-Caveat Lector-

Weird Presidential Coincidentials?

This offering is an idea that springs from a bull session among us computer
programmers at the University of Texas Data Processing Department. Ann
Landers had just reprinted, for the zillionth time, a list of chilling
parallels between the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

We wondered aloud why no one talks about similarities between William
McKinley and James Garfield.

Well, the joke took on a life of its own. Before long, we thought of common
themes in the lives of Zachary Taylor and William Henry Harrison. In fact,
Thomas Jefferson and Richard Nixon seemed to have as much in common as
Lincoln with Kennedy.

Coincidence? You Decide.

* William McKinley and James Garfield were both Republicans.

* McKinley and Garfield were both born and raised in Ohio.

* McKinley and Garfield were both Civil War veterans.

* McKinley and Garfield both served in the House of Representatives.

* McKinley and Garfield both supported the gold standard and tariffs for
protection of American industry.

* “McKinley” and “Garfield” both have eight letters.

* McKinley and Garfield were both replaced by vice-presidents from New York
City (Theodore Roosevelt and Chester Alan Arthur).

* Both of their vice-presidents wore moustaches.

* McKinley and Garfield were both shot in September, in the first year of
their current terms.

* “Chester Alan Arthur” and “Theodore Roosevelt” have seventeen letters

* Both of their assassins, Charles Guiteau and Leon Czolgosz, had
foreign-sounding names.

* Garfield had a cat named McKinley; McKinley had a cat named Garfield.
(Okay, okay, so I made this one up.)

You get the idea. Finding spooky parallels is easy. I figure that with
minimal effort, anyone should be able to think of five or six eerie
similarities between any two presidents.

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