An atmosphere of confusion and disappointment spread among the
ranks inside of the Washington bureau of the NEW YORK TIMES
Thursday morning after the newspaper lost two high-impact
exclusives to competitors.

Going into last weekend, editors at the TIMES were set to publish
two exclusives, according to newsroom sources, one involving a
possible link between Gore, a veto vote, and a $100,000 donation
from a wealthy Texas lawyer, another exploring First Lady Hillary
Clinton possibly rewarding campaign contributors with overnight
stays at the White House and Camp David.

But editors scrambled late Wednesday when both stories, which
still had not been published, began appearing in other outlets.

"We blew it!  Both stories were ready," said a disgruntled
newsroom source who demanded anonymity.  "All this hard work on
Gore...  and we are beat by TIME.COM?!"

NEW YORK TIMES star reporter Don Van Natta Jr.  is said to have
been horrified Wednesday night as he watched TIME.COM, FOX NEWS,
the WASHINGTON TIMES and others race details of what was to be

Just hours prior, before the Gore story hit airwaves and wires,
NEW YORK TIMES Washington editor Jill Abramson refused to answer
questions why and how it was that stories unfavorable to
Democrats where apparently not making it into print, while the
TIMES proudly featured a Page One story on George W.  Bush’s
campaign signing off an anti-Gore ad that flashed the
"subliminal" message "RATS".

"I am not going to answer these questions!" Abramson shouted into
the phone.

When asked by the DRUDGE REPORT how she could possibly sit back
and let TIME.COM soon beat the NEW YORK TIMES on the Gore story,
Abramson hung up the phone.

Then, according to one newsroom eyewitness, Abramson quickly
moved into action.

"Let’s get this thing out!" Abramson snapped to an associate.

Six hours after the call to Abramson, the TIMES finally placed
the Gore report on its website.  But by that point, it was too
late.  Other outlets were reporting the same details.

The Gore story was ready to run as early as last Friday, then it
was moved to Sunday, according to sources.  But then editors
decided to feature the Hillary Clinton exclusive on Page One of
Sunday editions. Gore was delayed.  But one editor raised
concerns on Saturday that it would be unfair to publish the
Hillary story so close to her debate [the White House was also
unwilling to release the names of Camp David guests].  The
Hillary story was put on ice.

"Everything kept getting delayed from a scheduling point of
view," said a publishing source.  "Gore was set to run on Monday,
but then Wen Ho Lee was released and he filled up the front

"I hope everyone here has learned a lesson," said the source.
"We can’t hold back news." An atmosphere of confusion and
disappointment spread among the ranks inside of the Washington
bureau of the NEW YORK TIMES Thursday morning after the newspaper
lost two high-impact exclusives to competitors.

Going into last weekend, editors at the TIMES were set to publish
two exclusives, according to newsroom sources, one involving a
possible link between Gore, a veto vote, and a $100,000 donation
from a wealthy Texas lawyer, another exploring First Lady Hillary
Clinton possibly rewarding campaign contributors with overnight
stays at the White House and Camp David.

But editors scrambled late Wednesday when both stories, which
still had not been published, began appearing in other outlets.

"We blew it!  Both stories were ready," said a disgruntled
newsroom source who demanded anonymity.  "All this hard work on
Gore...  and we are beat by TIME.COM?!"

NEW YORK TIMES star reporter Don Van Natta Jr.  is said to have
been horrified Wednesday night as he watched TIME.COM, FOX NEWS,
the WASHINGTON TIMES and others race details of what was to be

Just hours prior, before the Gore story hit airwaves and wires,
NEW YORK TIMES Washington editor Jill Abramson refused to answer
questions why and how it was that stories unfavorable to
Democrats where apparently not making it into print, while the
TIMES proudly featured a Page One story on George W.  Bush’s
campaign signing off an anti-Gore ad that flashed the
"subliminal" message "RATS".

"I am not going to answer these questions!" Abramson shouted into
the phone.

When asked by the DRUDGE REPORT how she could possibly sit back
and let TIME.COM soon beat the NEW YORK TIMES on the Gore story,
Abramson hung up the phone.

Then, according to one newsroom eyewitness, Abramson quickly
moved into action.

"Let’s get this thing out!" Abramson snapped to an associate.

Six hours after the call to Abramson, the TIMES finally placed
the Gore report on its website.  But by that point, it was too
late.  Other outlets were reporting the same details.

The Gore story was ready to run as early as last Friday, then it
was moved to Sunday, according to sources.  But then editors
decided to feature the Hillary Clinton exclusive on Page One of
Sunday editions. Gore was delayed.  But one editor raised
concerns on Saturday that it would be unfair to publish the
Hillary story so close to her debate [the White House was also
unwilling to release the names of Camp David guests].  The
Hillary story was put on ice.

"Everything kept getting delayed from a scheduling point of
view," said a publishing source.  "Gore was set to run on Monday,
but then Wen Ho Lee was released and he filled up the front

"I hope everyone here has learned a lesson," said the source.
"We can’t hold back news."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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