[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Also, if it was important for her to be sacrificed on Aug 31st then
>how could they have guaranteed this? The crash happened minutes after
>midnight - pure chance yet again. They could have left The Ritz at any
>time during the evening.

A car could have been waiting up ahead. When notified she was coming, it
could maneuvered to be right in front of her when she entered the tunnel.
This is VERY elementry trade craft, real 101 level stuff. Once in the
tunnel a guy in the back seat leans around and blinds her driver with a
strobe or a laser, and speeds off. Piece of cake. That doesn't mean it
happened, but it does mean it's possible.

That doesn't mean it was the Illuminati, the Masons, the CIA or the Mystic
Knights of the Sea, however. It could have been done by any three guys who
wanted to do it badly enough.

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