-Caveat Lector-

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John will also be at CIA-Drugs Sympsoium II


Corruption at the Border

John Carman

Customs Whistleblower

 John Carman's Resumé . . . . . . . . .  Commendations . . . . . . . . .
Carman Investigations
© 2000, Corruption at the Border, By John Carman
(No material, written, audio, video, photographs, or other printed matter on
this website may be used with out expressed permission from John A. Carman
with a signed release form releasing this information. Special permission is
given to legitimate newsmedia for republication with proper credits attached.
All others are invalid.

Email John Carman

John Carman
P.O. Box 3811
La Mesa, Ca. 91944

Your contributions to the legal defense fund are appreciated.

 Incident Report: June 16, 1999 Grossmont Shopping Center Parking Lot
This was a "Port Runner" that got away from another Customs Official, but I
intercepted it before the driver could do anything and he ran back to
Tijuana, Mexico, leaving over 100 lbs of narcotics. I caught it abandoned
with the drivers id. still attached to the windshield. I was driving the
Customs "Chase Car" that evening. One of my usual catches. I had a 90%
success rate over anything that got away from another Customs or Immigration
official that originated from Tijuana thru San Ysidro. This was about 1993.
Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, customs managers decided to scrap the
"chase car" program. Go figure??

 Ex-Treasury Official Charged With Fraud
 Murder, Money & Mexico
 Family Tree of Power & Narco-Corruption
 Arms Smuggling on the Border
 Customs Service's High-Tech Planes Have Been an Effective Weapon in Drug War
 The Strange Death of Colonel Sabow By Gary Null
 U.S. Office of Special Counsel
 Customs official faces perjury counts
 Customs Whistle Blower Probed by Grand Jury
I have just confirmed through reliable government, and "non-government"
sources that the so-called U.S. Customs "Air Interdiction Programs" have been
suspended since about 1997.
This came from "several" very well placed contacts throughout the United
States and at various U.S. Customs Air Bases, and along the U.S./Mexican
Border airfields which are supposedly working around the clock to interdict
Operation "Blue Lightning", which is one of many Customs Drug Interdiction
programs has apparently has been "shot down" by the Clinton Administration as
early as 1997 and possibly earlier. Reliable sources have recently informed
me that while visiting a local former Military Air Base, where Customs
maintains an air group, it was determined that there were no Anti-Drug
Missions being flown for quite some time and that the equipment or weather
was not a problem. There were at least a dozen planes and one black hawk
helicopter which were blocked off and tied down for an extended period of
time. These interdiction aircraft are specially equipped with F.L.I.R.
(Forward Looking Infared devices) for spotting illegal drug flights that
occur at night time.Most of the time these suspected smuggler's planes do NOT
have the required FAA transponders on board so that they can easily be
One such confirmed instance of this "shut down" was in Gulfport, Mississippi
a few years ago. There was an incident where someone noticed all the U.S.
Customs planes at the Air Interdiction Group were NOT flying for some reason.
There were several "innocent" inquiries made to all the pilots and other
support personnel who were all sitting around and drinking coffee and eating
their donuts collecting their highly rated pilots paychecks and A.U.O.
(automatic uncontrollable overtime) which is an additional 25% overtime, were
all enjoying themselves. One individual asked, "Hey, how come you guys aren't
flying today?" "It's beautiful weather out there!" "Is there something wrong
with your planes or equipment?"
Several of the GS-13's Pilot's responded by saying, " Ever since the Clinton
administration ordered us to "stand down", we've had to kick back and
restrict ourselves to local flights without any drug interdiction flights
whatsoever." General Barry McCaffrey was specifically mentioned in this
interesting conversation too. General McCaffrey is the head of the National
Drug Control Policy office in Washington, D.C. and the Presidential appointed
Drug Czar. According to "sources" it "seems" that someone was being allowed
to fly their drug flights straight into the U.S. without interference from
U.S. Customs at certain times. Mena Arkansas was also mentioned too.
Even the Military planes are specially equipped with such special equipment
for interdiction and National Security purposes. However, when you consider
the question about National Security, we would have lost a long time ago with
all of the illegal "over flights" that occur on a regular basis. Who really
knows which flights are "authorized" or not. Does FAA, Customs, Military, or
NSA keep track? What ever happened to the threat of planes flying in with
nuclear devices? Even a former DEA Director said, "If the smugglers were
Enemy aircraft, we'd all be in a world of trouble by now." (1994 quote)
Customs Agent Ricardo Sandoval
 Lawsuit Puts Customs Service on Trial Part 1
 Lawsuit Puts Customs Service on Trial Part 2
 Customs agent is awarded $200,000 | Jury says he faced bias and retaliation

 Customs Set To Fire Whistleblower

This is a quicky photo of me and Mike Ruppert, former LAPD Officer and CIA
expert with regards to the CIA's involvement in drug smuggling and other
illegal activity.This photo was taken at the KIEV radio show with Peter Ford
on the late night show in Pasadena. July 1997


This is a picture of me with Celerino "Cele" Castillo, former DEA Special
Agent and author. We met at the Fairfax High School auditorium in 1997, where
I met with U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a supporter of the "Crack the
CIA" Coalition. This movement is directly involved in exposing the CIA and
U.S. government's involvement in drug smuggling.


This is a picture of author and former CIA pilot (also former partner and
co-worker of Barry Seal) named Terry Reed. He is the author of the book
"Compromised, Clinton, Bush and the CIA". A very revealing book and


Here I am with Joseph Wambaugh at a local law enforcement "Police Badge and
Patch Collectors" show held in San Diego on September 25, 1999. I was
photographed by another avid collector of Police memorabilia as well as a
supporter of various local law enforcement agencies in San Diego.
Mr. Wambaugh was there to promote his new book, "Floaters" which was just
being released at your local fine book stores everywhere. He signed a special
book marker specially designed by him and his wife. This book will be number
fifteen in a series of fine books. I am a great fan of his and I know you
will be too.
Mr. Wambaugh is very supportive of law enforcement and is making a living
writing new books which reveals the true nature and insights into the many
aspects of law enforcement which the public doesn't normally see or hear
I hope to have a book released soon which will be about my own experiences
dealing with approximately 25 years of enforcement, especially U.S. Customs
which is the greatest amount of my experience. I will reveal the treatment I
received for faithfully doing my job and the negative aspects of revealing
corruption within our federal law enforcement agencies while fighting the
"War On Drugs".


A picture of television personality and actor Martin Milner of the "Adam 12"
TV show and myself at a local San Diego "police badge and patch trade show"
in 1998. Mr. Milner was there to show his continuing support of the law
enforcement community and those of us that fight the "War on Drugs". The
police car was the actual car used on the television series and was in very
good shape.

 Mexico's powerful Hank family goes after U.S. prof over leak. San Diego
Union Tribune 08/17/2000

 On Friday September 8, 2000 in today's edition of the San Diego
Union-Tribune is an article which discloses that former Customs inspector &
whistle-blower Michael Horner,47, admitted on Thursday 9-7-00 to fabricating
a memo used in a "60 Minutes" report back in April 1997 that involved
allegations of corruption at the Otay Mesa border crossing, which is just 6
miles east of the worlds' largest land border inspection station in a
community of San Ysidro in the city of San Diego, California.
It is because of my status as a whistle-blower and my associations with this
"former" Customs inspector that I have suffered retaliation by Customs
managers like Rudy M. Camacho and Customs Internal affairs agents who I have
assisted in disclosing important information regarding corruption in Customs
I also assisted Customs internal affairs agents in this recent investigation
regarding the "60 Minutes" story and the "fabricated" document by Mike
Horner. Customs employees were solicited by internal affairs to anyone that
knew any information about the memo which was aired on "60 Minutes" back in
April 1997.
I came forward to offer what I knew about the "memo" and other information to
Customs internal affairs agents as a last ditch effort to expose the truth
about what I thought was further evidence of corruption, as I knew it,and
through my associations with Mike Horner who was a whistle-blower at that
time. Internal affairs agents were only interested in going after Mike
Horner, but I wanted internal affairs to get ALL the facts as I knew them in
order to get to the real truth of the matter and to do an honest and fair
investigation instead of a "witch hunt ".
At one point I was given an "untimely" notice by Julian Greenspun that I was
a "target" of this recent investigation back on June 15, 2000. I had tried to
talk to senior trial lawyer Julian Greespun in the past without any
co-operation or interest. When I received notice that I was also a "target"
of this same investigation that I helped to prosecute, I was totally shocked
as I had assisted by telling Customs internal affairs agents everything that
I knew about the memos and Mike Horner. I was treated like a criminal.
This is either another example of "incompetancy" or a further act of
"retaliation" on the part of the Customs Service to try and further quell or
"silence" me regarding my protected disclosures regarding corruption.
I am very shocked at the fact that former Customs inspector Michael Horner
stepped over the line and violated the law by fabricating a government
document. I have seen similar documents in my 16 year career with U.S.
Customs and I honestly believed it was a true and correct memo at that time.
However, Mr. Horner has now admitted that he had lied. Horner violated the
trust and oath of office that he took to Protect and Preserve the
Constitution of the United States and to respect and obey all laws as a
Customs law enforcement official. He had lied to me and others in the past. I
notified Customs Internal Affairs of this as soon as I was sure of this fact
some time back in 1997.
I just hope that the U.S. Department of Justice Pubic Integrity Unit in
Washington, D.C. can conduct a fair and impartial investigation with regards
to other issues and protected disclosures that I have tried to bring to the
attention of Customs internal affairs. My experience in the past has been
very negative and that Customs is only out to do damage control and to
"silence" anyone that really does their jobs in trying to investigate real
major narcotics smuggling organizations or corruption within the agency.
I stand by my own integrity regarding facts and disclosures that I have made,
and I will not change anything that I have exposed regarding the truth as I
know it. I remain loyal and true to the goals and standards of the U.S.
Customs Service and the Constitution of the United States and I will not
change my story or lie for anyone regarding anything I have said while in the
employment of the U.S. Customs Service. This recent development will not
change my intention to follow through with my federal civil rights lawsuit
which is filed against Customs in the Federal Circuit Court in Southern
California.( '00 CV 1215 JM (NLS) )
Special Note: There are still other similar documents that have NOT been
investigated properly by Customs Internal Affairs which give special
treatment to VIOLATORS in possession of "yellow laminated cards" or "courtesy
cards" that are given to friends or associates of the current Customs
Director Rudy M. Camacho here in San Diego. These special "courtesy cards"
were previously issued and used by friends of former Customs District
Director Alan J. Rappoport. Rappoport "resigned" within 48 hours of finding
out that he was under investigation for "illegal" activity as a high ranking
Customs official here in San Diego. A lot of these Customs "Courtesy Cards"
were in the possession of Customs violators in possession of cocaine or
undeclared currency over $10,000.00 , just to name a few.
I hope that U.S.Customs and Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly will try and do the
right thing when it comes to fair treatment of whistle-blowers like myself
and many more that are finding the courage to come forward and report


The John Carman Report

 #1 Incident at Otay
 #2 "Pass Throughs" or "Follow Outs"
 #3 Keeping Your Nose Clean
 #4 Sharing of T.E.C.S. Intelligence Reports and Inexperienced Customs
 #5 Arrest vs Release Program
 #6 Paperless Entries
 #7 Felons, Fugitives, Murderers, and Child Molesters
 #8 Always Double Check Your Work!
 #9 Promotion anyone? Do you have what it takes to become a Customs
 #10 U.S. Customs Internal Affairs, Integrity or Damage Control?
 #11 "Por Favors" and "Special Treatment"
 #12 Border Ranger
 #13 Prescription Drug Smuggler's Overlooked in Drug War? Not!
 #14 T.E.C.S. II Computers Down!
 #15 Policy of Truth
 #16 The Truth About 60 Minutes and the Propane Tanker Memo Incident
 #17 Military Ghost Planes and Ships
 #18 Operation "Kiki" Camarena
Frank Serpico.
09//21/1997 San Diego Union Tribune.
Legendary Serpico Resurfaces.
 Will Testify Tuesday on Corruption and Brutality in NYPD.
 The Frank Serpico Website
"Definition of Bribery Charges 18 USC 201"
Bribery includes offers of anything of value to a Customs Official to
influence or prevent him/her from doing their jobs or enforcing the various
Customs and Immigration Laws. This obviously creates an environment of a
"conflict of interest" when you are supposed to enforce the Customs &
Immigration Laws against people that you are partying with. For example
Customs Brokers and importers are generally a "No, No".
It has even been reported to me, by several current "CONFIDENTIAL Customs
Sources" that, "not only do these Customs Officials take part in "special
parties", but that illicit drugs like cocaine are commonly found and used by
various party goers, including these Customs Officials." (Reference: Los
Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego Customs Management above GS-12 and SES
Senior Executive Service personnel, GS-13, 14, & 15's)
This is why it is so important to prevent "even the appearance" of taking
bribes by certain Customs Officials at high levels. That is why we were NOT
even allowed to take advantage of even discounted travel fares on certain
airlines and cruise ships. However, the information was always to the
contrary if you were a high ranking Customs Official.
This practice of "do as I say" and "not as I do" was and still is in full
swing when it comes to the handling of most managers and Customs Officials.
I have had current Customs employees tell me that "unless you are part of the
Supervisory "click", you can't do anything about it." "If anyone in the
Supervisory levels gets into trouble, they just cover it up." "There's just
too much dirt at the higher levels that approximately 80%, or better, is
involved in some sort of corruption, gross negligence and mismanagement."
"This is why they cover the mistakes up quickly, so that no one will "roll
over" on the rest of Management".
This type of operation is typical of how the MOB and the KGB have operated
for years. "They get something to extort or blackmail you with, and they know
they have "complete loyalty." " "Deals are made all the time like this. It is
a way of life for these corrupt people. They do NOT know how to operate in an
honest environment."
Reliable Supervisory Customs sources have told me this is how certain
"former" and "current" Customs managers in San Diego have been given "special
treatment" by certain millionaire socialites like Jorge Hank-Rhon in Tijuana
and Tecate, Mexico. "There is a special Health Spa in Rancho Tecate that is
frequented by certain Customs officials and millionaire Caliente Race Track
owner Jorge Hank-Rhon. One example of this illicit relationship was "former"
Customs District Director Alan J. Rappoport and his Supervisory partner John
"Jack" Maryon and Jerry B. Martin." (Quote from Supervisory Customs Source)
Once Alan J. Rappoport and his friend John "Jack" Maryon were coming home
late from Rancho Tecate Health Spa and were sneaking back across the border
very late at the Tecate Port Of Entry. One Customs or Immigration Supervisor
was told by Jack Maryon and his passenger Alan J. Rappoport, "You didn't see
us, we were never here!" (There were witnesses too)
"There are even confirmations that a former Customs Port Director at Tecate,
named Byron Peters, even had Mexican Prostitutes and drunken parties in the
official Customs House where there are sleeping quarters for the Port
Director. After hours, these Mexican "visitors" were allowed to leave. This
Port Of Entry closed at 10:00 P.M. It is hard to say which way these
"visitors" went after they left. North, South, or back to Mexico?" (Also a
quote from a confidential Customs and Immigration Supervisory Source)
It was also confirmed that a Customs Official once caught former Tecate Port
Director Byron J. Peters in a compromising situation. This lower ranking
Customs officer then later asked Mr. Peters for a "money loan" of
approximately $10,000 or so, from Mr. Peters to a pay off some bills. Lucky
guy! What a nice Supervisor that was! By the way, loaning money to a lower or
higher ranking official is a conflict of interest and against Customs
regulations. He probably didn't even charge him any interest. Most banks
won't even do that.
"Fraternizing with a known smuggler and crime
figure"(Millionaire-Smuggler-Crime Figure- Jorge Hank-Rhon and Customs Port
Director Jerry B. Martin) All associated with former District Director Allan
J. Rappoport and John "Jack" Maryon who were all under investigation but
Customs Internal Affairs, FBI, or the other Federal agencies investigating
did nothing about these dangerous liaisons. It is against Treasury
regulations to "fraternize" with known Customs violators and felons. (Look at
the smiles on Jerry B. Martin and Jorge Hank-Rhon's faces in the picture.)
This is one of the most important photos that is really worth a thousand
words. This shows a direct "relationship" between the U.S. Customs Upper
Level management and known smugglers.
I was "ordered" not to put Jorge Hank-Rhon's name into the Customs/Treasury
look out system TECS(Treasury Enforcement Computer System) because of another
Customs Supervisor named John "Jack" Maryon.(Now allegedly retired) Jorge
Hank-Rhon was later caught smuggling more currency at LAX international
airport.(History of currency violations, endangered species act, possible
narcotics, "other" serious acts, etc...)

 THE NAFTA GANG - Despite international accusations of murder, drug
trafficking, animal smuggling and money laundering, Mexico's Hanks keep
expanding the family business all the way to the White House.

A Dangerous Family - Mexico's Hanks Accused of Corruption

Report: Mexico Family Poses Threat
Filed at 8:29 a.m. EDT
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of Mexico's wealthiest and most politically powerful
families poses "a significant criminal threat to the United States" because
of its role in drug trafficking and money laundering, according to a U.S.
government report.
The report by the National Drug Intelligence Center says Carlos Hank Gonzalez
and his sons, Carlos Hank Rhon and Jorge Hank Rhon, are connected with major
Mexican drug organizations, The Washington Post reported today.
Hank Gonzalez, a powerful member of Mexico's ruling Institutional
Revolutionary Party and former mayor of Mexico City, has held two cabinet
positions in the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
The Post said the report alleges that the family used its businesses to move
cocaine into the United States and launder millions of dollars in drug money.
Because of its high-level connections, the family was sheltered from law
enforcement action, the report said.
The Hank family "poses a significant criminal threat to the United States,"
the report says. "Its multibillion-dollar criminal and business empire,
developed over several decades, reaches throughout Mexico and into the United
Mexico's attorney general, Jorge Madrazo, asked Tuesday about reports of the
family's alleged enterprises, replied: "No one has ever presented a
(criminal) complaint on this issue, nor has the attorney general's Office
ever carried out any intelligence work on it. I know about as much as you do
about, only what I read in the press."
The report drew on information from the Drug Enforcement Administration, FBI,
U.S. Customs Service and CIA. It said intelligence agencies had intercepted
conversations of the Hank family coordinating drug shipments at the family's
shipping company.
The investigation was begun in December 1997 and concluded earlier this year.
Spokesmen for the family denied the report to the Post. Mexican officials
called the allegations politically motivated.

 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 1
 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 2
 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 3
 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 4
 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 5
 Insight Magazine (November 1996) Part 6
 San Diego Tribune

Mr. Mark Conrad was the former Customs Resident Agent in Charge of Internal
Affairs Senior Special Agent for the western United States. He was in charge
of 9 states and two Customs pre-clearance stations. Mark retired in 1998, but
has his own case against Customs for illegal activities and falsification of
official reports and evidence by corrupt Customs officials.
Mr. Conrad is willing to testify about corrupt Customs officials,
falsification of "official" Customs Internal Affairs documentation and the
"altering" of official Customs Internal Affairs "internal and sensitive"
reports that would have implicated high ranking Customs officials. This is
evidence of official cover-ups in the Customs Service at the highest levels.
This information is all public record because of the notification to the
Office of Special Counsel and the MSPB.(Merit Systems Protection Board) and
OPR Office of Professional Responsibility.
Quote from Mark Conrad: "I can give you explicit details of my being asked to
lie in Federal Court in Ft. Lauderdale: to ignore blatantly false
representations to a Federal Judge in San Diego, to lie in an internal
investigation, etc. I can provide you with actual documents that proved the
government altered computer records (Internal Affairs Reports) to reflect
what management wanted............not what the facts were, and I can provide
you with specific sources and outside independent government agents that can
confirm what I say." (Quoted from Mark Conrad and the book "Drugging America"
page 202, chapter. 7 Customs Complicity, by Rodney Stich ISBN: 0-932438-10-5)
Mr. Conrad is just another fine example of the type of person we should have
in our government and what the "Administration" is trying to do to "cover up"
serious acts of criminal activity, corruption, official misconduct, and gross
negligence on behalf of corrupt Customs officials.
His case is still pending.
Featured on ABC's Prime Time Show

1983 Picture of me at the U.S. Mint in San Francisco while I was a Federal
U.S. Mint Police Officer with a fully automatic 9mm UZI that I had to qualify
with and be ready to use. I also trained with these particular types of
weapons while I was in the U.S. Secret Service.


Picture of a co-worker and friend of mine while I was at the U.S. Mint in San
Francisco months before I went into the U.S. Customs Service. I was at the
U.S.Mint for only 10 months.


Picture of over 1,065 pounds of gold bullion that I was personally
responsible for protecting while stationed at the U.S. Mint in San Francisco
from 1982-1983.Worth approximately $70 million dollars or more depending on
the price of gold that day.

 World Net Daily - Former Customs Agent Alleges Corruption

 NewsMax.com - Ex-Customs Agent Exposes Clinton 'Drug War'

This is a very good picture of what a Saturday morning looks like at the
world's largest land border entry station at San Ysidro, California where the
traffic is seen approaching from Tijuana, Mexico. There are 24 lanes of
traffic and the wait times can vary from 15 minutes to over an hour.As you
can see, there are a lot of vehicles and you have to be able to process each
vehicle within just a few seconds each. The average processing rate for me
was approximately 75-100 cars in 30 minutes. I still caught smugglers,
illegal aliens and loads of narcotics too! Not to mention the felons and NCIC
fugitives that live in Mexico to escape from justice in the United States.

This is a picture of the San Ysidro Border Inspection Station coming from
Tijuana, Mexico on a typical Saturday afternoon 6-5-99 around 5:30 P.M. The
wait to be processed into the United States was approximately 20 minutes(not
too bad). That also means it was backed up approximately 20-25 cars back
while in line.

This is a photo taken on Saturday 6-5-99 while traveling back into the United
States from Tijuana, Mexico. As you can see there are various warning signs
informing the traveling public about the various restrictions regarding
Customs, Immigration and Agriculture Laws.  There are also various license
plate readers that I personally made suggestions for back in January, 1995 or
earlier. I was given "lip service" by Customs headquarters personnel and told
that "it would not be feasible" or "cost effective" to implement such a plan
or suggestion. I was trying to have more enforcement at the borders so that
all license plates could be read and used internally for intelligence and
enforcement purposes. It would also free the Inspector's hands for safety
reasons and plates could be screened for special DMV records to determine if
the vehicles were utilizing "dead plates" or not . That means that the
license plates were not registered at all. (Interestingly, Mexico has not
"interfaced" their records with ours and their system is still antiquated.)
This is typically what the smugglers would use to cross narcotics into the
United States. As you can see, my suggestion has been adopted, but I did not
get any credit whatsoever. I guess they didn't want a "whistle-blower" to get
any credit. Customs managers are such liars and thieves. They would rather
steal an idea from another employee and call it their own. It has happened to
me before at San Ysidro by Customs Supervision. I know who they are.
 Letter from Customs Regarding License Plate Reader
 Open Letter to Commissioner Raymond W.Kelly

Raymond W. Kelly Under Secretary (Enforcement)
Former New York City Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly was sworn in as the
Under Secretary for Enforcement of the Treasury Department on June 27, 1996.
As Under Secretary, Mr. Kelly has direct supervisory authority over the
Department's enforcement bureaus, including the U.S. Customs Service, the
U.S. Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,
and the Office of Foreign Assets Control.
Mr. Kelly brings to the position more than thirty years of experience and
commitment to public service. A former Marine who served in combat in
Vietnam, he rose through the ranks of the New York City Police Department,
serving in every rank and 25 commands, before becoming Commissioner in
October 1992, a post he held until his retirement in January 1994. His
leadership was critical in the successful investigation of the World Trade
Center bombing in 1993 and in directing the largest increase in uniform ranks
in the department's history. Mr. Kelly was recognized as New York State's Law
Enforcement Official of the Year in 1993.
More recently, Mr. Kelly served in Haiti as director of the International
Police Monitors of the Multinational Force from October 1994 through March
1995. These monitors helped to establish Haiti's interim public security
force. President Clinton awarded Mr. Kelly a commendation for "exceptionally
meritorious service" and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen.
Shalikashvili awarded him the Commander's Medal for Public Service. In
October, 1997, Mr. Kelly was elected Vice President of the Americas for
Mr. Kelly is the former president and director of The Investigative Group
Inc.'s New York operations. The Investigative Group Inc. is an international
investigation firm with offices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and London.
Mr. Kelly is an attorney with law degrees from St. John's University and New
York University, where he has lectured on the law, public policy, and crisis
management. He is a graduate of Manhattan College and holds a master's degree
in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Marist College in May
1985 and from Manhattan College in 1996 in recognition of his lengthy and
distinguished career in public service.
He is married and has two grown sons.

Here is a picture of me holding a basket full of marijuana that I just
seized. It was in a specially made compartment made for smuggling. Over 100

This is a picture of me processing a Mexican national making entry at the
pedestrian entrance to the United States at Calexico from Mexicali. To the
right of me are a couple of Immigration Inspectors that I was working with on
the 4-12 shift.

Phone Tapping and Encryption
Current Federal Laws and Customs regulations governing the policy of Title
III's is very strict and requires the need for a Federal Judge to sign a
court order to authorize a wire tap.This is to ensure that strict guidlines
are followed to protect the Privacy of its American Citizens. In this case
Federal agencies are spying on innocent citizens like myself and many others.
I have even been told that the current Customs Commissioner Ray Kelly doesn't
want me to expose this alternate monitoring system which can capture the
communications of all law abiding Americans for using certain language or
expressing their personal views. This is a violation of our Bill of Rights
and the First Amendment. U.S. Customs has also monitored and captured
sensitive information from its own agents and "compromised" sensitive
investigations when our own agents got to close to a "special operation"
which was protected by corrupt government agencies or high ranking officials.
This is not the first time this has happened. There are former government
agents who can verify this. U.S. Customs and DEA are not the only agencies
that have compromised there own agents for its own selfish reasons. Other
agencies dealing with national security have also violated the U.S.
Constitution against its own citizens while they are stationed abroad
performing valuable law enforcement duties, as well as within the United
States. If high ranking officials will do this to their own loyal law
enforcement personnel, you can only imagine what they will do to a "Private
Citizen" of The United States.
Here is a picture of me unloading over 100 lbs. of marijuana from a Chevy
suburban "Port Runner" that I caught and seized at the San Ysidro Port Of
Entry around 1993-94 just before they "scrapped" the Customs Chase Car
program. My success rate was over 95%.


This is a picture of me displaying a "tire load" that I caught that was
driven by a "Police Officer " from Mexico. Interesting story too.

 Giraffe News

Media picture of George Putnam a radio TV personality at KIEV radio in
Pasadena during an interview with me after I was separated from Customs in
June 1997.


Media picture of me with radio personality Peter Ford and myself not long
after the first interview with George Putnam at KIEV radio in Pasadena on the
11pm to 2am show. July 1997


Picture of me and radio disc jockey at the KKLA Radio station in Los Angeles
for the Christian radio hour.

 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (April 20, 1997)
This is a picture of me proudly displaying over 10.85 ounces of Mexican brown
tar heroin that I caught off an older Mexican male "border crosser" at the
Calexico Port Of Entry around 10-20-85. I was later forced to give this
heroin up to two Latin American Customs Supervisors who allegedly gave it to
Mexican Narcotics investigators.(For what?) This was reported to Internal
Affairs without any action taken. The Customs Supervisors were later

This is a picture of me proudly displaying my first "large" cocaine seizure
less than one year on the job with U.S. Customs. (10-2-84) October was always
a good month for me to get lots of narcotics seizures. This was just a small
beginning of a very productive career in Customs. This was 1.3 pounds of
"pure base" cocaine which was hidden in the right front air duct of the old
pickup truck that was being driven.
I walked the suspects in from the primary lanes of vehicle traffic while
stationed in Calexico on 10-2-84. The driver and his two passengers were all
giving me the wrong responses in hopes that I wouldn't inspect them further,
and the driver looked as if he was on drugs.  His eyes were dilated and he
spoke unclearly and his speech was slow. There was also the remains a small
marijuana cigarette left in the ashtray. I also observed some pills on the
console as well. This was all to help relax them and prevent the appearance
of being nervous. The passengers still appeared to be nervous and scared at
the same time. The driver was to talkative and tried to give me all the right
answers and speak for everyone. The other ones were too silent. Their eyes
were all dilated as well. I checked briefly when I shined my flashlight at
them for a split second and I saw how their eyes responded.
The driver was a U.S. Citizen, Caucasian that looked like a "hippie" with
long hair. The passenger in the middle was a well dressed Latin American,
born in Colombia, and was naturalized. He had his passport with him and he
claimed he just traveled by airplane from Mexico City. He lied about his trip
because I later found some airlines tickets that showed travel directly to
Colombia. He lied and claimed he was only in Mexico.
The third passenger was a white male, U.S. Citizen who had a criminal
background for smuggling and was trying to hide his identity. He was later
caught trying to eat a piece of paper with his real name and identifying
information on it while enroute to the Federal Metropolitan Correctional
Center (MCC) in San Diego. He hid his "fake" drivers license in his shoe
which I found while doing a personal search.
Subsequently all three were arrested and I never had to appear in court. They
all pled "guilty" to smuggling charges. The amount of cocaine was worth over
$100,000 and was sealed in special plastic wrapping and then duct tape. It
was secreted in the lower right hand side "air duct" of the old pickup. Ref:
seizure # 85-2503-0005, that means I got the fifth narcotics seizure of the
new fiscal year.10-2-84, Port Of Calexico! I got a special citation and award
from the Customs District Director for that seizure.
Here is a picture of me standing proudly at the new Customs Commercial X-Ray
machine for large trucks and vehicles. January 1995. My narcotics seizure
that was marijuana. The Commissioner got to see the X-Ray machine really
work. I already found the narcotics. I was just allowing the machine get some
"credit" like the K-9 dogs we have. That way, everyone maintains statistics
and positive results. It also helps in training too. Former Customs
Commissioner George Weise is the third man from my left wearing a gray
business suit. After I made the seizure, I was still treated badly. It was
very good and people were very jealous. That's why it pays to be consistent
and tenacious.
 Commissioner George Weise's Letter to Dateline NBC

This is a picture of me getting my arm deep into a Chevy suburban compartment
to make sure that I have extracted all of the Marijuana packages. 1994


Here is a picture of me unloading a gas tank load of Marijuana from a
smugglers vehicle at the Calexico Port Of Entry. It was around 80 lbs. in a
compact car on the 4-12 shift.

This plaque was dedicated to the San Diego Zoo by then Customs Commissioner
Carol Hawlett. This was regarding the rare White Tiger, which is endangered
and was previously seized by Customs Inspectors at the Southbound lanes to
Tijuana from San Diego. This Endangered White Tiger which was owned by
Caliente Race track owner Jorge Hank-Rhon was being smuggled without proper
permits into Tijuana for his personal zoo. Jorge Hank-Rhon is a "known"
Customs violator and is very close personal friends with Customs managers
here in San Diego.(Alan J. Rappoport, Jerry Martin, John "Jack" Maryon)
Maryon was the Branch Chief at Otay Mesa that "ordered" me not to put Jorge
Hank-Rhon's name into the TECS lookout system. Hank-Rhon is a known violator
and has smuggled hundreds of thousands of U.S. Currency into or out of the
United States on various occassions. He has also been caught smuggling into
his own country of Mexico at Mexico City and has never been incarcerated
yet.He merely pays people off and gets his way. He is very rich and operates
on the golden rule. He who has the most gold, makes the rules!
By the way, the plaque which was attached to this rather large rock, no
longer exists at the zoo. Both the rock and the plaque have disappeared and I
do not know of their whereabouts. Mr. Jorge Hank-Rhon probably got someone to
have it "removed" or he bought it for a small "donation" to the San Diego
Zoo. That's a pretty big stone it was attached to by the way. It must have
weighed about 200 lbs or more.
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 1 . . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page 2
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 3 . . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page 4
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 5 . . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page 6
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 7 . . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page 8
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 9 . . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page
 Relevance (July 1997) Page 11 . . . . . . . .  Relevance (July 1997) Page 12
 United States Code 18 section 111
United States Code 18 section 111 is the Federal Law or Statute that protects
ALL federal law enforcement officials while in the performance of their
official duties. It also protects them off duty and after they leave the law
enforcement agency as long as there is a "nexus" to the job they performed.
It further states that these same federal law enforcement officials are also
covered even after they leave the law enforcement position in which they may
have held for an extended period of time like I did. (approximately 20 years
law enforcement, the last 16 years was with U.S. Customs alone) There is a
"nexus" to the job and this means that any death threats related to the
previous law enforcement position is still covered and the U.S. Attorney's
Office, as well as U.S. Customs and "other" responsible federal "law
enforcement agencies" have an obligation under the law to protect these
federal agents, officer, officials. (All Customs officers are specifically
provided for in these statutes under United States Code 18 section 111)
If you consider the documented death threats I have had since working for
U.S. Customs 1983-1998, and the recent activities, there is definitely a
connection or "nexus" to my job as a law enforcement official in the U.S.
Customs Service. One death threat that was made against me was actually
recorded the same evening that another former Customs co-worker of mine died.
I have copies made and ALL the appropriate law enforcement agencies were
notified and case numbers assigned.
Something most officials don't want you to know is that private citizens,
"acting in behalf of federal law enforcement officials" are also covered or
protected under this law.
The problem is that unless it is "Politically" beneficial, government
officials will try and convince you otherwise and lie to you about the
significance of this law.
U.S. Attorney John C. Keeney in Washington,D.C. said on or about April 24, 199
6, "John, Unless they are shooting bullets at you, there is nothing we can
do." San Diego Assistant U.S.Attorney Amalia Meza and FBI Agent Greg Harmon
were present when this was said in the U.S. Attorney's office on a conference
call from Washington, D.C. with yours truly, John Carman, present. I was
providing information to the U.S. Attorney's office regarding corruption in
the U.S. Customs Service while under a Federal Grand Jury subpoena which I
requested. They still have a binder full of my documents which they have not
The following "law enforcement" and "judicial branches" of government have
been notified of any "past" or "recent" death threats and harassment:
1) U.S.Customs Internal Affairs, San Diego, McAllen Texas,
Washington,D.C.July 14, 1998
2) U.S. Customs Service Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly October 1999, and
previous Commissioner George J. Weise 1995-1997, Regional Internal Affairs,
3) U.S. Customs "whistle-blower hotline" October 1999 Case number 2000-207
4) F.B.I. office in San Diego since July 14, 1998 and subsequently on April
1999 and June 16, 1999
5) U.S. Attorney General's office in Los Angeles, San Diego, and
6) Office Of Special Counsel since about 1993
7) Merit Systems Protection Board since about 1995
8) San Diego Police Department (case number 97-076606 re: 10-18-97 burglary
attempt @ 0300 hours, and 98-047757 July 14, 1998, Death Threat, etc...)
9) Annoyance Call Bureau various dates since 1995-1999 and 1999-2000
10) Civil Rights Division of the FBI/U.S. Attorney's Office in San Diego and
Washington, D.C. June 1999
11) Office of The Treasury Inspector General's Office, San Diego, Washington,
12) Office of The Justice Department Inspector General's Office in San Diego,
& Washington ,D.C.
13) San Diego Sheriff's Department, Licensing Division
14) San Diego Sheriff's Special Investigations Unit
15) La Mesa Police Department
16) U.S. Secret Service
17) U.S. Postal Inspector
18) California State Attorney General's office Jan. 2000
19) San Diego County Grand Jury
20) San Diego County District Attorney's Office
This list was suppressed to save space and time.

This is a picture of me displaying a seizure of Pre-Colombian Artifacts that
I caught from two Americans that "robbed" some grave sites/burial grounds in
Mexico. This was around June 1986 just after I had transferred from the

Here is a picture of me with Congresswoman Maxine Waters during a Fairfax
High School meeting in Los Angeles where I met with former DEA Agent Celerino
Castillo and former LAPD Officer Mike Ruppert to discuss the government's
involvement in narcotics smuggling into the southern California areas, which
includes San Diego and all major cities on the west coast.

This is a picture of me providing security for Customs Commissioner Carol
Hallet. She was the first Customs Commissioner that I told about the
"integrity problems" in Customs. Also in the picture are CMC Director Rudy M.
Camacho and former Port Director Jerry B. Martin at the San Ysidro Port Of
Entry near the Mexican border.

 Customs Service Program at Otay Mesa Under Fire
Here is the BiCentennial Motorhome which was converted from a "seized" fifth
wheel trailer that was concealing over 1,000 lbs of marijuana back in 1988. I
was assigned to tear down and help build this "compartmentalized vehicle for
smuggling" into a traveling Customs Museum and display.
I also spent a lot of personal time and research into various Customs law
enforcement memorabilia like old Customs Badges and Customs patches, as this
is my personal hobby. I was the only Customs employee that discovered a
Customs Coin Badge that was worn and used by a real live Customs Mounted
Inspector named Jefferson Keno Wilson in the San Diego District back in the
1890's. This valuable coin badge ,which was not an officially authorized
badge, was secured in the San Diego Historical Society Museum Vault for many
years.  It was determined that only the Texas Rangers used the coin badge
idea back in the 1800's. This is where the coin is engraved on one side and a
pin is attached to the reverse for wearing on the clothing.
I was lucky enough to get permission to borrow it for pictures and the
Customs Display for about two weeks during the celebration back in 1989 in
San Diego. I also got permission from Customs to have this coin badge
reproduced with actual Mexican silver coins for "replicas" for high ranking
Customs personnel and Customs employees that wanted to purchase them at
actual costs in the San Diego District and for the Customs Commissioner.
This Coin badge was fashioned out of a real Mexican Silver peso piece that
was minted back in 1895 or so. It was made of pure .999 silver and weighed an
ounce. It was titled "Deputy Collector U.S. CUSTOMS INSPECTOR". There was
also documented proof that showed a "commission" was given to J.K. Wilson.
This information went into a special Customs History Book that was developed
with my help in San Diego. I was finally mentioned in the back of the book. I
did not get proper credit for my work and the pictures of the original coin
 Pacific Perspectives (Summer 1989) Part 1
 Pacific Perspectives (Summer 1989) Part 2
Customs Rally 2000
This is part of the "Hub" of the Los Angeles Customs rally that took place on
January 25, 2000 in front of the Federal Building where numerous Customs
protestors showed up to publicly express their opinions and views about the
"corrupted" policies of the U.S. Customs Service and the illegal acts by
Customs Management which are criminal in nature. Corruption, retaliation on
whistle-blowers and federally injured workers were some of the issues that
were discussed with the newsmedia and should be addressed and taken care of
by the U.S. Customs Commissioner, Secretary of the Treasury, Justice
Department, the Attorney General and the U.S.  Attorney's Office. These
important issues affect the lives of everyone in the United States and it is
not an isolated issue. These illegal practices of discrimination and racial
profiling has to stop and become curtailed to focus on the real true nature
of smugglers trying to mix with law abiding foreign travelers and guests to
our great country.
A special thanks goes to ALL those who showed up at the rally in the rain and
inclement weather. It takes a special kind of person to endure long distances
of travel and inclement weather to see that the messages are brought out in
the open to the American public.
This was just one rally, and it was quickly followed by another rally in
beautiful San Diego the very next day. A special thanks to all those
dedicated persons that attended. This is just the beginning. Many alliances
were made with local special interest and community groups. Town Hall
meetings are planned for the future and we will not let down. All interested
local community groups and public leaders are all invited as this will be our
chance to speak  out publicly regarding what we have witnessed regarding
corruption and violations of civil rights against federal employees as well
as the American public. we will also expose the names of those government
officials who allow this corruption to perpetuate. The names of the corrupt
Customs officials, Internal Affairs agents and many others will be exposed so
that others will benefit from this knowledge. As long as this corruption
continues and the retaliation perpetuates, we will keep on making protected
disclosures under the law.
Although many others could not attend for reasons beyond their control and
the severe weather conditions which prevented air travel, I thank YOU! You
will surely be missed, but I would expect that you will carry on the
dedication that is needed in the planned future events that will take place
in the very near future in an area near you. This is far from over. It is the
beginning and with each step we will endeavor to persevere! Good luck and
tell as many government employees as you can. You will be very surprise to
know who wants to talk about the atrocities that are occurring in the Federal
I was personally told by some federal workers, who wished to remain
"anonymous", that they wished they could participate but couldn't protest for
fear of retaliation. One federal official stated, "I wish I could talk about
the real problems that are taking place right here behind the doors of the
Federal Court House here in San Diego." "It is criminal what they are doing
against you guys", said another person who wears a badge. "If the public only
knew about the real corruption that exists in our own court systems today,
they would have sentenced Judges and other federal officials to federal
By John Carman
 U.S. Report Ties Mexican Tycoon to Crime Empire
 NewsMax.com - Inspector Alleges Corruption in Customs
 Defrauding America by Rodney Stich, Whistle-blower from FAA
 U.S. Customs Service
 Mike Levine - The Expert Witness
 Michael C. Ruppert Case File: C.I.A. & Drugs
 DEA Congressional Testimony
 Invasion From Mexico
 Privacy International
Corruption at the Border - Video of John Carman at the Granada Forum
$20.00 plus $3.00 shipping - Send money order payable to CASH
John Carman
P.O. Box 1198
Ramona, California 92065

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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