"to back up claims with,"........really June, there you go again -
ending a sentence with a preposition.

Set of facts in comparison to what June?   The theory as opposed to "a"
set of facts?   Then there is no such thing as a conspiracy, is there.

Try something else June;  this is a conspiracy theory list.

Forgive me for being so crude as to point out your grammatical errors,
but I have become accustomed to your ways.

The set of facts would be the case at hand; the theory would be a
solution using speculation when there is no proof.

For instance, we have no proof that you are not also Bill Shannon or say

Your alter egos?

After all Einstein had a theory and now the facts are beginning to show
his theory may ot have been his at all but was stolen from an Italian,
and some of the "theory" was not based on facts - and it is still
therefore a theory.

Recommend a good book to you June.....buy it, it is called Einstein's
Theory Explained for Dumb Heads.........then look up word theory again.

And please June, just the facts - no speculation but with just the
facts, there is no conspiracy theory, is there.


PS:   And that is the third time you have ended a sentence with a
preposition.......now I will not mention your grammatical errors again -
seems unnecessarily crude.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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