Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Don’t Arm the U.N.; Re-Arm the U.S.
Dan Frisa
Thursday Sept. 7, 2000
In an outrageous bolt from the blue, Bill Clinton announced his support for a
near-treasonous proposal to establish a standing army of the United Nations.
This concept is clearly against U.S. national interests and violates our
long-established policy disfavoring command of U.S. troops by foreign
Not since the deadly, misguided tenure of Jimmy Carter – when U.S. troops
were part of a U.N. "peacekeeping" mission in the Middle East under U.N.
command and suffered needless casualties – have U.S. forces been placed in
such jeopardy.

Now more than two decades hence, Clinton and his "world without nations” man
at the State Department, Strobe Talbot, are inexplicably giving aid and
comfort to a proposal favored by our enemies.

Such lunacy could only have been inspired by one too many Clinton
touchy-feely Renaissance Weekends, where such profound global thinkers as
comedian Al Franken sit in circles on the floor with legs crossed and arms
linked, listening to John Lennon’s song "Imagine" and pine for a world where
"there’s no countries; it isn’t hard to do."

Great music doesn’t make good policy, which is why it’s so troubling that
Clinton is singing this tune. And if you listen carefully, Al Gore can be
heard in the background humming right along.

Instead of blathering on about such balderdash, the president should be
focused on the important, serious business of rebuilding U.S. military
capabilities, which have been seriously impaired by Clinton’s raid on the
cookie jar labeled "peace dividend."

Clinton and Gore have presided over, and fostered, an unprecedented decline
in our nation’s defensive readiness. The U.S. is currently far below
necessary levels of strength in all branches of the armed forces: the Navy is
down several battle groups; the Air Force is short several wings; and the
Army is deficient too many divisions. Morale is down and pay is at poverty
levels, resulting in serious recruitment and retention shortfalls.

This is a crucial time in U.S. history. We have made ourselves vulnerable on
too many fronts. It is at just such times that threats from our foes are
invited, and they are many.

Communist China is saber-rattling, Russia is dictating limits to our
defenses, rogue nations abound and nuclear threats are numerous.

It is with this backdrop that Bill Clinton and Al Gore support arming the
U.N. They are dead wrong.

We must have a commander in chief who will instead re-arm the U.S.

The stakes are too high and the storm clouds too dark to do anything less.
Which is why November 7 is such an important date, one that will live in
either infamy or glory.

Dan Frisa represented New York in the United States Congress and served four
terms in the New York State Assembly. E-mail him at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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