As we have already seen, certain families from the area around Boston, whose
wealth came primarily from trading in slaves and in the drug opium in the
18th and 19th centuries, tried to hide the taint of dirty money by donating
huge sums of it to Harvard College, resulting in their control of the boa rof
trustees from the early 1800s. The charter of the Harvard Corporation al so
gave these board members the authority to choose successors to replace
members of the board who died or resigned, so that their long-practiced habit
of laundering drug money through the university system survives unt il the
present day.

Interestingly, it was the same families who were involved in setting up an
endowment at Yale College. Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in
London, and served with the British East India Company, eventually becomi ng
governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He amassed a great fortune
from trade and returned from India to England in 1699. Yale became known as
quite a philanthropist; upon receiving a request from the Collegiate Scho ol
in Connecticut, he sent a donation and a gift of books. After subsequent
bequests, Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in 1718.
[See Kris Millegan's article, "The Order of Skull and Bones" at
http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbones.htm ]

In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell & Company for the purpose of
acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. Forced out of the
lucrative African slave trade by U.S. law and Caribbean slave revolts,
leaders of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and Sturgis families
had married Perkins siblings and children. The Perkins opium syndicate made
the fortune and established the power of these families. B y the 1830s, the
Russells had bought out the Perkins syndicate and made Connecticut the
primary center of the U.S. opium racket. Massachusetts families (Coolidge,
Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop ) and New York (Low)
smuggler-millionaires under the Russell auspices. [Source:
http://www.tarpley.net/bush7.htm ]

There is a long list of names of the great American and European fortunes
which were built on the "China"(opium) trade:

*Augustine Heard (1785-1868): ship captain and pioneer U.S. opium smuggler.
*John Cleve Green (1800-75): married to Sarah Griswold; gave a fortune in
opium profits to Princeton University, financing three Princeton building s
and four professorships; trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary for 25
*Abiel Abbott Low (1811-93): his opium fortune financed the construction of
the Columbia University New York City campus; father of Columbia's presid ent
Seth Low.
*John Murray Forbes (1813-98): his opium millions financed the career of
author Ralph Waldo Emerson, who married Forbes's daughter, and bankrolled the
establishment of the Bell Telephone Company, whose first president wa s
Forbes's son.
*Joseph Coolidge: his Augustine Heard agency got $10 million yearly as
surrogates for the Scottish dope-runners Jardine Matheson during the fighting
in China; his son organized the United Fruit Company; his grands on,
Archibald Cary Coolidge, was the founding executive officer of the
Anglo-Americans' Council on Foreign Relations. *Warren Delano, Jr.: chief of
Russell and Co. in Canton; grandfather of U .S. President Franklin Delano
*Russell Sturgis: his grandson by the same name was chairman of the Barin g
Bank in England, financiers of the Far East opium trade.


It seems a plan was devised early in U.S. history to take control of our
centers of education in order to control how history was written. By setting
up endowments in the universities, they would be able to claim positions of
influence on the boards, which would then give them the powe r to control
those funds that they had donated and direct the investmen thereof. At the
same time, they could control which historians were appointed to the chairs
they endowed and make sure their reputations were free of the taint of the
drug trade by which their fortunes were acquired.

William Huntington Russell studied in Germany from 1831-32, during a
transition period in Germany's educational structure. Germany was adoptin g
the philosophical ideas of Hegel who had built on the philosophy school o f
Immanuel Kant. To Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is
Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by
worship and obedience to the state. Both fascism and communism have their
philosophical roots in the Hegellian philosophy in which William Russell was
endoctrinated during his time in Germany. This philosophy makes it possible
for those who use the Hegellian dialetical process to manipulate society to
be on both sides of any issue. According to Hegel, it is the conflict of the
ideas that brings about change. The result of the confli ct is to create a
synthesis between the two extremes and leads closer to the final outcome of
control by the forces seeking the ultimate power.

More aptly stated: Thesis (create the crisis) Anti-thesis (Offer the
Solution) which is the basis of globalist elite manipulation paradigms. T he
synthesis achieved becomes a symptomatic reponse instead of addressing th e
real cause (Government). The World Order organizes and finances Jewish
groups, anti-Jewish groups, Communist groups, anti-Communist groups, and
other "opposing" social forces to create predetermined outcomes ensuring
power maintenance.
http://www.trufax.org/chrono/crb.htmlhttp://www.trufax.org/chrono/crb.htm l

When Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he formed a senior society with
Alphonso Taft (Yale '33). According to information acquired from a break- in
to the "tomb" (the Skull and Bones meeting hall) in 1876, "Bones is a chapter
of a corps in a German University.... General Russell, its founde r, was in
Germany before his Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading
member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to
found a chapter here." So class valedictorian William H. Russell, alon g with
fourteen others, became the founding members of "The Order of Scull and
Bones," later changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones".

In 1832 many of these founders of the Yale society were still closely
connected in the opium business with their cousins at Harvard. Because o f
the research done into George H.W. Bush's family background involving Yal e
and Skull and Bones, and also because of the presidential candidacy of hi s
Skull and Bones member son, George W. Bush, much has been written in the last
few years about Yale's control by this secret society. But little research
has been published about the connection between the Yale crew an d their
counterparts in the other Ivy League colleges.


Part One of this series left off with Robert Bennet Forbes, a partner in the
firm of Russell and Company in 1840, the same year that a young man named
Warren Delano would become a partner in the same firm. The following is a
brief summary of the Delano family, the maternal parentage of President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and is extracted from an excerpt of "Before The
Trumpet" by Geoffrey C. Ward, two chapters of which have been posted by K ris
Millegan. See them in full at:
717&m3D322 88 and
837&m3D322 78

The first American Delano was Philippe de la Noye, a Huguenot who arrived at
Plymouth Colony in 1621. He came out of love, not religious zeal, hoping to
marry Priscilla Mullens (the same Priscilla with whom Myles Standish and John
Alden were later smitten). His dramatic arrival on her doorstep did him no
good. She turned him down, and he did not marry for thirteen more year s.
When he did, he chose another Englishwoman, Hester Dewsbury, with whom he had
several children. One of these, Jonathan Delano, married Mercy Warren ,
fought in King Philip's War, and was rewarded for his service with an
800-acre tract of land at New Bedford, Massachusetts, which then encompas sed
the coastal village of Fairhaven.

There his sons and their sons prospered as mariners and whalers and
shipbuilders, and there Warren Delano II was born in 1809. His father, th e
first Warren, had begun his career at sea at nineteen, ferrying cargoes o f
corn and salt, bathwood and potatoes to New Orleans and Liverpool and the
Canary Islands. Later he purchased interests in a number of fine ships, c ame
to own several more, and was captured at sea and endured two grim weeks
aboard a British prison ship after the War of 1812 had officially ended. He
returned to Fairhaven in 1815, alive but "sick enough," he said. After th at
he built himself a great rambling house and settled into a lucrative if l ess
eventful life ashore as a whaling executive.

Young Warren was graduated from Fairhaven Academy at fifteen in 1824. Two
years later, his father had him apprenticed as a junior clerk to Hathaway and
Company, a Boston importer; later he worked for Goodhue and Company, one of
the biggest import firms in New York, gaining what one business associ ate
later called "a first rate mercantile education."

In 1833, he sailed for China at the age of twenty-four. At Canton he was
offered a junior partnership in the new firm of Russell, Sturgis and Comp any
of Boston and Manila. In 1840, at thirty-one, he would become a senior
partner with Russell and Company, by then the largest American firm in th e
China trade. The object of every partner was to gain a
"competence"97$100,00097before returning home. Warren Delano would earn at
least two, one with each of the trading companies he served.

All dealing in China was done through one of thirteen Chinese traders, wh o
were held personally responsible for the actions of their foreign associates.
This was sometimes a touchy business. Sailors reeling back to their ships
from an evening in Hog Lane, the single narrow street of grog shops they were
permitted to visit on shore leave, occasionally got into trouble, requiring
their Chinese sponsors to pay stiff damages to the imperial viceroy. But it
was worth the inconvenience. Houqua, the agent w ho handled business for most
American firms (and has been said to have been the Chinese agent for the East
India Company), became probably the wealthiest merchant on earth, said to
have compiled a fortune of some $26 million by the year Warren Delano first
came to know him.

The high points of the Canton social season for the Americans were the
sumptuous banquets held at the home of Houqua on the midriver island of
Honam. Houqua wore silk brocade robes and clattering ropes of jade and a silk
cap with a bright blue button that denoted his special status. The bohea tea
grown on the slopes of his family estate and shipped aboard American ships
was said to be among the finest in the world and he was generous toward those
who had made him rich. A portrait of Houqua always hung in the Delano parlor
at Algonac. According to the Delano Family Pape rs, successive heads of the
Wu family, who were important Chinese merchants i n the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, were called "Howqua" ("Houqua") by the foreigners who
did business with them. The first usage appears to hav e arisen from a
corruption of the given name of Wu Hao-kuan. See John King Fairbank, Trade
and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Trea ty Ports,
1842961854 (2 vols., 1953).

The idyll was abruptly interrupted in 1838. Opium was the cause. Traffic in
the drug was the dirty little secret of the China trade, almost universal ly
practiced, almost never discussed. And as an increasingly important Canto n
trader, Warren Delano was deeply involved in it. The British controlled the
business; perhaps a third of their Chinese revenues came from the sale of
opium, though its importation had been expressly forbidden by the emperor si
nce 1729. Massive bribery of local officials made it possible; the drug's
compactness and the almost insatiable demand for it among Chinese addicts
made it spectacularly lucrative.

The Americans did their best to keep up with the British, but never came
close to matching their earnings. Every American firm took part, with the
lone exception of D. W. C. Olyphant and Company. Robert Bennet Forbes, Warren'
s friend and immediate predecessor as head of Russell and Company in Canton,
had offered his justification for taking part in the trade: the b est
seafaring families of New England were involved in it, "those to whom I h ave
always been accustomed to look up as exponents of all that was honorable in
trade97the Perkins's, the Peabodys, the Russells and the Lows." There wa s a
huge profit to be made. Others were enriching themselves; Warren Delano a nd
his fellow traders saw no reason not to get their share. Under Robert
Forbes's energetic direction, Russell and Compa ny became the third-most
important single firm in the opium trade, British o r American. As Forbes's
successor as head of the company, Warren Delano improved upon his performance.

It was a matter of supply, not scruples then, that kept the Americans fro m
doing even better. The British owned their own poppy fields in India. The ir
American competitors had to make do with opium bought in Turkey, or to se ll
the Indian drug on consignment for British or Indian firms. The Manchus w ere
powerless to stop it, though they despaired over opium's impact on their
subjects and worried at the drain the trade made on precious specie. Aft er
two wars with the British over whether opium could be sold to Chinese
citizens, the Chinese were thoroughly defeated and the ports were opened up
to bring in the drug. Warren Delano was in China during both wars.


Opium helped make Warren a wealthy man. Neither he nor his descendants we re
proud of that fact. He kept his business affairs to himself. Years later, one
of his sons remembered "how strictly he complied with the admonition not to
let his right hand know what his left hand was doing." In a family fon d of
retelling and embellishing even the mildest sort of ancestral adventur es, no
stories seem to have been handed down concerning Warren Delano's genuinely
adventurous career in the opium business.

In 1843 Warren Delano returned to Massachusetts and during a visit at the
home of his Canton friend John Murray Forbes at Northampton he met a Forb es
cousin, Judge Joseph Lyman, who invited the Delanos to his home that evening.
The Lymans, too, were members of a distinguished old Massachuse tts family,
and their youngest daughter Catherine Robbins Lyman, would soon become the
wife of Warren Delano. On December 4, the newlyweds sailed fo r China aboard
John Bennet Forbes's sleek new Paul Jones. With them went Warren's younger
sister Deborah, who was called "Dora."

The Delanos stayed in China for three years. Warren continued to run Russ ell
and Company, increasing both its profits and his own with each successive
season. Toward the end of 1846 the Delanos returned to America to stay.
Warren stayed busy investing his new fortune in a host of likely
ventures97New York waterfront property, railroads, copper mines in Tenne ssee
and Maryland, land and anthracite coal in Pennsylvania, where a mining town
was named Delano in his honor. He never entirely abandoned the China trade,
buildin g and owning several clippers, and when gold was discovered in
California i t provided him with a whole new market for his cargoes. His
ship, the Mint, built with Robert Forbes and the Swedish engineer John
Ericsson, was the first American paddle steamer on the Sacramento River.

They first bought themselves a five-story Manhattan town house at 39
Lafayette Square, and their neighbors included Washington Irving; John Ja cob
Astor, now nearing eighty-four but still the wealthiest man in America; a nd
Warren's younger brother Franklin, who had married Mr. Astor's granddaugh ter
Laura Astor just two years earlier. He too had been in the shipping busin ess
but had recently "retired" at thirty-one to live off his wife's immense trust
fund. While Warren had had to buy his house, Franklin's had been fr ee, a
token of the old man's fondness for his granddaughter. William Backhous e
Astor, Laura Delano's father, lived just across the street.

The family-Warren, Catherine, and their three children-moved to Algonac in
1852. With them came several servants and two unmarried relatives, Warren 's
sister Sarah and his brother Ned, now home from China and without much
initiative of his own. Later that year, another boy was born and given th e
name, Warren III. And there, two years later, on September 21, 1854, Sar a
Delano was born.

In the late summer of 1857, Algonac was nearly destroyed by an intrusion from
the outside world which even Warren Delano could not keep out. Panic hit Wall
Street, sparked by the abrupt failure of the giant Ohio Life Insurance and
Trust Company, but further fueled by the legacy of years of wild
over-speculation in railroads and real estate. Market prices were halved
overnight; specie payment was suspended for a time; thousands of businesses
closed over the next three years; hundreds of thousands of men were thrown
out of work. One by one, Warren Delano's investments soured.


In January 1860, Warren Delano was fifty and faced with bankruptcy after
thirty years in business. He resolved at last to return to China, to Hong
Kong this time, and re-enter the trade which had made him so rich so fast
when he was young97tea and opium.[7] By 1862, Warren Delano's fortunes had
improved, not enough to permit him to come home, but enough for him to
arrange passage on a clipper, the Surprise, and send for his family to jo in
him at Hong Kong. Algonac was leased to Warren's old Canton friend, Abbo t
Low. At the time Warren left for China, Sara was pregnant with a ninth child,
and she would bear two more while in China. In 1864 the children were
returned to America. William Forbes, a junior partner with Russell and
company to whom Dora was now engaged, provided an escort.

By 1865 when the Civil War was over, Warren had restored his fortune but was
unable to reunite the family at Algonac, on which Abbott Low's lease stil l
had two years to run. Sara's sister Dora married Will Forbes, and the tw o of
them returned to China to continue the family's business. The rest of the fami
ly went to Paris for a time, later to Dresden. Sara's brother, Warren, was
graduated from Harvard in 1874, hoping to travel west as a mining engineer.
His father had other plans for him, however, and he went to
work instead as superintendent of one of Warren Delano's enterprises, the
Union Mining Company, digging coal and shale from deposits near Mount Savage,
Maryland, and making firebrick from the local clay. While still a t Harvard
he had met and fallen in love with Miss Jennie Walters of Baltimo re, the
sister of one of Warren's classmates. Her father had organized the Atlantic
Coast Railroad Line, made himself many times a millionaire, but would not
agree to the marriage until 1875.

Sara was to remain single until the age of 26, when she became the second
wife of James Roosevelt, who was many years her senior. After the wedding ,
the couple went to Europe, where Will and Dora Forbes, still taking care of
the family's business in China, met them for three weeks in Rome. Sara's
uncle Franklin Delano, for whom her son would be named, met them in Genev a
with his wife. (Will and Dora Forbes would remain married until his deat h in
1896, when she married his brother Paul Forbes. Although James had ot her
children by his first wife, he and Sara were to give birth to only one child,
Franklin. James Roosevelt died in 1900, and it was laregly due to his
mother's family contacts and fortune that he was able to finance his run for
president a few years later.

While he was a student at Harvard, the president emeritus of the college was
Abbott Lawrence Lowell. At the age of 35 Franklin was elected to Harvard 's
Board of Overseers. He returned for his twenty-fifth reunion in June 192 9.
His classmates had elected him chief marshal of Commencement. Harvard's P hi
Beta Kappa chapter, to which Theodore Roosevelt had belonged, chose him a s
orator at the annual Literary Exercises, and made him an honorary member
(along with his uncle Frederick Delano, A.B. 1885, twice an Overseer and
later president of the Harvard Alumni Association). Among FDR's backers was
Joseph P. Kennedy (Harvard 1912), whose son, John Fitzgerald, would follow
his father to Harvard and later become the nation's thirty-fifth president.

Two days after Franklin Roosevelt's death in office on April 12, 1945,
mourners jammed the Harvard Memorial Church for a service led by Willard
Sperry, dean of the Divinity School. "We have lost one of our own members ,"
said Sperry. "It would be presumptuous to say that elsewhere there is no
sorrow like our sorrow. But our sorrow is touched with a humble and prope r
pride that this society was one of the shaping forces which fitted him fo r
his duty and his destiny.

I wonder what the dean meant by that? Did he mean that the Harvard
Corporation supports those of its sons whose ill-gotten gains have been
washed through its institution and that Harvard expects nothing in return
except protection, power and prestige? Surely he didn't mean that.

Web sources:

Kris Millegan's Archives Available at:


[See Kris Millegan's article, "The Order of Skull and Bones" at
http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbones.htm ]

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton
Chaitkin Chapter -VII- Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale See:

An excerpt from: Before The Trumpet Geoffrey C. Ward A91985 Harper & Row ISBN
0-06-015451-9390pps -- First Edition -

837&m3D322 78

717&m3D322 78

http://www.robinsonresearch.com/EDUCATION/US/Harvard.htm On June 6, 1650, the
Great and General Court of Massachusetts approved Harvard President Henry
Dunster's charter of incorporation. The Charter o f 1650 established the
President and Fellows of Harvard College, a seven-member board that is the
oldest corporation in the Western Hemisphe re. It became a chartered
university in 1780 and fully autonomous in 1865. Through the years Harvard
has acquired a reputation for being one of the finest institutions of higher
learning in the world. Among many notable alumni are the religious leaders
Increase Mather and Cotton Mather; the philosopher and psychologist William
James; and men of letters such as Ra lph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau,
James Russel Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Robert Frost, and T.S.
Eliot. More U.S. presidents have attended Harvard than any other college:
John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and
John F. Kennedy. A sixth, Rutherford B. Hayes, was a graduate of Harvard Law
School, which also cou nts the jurists Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Felix
Frankfurter among its alumni.

http://www.harvard-magazine.com/issues/nd96/frank.family.html ROOSEVELTS AT
HARVARD: A FAMILY MATTER James Roosevelt, Franklin's father, received his
ll.b. from Harvard Law School in 1851. Theodore Roosevelt enrolled in the
College in 1877, FDR i n 1900. Thereafter, Roosevelts came to Harvard in
droves. In 1936, the tercentennial year, when FDR ran for a second term, nine
Roosevelts were registered in the College, including three sets of brothers.
FDR's Harvard progeny included three of his four sons-James '30, Franklin Jr.
'37, and John '38-as well as four grandsons and a great-grandson. Eleanor
Roosevelt's brother Hall '13 and his two sons also went to Harvar d. Several
of FDR's Delano uncles and cousins, including his uncle Fred-clas s of 1885,
twice an Overseer, and president of the Alumni Association in 1932-33-were
Harvard men. Theodore Roosevelt, of the Oyster Bay branch, sent all four of
his sons: Theodore '09, Kermit '12, Archibald '17, and Quentin '19. His
daughters Alice and Ethel made it a clean sweep by marrying Harvard men
(Senator Nicholas Longworth, A.B. 1891, and Dr. Richard Derby '03, who
followed FD R on the Board of Overseers). Six of TR's grandsons, seven
great-grandchildren, and a half dozen great-great-grandchildren have gone to
Most of the 17 other Roosevelts on the alumni rolls were or are descendan ts
of TR's four uncles, and thus belong to the Oyster Bay branch. TR's siste r
Corinne Roosevelt Robinson had two Harvard sons and a Harvard grandson (t he
late columnist Joseph Alsop '32).

http://www.nara.gov/publications/prologue/butowsrc.html Jacques M. Downs, The
Golden Ghetto: The American Commercial Community at Canton and the Shaping of
American China Policy, 1784961844 (1997), is a n excellent source of
information on the Old China Trade at Canton and on t he role opium played in
the transformation of that system of doing business with the Chinese. See pp.
12696128 for the early involvement of Russell & Co. in the opium trade.

Delano genealogy site:
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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