1) There have NEVER been two fossils found LINKING one species to another.

2) The THEORY of evolution is just that. To be considered SCIENCE it must
be repeatable, demonstrable and testable. By definition is FAILS the test of
It can pass none of those tests.

3) Evolution CONTRADICTS the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics PERIOD!
(is is really a law then??)

4) The proteins used to CREATE DNA can ONLY be made FROM DNA
(man has NEVER synthesised it yet)

And that just happens to come from a family member with a PHD in
When a genetic engineer doesn't buy into evolution why should I?

Mike Smith

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 3:58 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Charles Darwin - The Truth?

> Interesting items here and questions about Darwin being plagiarist?
> So much for family trees....Clinton and his English connection, his real
> name was alleged to be Blythe - always lovd how Darwin said the
> "descent" of man - guess depends on where you are.
> Old biblical line, Jesus was asked how to you intend to get back up
> there - meaning heaven - and he said the same way I got up.
> Stars in the night and shepards keeping watch for a bright star so did
> you ever watch the skies for UFO's?   Lots of secret experiments.
> But I think men are the sons of God ready to return to the
> heavens......for if this be true, a day with Christ is as a thousand
> years.....3 days is 3 thousand years.
> Freud plagiarized the bible ad so did Lincoln; never read too much on
> Darwin except stories about the famous monkey trial......and of course
> Hollywood made that one linger on.
> Well my family tree descends supposedly from Japeth in the bible....some
> say Japeth was jewish, I do not know and I do not care for the word Jew
> was unheard of when Japeth lived....my mother kept family records and we
> went to Charlegmagne and I can prove my pedigree....then easy matter to
> take you family tree righ to bible but most people did not keep records.
> So Noah built an Ark.....all the seeds of life were upon it.
> Now it seems Darwin could never answer the old question which came
> first, the chicken or the egg.....well I always thought someone had a
> different recipie for each of the species and there was a purpose for
> every living thing - to me trees are living beautiful masterpieces.
> So Darwin - bet he did not have a family tree that amounted to
> much.....for nobody really knows the mysteries of life, in the beginning
> and who created God.....but it was, Eden's garden wasnt it ?
> Well as my uncle used to say "I'll be a monkey's Uncle"......old masonic
> quote I think.
> Darwin still has a theory.......I can go out in my back yard and look at
> the moon and sun - and wonder how old are you and who put you
> there.....my Uncles monkey hanging from a familiy tree where someone got
> in the wrong garden?
> Saba
> June - which came first, the chicken or the egg......no chicken, no egg
> - no egg, no chicken....but the recipie is in the egg carrying a dna -
> so you mate a horse and a donkey, you get a mule....good for plowing
> fields - and not so stuborn, but very stupid from what I have been
> told........
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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