My God, I live in NYC and should not be astonished at anything. But I sure
was astonished when, at around 3 AM one night, I saw my first homosexual
commercial on television: two young virile-looking male actors, French
speaking (why must they always pick on Frenchmen to be homosexuals?). Both
naked from the waist up, sort of squirming around erotically. One mumbling
something about why all the hysteria over men on men? and the other mumbling
something about "it's just homoeroticism". It was a commercial for Levi

If Amerika is not Sodom and Gomorrah, then I don't know what is. I do hope
biblical history repeats itself soon.


<<<Any one that has NOT noticed all the television, motion picture,
magazine, etc., etc., references to the normalcy and "OK-ness"
with the gay life style over the last 18 months, a trend that was
virtually ABSENT just a few years ago...well, any one that
believes this infusion of "gay pride" into every aspect of the
mass media must have been in a coma for the last 2 years!>>>

> Something very strange going on in this country when queers
> keep pushing their sodomist views on boy scouts and in
> schools?

The Truth Is Somewhere...

         0(o   o)0

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