Cliff Hume - Canada.

What a gigantic moron you are Cliff if your understanding of the NWO
leads you to believe that William F. Buckley is a communist.

You don't have a clue pal.     Joshua2

There is not a dimes worth of difference between the Right-Wing Socialists
and the Left-Wing Socialists, and the contents of part one and part two of
this post, should be enough to prove this statement to the informed; the
uninformed and misinformed will be left aghast or even angry, but we may
then be able to awaken them to the reality of our present situation.

On page 49 of the 488 page, The Unseen Hand, by A. Ralph Epperson, come
these enlightening words, unfit for Limbaugh "Ditto-heads" and others conned
by the ruse of 'Kommunism', or what Epperson points out as "the "respectable
right" from those the observer would never suspect of being a "closet

"Take for instance, the thoughts on this subject from two respectable "right
wing Conservatives." One has written: "Congress shall appropriate funds for
social welfare only for the benefit of those states whose per capita income
is below the national average." This writer advocated a newer brand of
Marxism: "From each state according to its ability, to each state according
to its needs." (emphasis added.) This writer advocated that the national
government divide the wealth, taking it from the wealthier states and giving
it to the less productive. Pure Marxism, except the writer involved both the
state and the federal governments rather than just the federal government as
Marx envisioned. This is only expanding Marx one step: the result is the
same. Property is distributed by the government just as before. The shock is
that this new thought came from the pen of William F. Buckley, Jr., hardly a
paragon of Marxism. But notice that Buckley's intent is the same as that of
Marx: to use government to redistribute Consumption and Capital Goods."

On page 206 of Mr. Epperson's book, we also find him peeking in to the roots
of the Order of Skull & Bones and its ties to the Bavarian Illuminists. Mr.
Epperson quotes from Ron Rosenbaum's article in the September 1977 issue of
Esquire magazine entitled "The Last Secret of Skull and Bones,". "Mr.
Rosenbaum also mentions the names of this group's more illustrious members.
Included in this list are two names of particular interest to those who
study conspiracies today: William F. Buckley, Jr., the "conservative" who
frequently states that there is "no conspiracy," and George Bush, Ronald
Reagan's Vice President and a member of the Trilateral Commission and the
Council on foreign Relations."

And for mor-on William F. Buckley, Jr., I will take you to Antony C.
Sutton's "America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of
Skull & Bones". Our counterfeit 'conservative' warrants mention on at least
seven or eight pages.

Taking just page 28 for brevity, and to get on with the task at hand, we
learn that:
"The Law
The major establishment law firms in New york are saturated with The Order.
In Particular, Lord, Day and Lord, dominated by the Lord family already
discussed; also Simpson, Thatcher and Bartlett, especially the thatcher
family; David Polk, Wardwell and Debevoise, Plimpton, the Rockefeller family
law firm.

There has been a significant penetration into communications. Some examples:
* Henry Luce of Time-Life is in The Order.
* so is William Buckley ('50) of National Review
* and Alfred Cowles (13), President of Cowles Communication,
  Des Moines Register, Minneapolis Star
* and Emmert Bates ('32) of Litton Educational Systems, plus
* Richard Ely Danielson ('07) of Atlantic Monthly
* Russell Wheeler Davenport ('23), Fortune
* John Chipman Farrar ('18), of Farrar, Strauss, the publishers."

There is not much left for the likes of William Buckley to infiltrate and
destroy in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and right at this
moment in time, beginning on the sixth of this month of September, of the
year 2000, these same people and those in cahoots with them, will be holding
a large meeting to plan the forging of our shackles and chains under a New
World Order.

All of these criminals are especially nervous these days and are liable to
try anything to carry their globalist plans to fruition, for they have all
been committing treason, the penalty for which has traditionally been - to
hang by the neck until dead.

I have sent out several letters over the past years asking the American
people to offer amnesty to those who realize they have been tricked, and
surrender themselves to the Sheriffs Departments, or some other branches of
government which may not have yet been taken over by all of these hoods.

These super-rich charlatans who would enslave the entire world, after over
200 years of conniving, cheating, and stealing the people blind, now feel
that they must win or die. If they do win for lack of attention on the part
of the ordinary people, millions of us will die after the
Carnegie-Rockefeller-CFR founded and funded United Nations factions are
handed the reigns of power. Those who have not read their Population Control
Program will not likely believe this either. Fifty-five years of war-making
by the UN should have proved to the least of us, that UN is a War-Making
Machine and has nothing at all to do with peace.

At 08:38 AM 9/2/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Cliff Hume wrote:
>> William F. Buckley's of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations is a
>> counterfeit conservative of whom I have not heard much in a long while. He
>> is probably still working diligently, and on the quiet, to build the
>> communist-UN New World Order.
>> Yours truly,
>> Cliff Hume - Canada.

What a gigantic moron you are Cliff if your understanding of the NWO
leads you to believe that William F. Buckley is a communist.

You don't have a clue pal.


 Surely you jest! You are just joshing an old man - just for the fun of it?
We are going to be far too busy for name-calling and fighting amongst
ourselves, so, if you have not done so already, please find yourself some of
these books and then let me know what you think. Time is running short, for
our would be captors have had much time for planning, cheating and stealing.

But, if it is a moron that I am, Joshua 2, you have run across the best
informed moron you will find in a coon's age. Please don't believe that
those congressmen who have been representing themselves as conservatives are
what they say they are, and surely you cannot believe that a member of the
subversive CFR can also be a conservative?

Please get back to your books and read Prof. Antony C. Sutton's Wall Street
& The Rise of Hitler; Prof. Quigley's, Tragedy & Hope; G. Edward Griffin's,
The Fearful Master - A Second Look At the United Nations; Frederic
Bastiat's, The Law; REDS In America, by R.M. Whitney; the Anglo-American
Establishment, by Quigley; The Communist Manifesto(page 25), by Karl Marx;
The Unseen Hand, by Ralph Epperson; Nicaragua Betrayed, by Somoza and Cox;
And so are many others, such as: Trilaterals Over Washington, by Sutton;
Wall Street And FDR, by Sutton; While You Slept, by John T. Flynn; Philip
Dru: Administrator, by Edward Mandell House; The Politician, By Robert
Welch. And many more suppressed works.

Nor is there independent political parties; the super-rich, UN promoting
Council on Foreign Relations pro-communists have had those in their pocket
for well over 100 years

The lady below, Joan Veon, in Part Two, is right on the mark, as was Gary
Allen in his books, The Rockefeller File; None Dare Call It Conspiracy;
Richard Nixon - The Man Behind The Mask - More Startling Than Watergate, by
Gary Allen; Global Tyranny...Step By Step - The United nations and the
Emerging New World Order, by William F. Jasper.

There is no such thing as a free press in the United states and Canada: "One
night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York
journalist, was the guest of honour at a  banquet given him by the leaders
of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a
toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by
replying:  "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in
America, as an independent press. You know it and I know  it.

  There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if
you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid
weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.
Others of you are  paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you
who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on  the
streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear
in one issue of my paper, before  twenty-four hours my occupation would be

  "The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon,  and to
sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
  You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent
  We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the
jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.  Our talents, our
possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are
intellectual prostitutes."

Such is not the case with William F. Buckley; he is on the other team.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume.

 At 10:18 PM 8/31/00 +0200, you wrote:
 Peter Brimelow here:
 I've just posted, at
 , a report on William F. Buckley's recent
 he's abandoned National Review's historic position
 that maintaining ethnic balance is a legitimate
 concern of immigration policy. This is interesting
 me because it partly explains why I was purged as
 Senior Editor in 1998; and to h-bders because it
 illustrates the extraordinary pressures currently
 brought to bear on weak and fashion-conscious
 journalists to avoid race-related issues. (Not
 immigration is purely a race-related issue). I am
 inclined to agree with Dan Seligman that the
 publication of The Bell Curve was, in the short
 run at
 least, devastating to debate. (Not that there was

 The VDARE report links to a remarkable article by
 James Lubsinkas in Jared Taylor's American
 analyzing National Review's changing positions on
 over more than four decades. I know there's a
 concerted effort to place Taylor beyond the pale -
 Steve won't allow him on hbd in case some of you
 upset - but my position is that truth is an
 defense. And, certainly in this area, as far as I
 see, Taylor is truthful. It's worth your time.

 Now is the time that tries mens' etc etc.

 yrs.purgedly, pb

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