
tell who will play who.

Now I was kicked out of the Girl Scouts for me, I do not like to be
bullied by someone whom Iknow to be dumber than I am.

So I quit - right before they called me down for calling the old bat
Horse Face.    Todoay I find Girl Scouts admit lesbians are are not
involved with Boy wonder I did not like that bunch, and
talk about stupid.

So The Crap Stops on local levels, boycott United Appeals
for these bastards make big bucks here taking big chunk off top.

Boycott anyone who dares lay a hand on a boy many little
homos do we have out there running around that really want to be a boy

No - it is the Boy Scout Leader who wants to symbolize the epitome of
manliness - like Barney Frank.

Remember that big yellow chicken on a football field or baseball field
that punched out Barney?

The big chicken got on TV, and he sat in a chair with his littls legs
crossed and was asked - why did you do it.

The big yellow chicken still in dress feathrs said because I was getting
sick of that guy.

That is how I feel now like Big Yellow Bird ready to tak a punch at some
of these perverts - one in particular, a child molestor queer who wants
to be boy scout to pay for his past indiscretions.........Big Bird,
Where Are You Now That We Need you......

So what will they do - put the boys in the girl scouts, and the girls in
the boy scouts?   Does that make sense?

Like Janet Reno, where the hell would they put the bull moose Reno?

Would you want your little golden haired darling in a tent with that
oald bat all night?

I know how some of these people operate for when I worked in a would someday see what I saw.....and oh how they cry,
when they get caught....buying little children.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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