-----Original Message-----
From: Taylor, John (JH) (Solvents) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Conspiracy theories fuel row over Aids crisis in South
Africa (Independent, UK)

Conspiracy theories fuel row over Aids crisis in South Africa
By Karen MacGregor in Durban
Independent On-line - 4 September 2000

South Africa's health minister, Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, has fuelled
the debate on theHIV-Aids crisis in the country by circulating a
controversial theory that claims the virus was introduced into Africa by a
global conspiracy intent on reducing the continent's population.

The theory is expounded by American author William Cooper in a chapter in
his book Behold, a Pale Horse.  He claims the Illuminati - a conspiracy to
control the world - introduced Aids to Africa via the smallpox vaccine in
1978, even though the last recorded case of the disease was in 1977. He
also alleges that a known cure is being kept secret until enough people
have died.

The health minister, Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, circulated copies of the
chapter to the health ministers of South Africa's nine provinces at their
last meeting. On her instruction, a local newspaper revealed yesterday, her
parliamentary officer also distributed copies to provincial premiers.
The Western Cape health minister, Nick Koornhof, says that with it he
received an anonymous letter, marked top secret and "for African eyes
only", warning that the Aids virus could be in any vaccine coming into
Africa from the West.

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