-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Voices from the Frontlines

>From Korea

I am an NCO and I have so many "butter bars" and young captains in my
business that it isn't fun anymore. Whatever happened to officers who planned
and made smart decisions and NCOs who executed the mission?

I am totally surrounded by officers who are more worried about their
efficiency reports than being worried that our tanks can shoot, move and

I deadline the rides and they just circle X them or ignore my troubleshooting
altogether. I am dedicated to sending tankers into battle with the best
equipment I can provide them with. If our leaders want them to go with
anything less, it's on them and it will cost...

>From the Flight Deck

We just read the piece from the Washington Post about us showing the Chinese
how we fight a joint conflict. It could not have come at a more interesting
time for me.

Shortly, a Chinese Navy 2-star Admiral is coming for a tour of the USS CARL
VINSON (CVN 70). We are spending the next couple of days (and possibly the
weekend) doing nothing but cleaning (with a small exception for a General
Quarters Drill), so the ship is spotless for his arrival.

Rumor has it that he is also pushing for a tour of Naval Submarine Base
Bangor and one of our SSBNs stationed there. Last time we checked, China
wasn't our best friend, maybe we shouldn't be rolling out the red carpet...

>From Bosnia

We are eight troops assigned to the Turkish army base camp far from the
flagpole. I want to let you know that the Army, the good tough Army we knew
and know...is alive and well here.

We have a tough job but the kids suck it up and drive on. I was distressed to
hear the story related by the NCO in this WED newsletter. I can only speak
for my tiny slice of the green...but I assure you, it is squared away, tough
and professional.

I had volunteered for this assignment. It has taken a toll on the family and
the finances have suffered, but it was a good choice. I've made a difference
here and made some great friends with Turkish and American warriors. It has
been a long 9 months here but I (we) would not have traded it for anything.
We will re-deploy back to the states in several days and our memory bags are

Memory Lane: Mr. Servoise
Ed.: A touching story, submitted by Abe Sternberg. A Frenchman recalls the
liberation by US Forces and the joyful reaction of a French WWI veteran with
the Big Red One, a unit he had known from his own days in the trenches.
By Jean

I was preparing documents for my friend Leonard Jiminez, whose father is a
WWII " Blue and Gray" veteran, on the eve of the 56th anniversary of my
Liberation by the U.S Army. As I was writing, I remembered a story I never

It happened on 29 August 1944. I met the U.S Army on the late afternoon of 28
August but no American troops passed by my grandmother's village before the
next morning.

In front of our house lived a WWI disabled veteran. His name was Georges
Before the war, I only saw him in his small garden, as he picked up some
licorice. Because of his wounds, he could only walk a few yards and always
helped himself with two crutches.

His sisters used to come everyday to take care of him. Mr Servoise' s house
was at the corner of a small grassy path that we had to take to go to the
fountain about forty yards farther along.

We had a ceremonial to respect that my grandmother dictated. The first time
of the day I had to go to the fountain, was the first salute: " Good morning,
Mr Servoise!" The old man replied the salute: " Good morning Johnny!" The
next time (we had no water at home) there were other salutes: " Mr Servoise,
are you fine?" The old soldier replied: " I'm fine!" Nothing else.

The months and years rolling he did not walk outside anymore. Now, I realize
how hard was the life " between the two wars" in the North East of France.
The old ones, unable to walk outside, used to stay at home in a chair next to
a window, looking outside for some passer-by.

And it seems that it was not the use to visit them except the next of kin.
It's a fact that in southern France people were more cooperative with the old
ones who received several visits everyday. Well, so we lived and Mr Servoise,
if I recall, never asked us for any help.

And then came the famous 29 August 1944 that I called "MY DAY." In the
morning, when the first Americans stopped in the village, they were coming by
a small road which is between my grandmother's house and in front of Mr

They stopped and it was great for all of us, involving me as THE interpreter!
Joy and joy and more joy, my heart certainly was beating 120! What a surprise
when we saw Mr Servoise appearing behind of his small house fence. He opened
the door and walked a few steps helping himself with his two sticks and I
recall that he was wearing a WWI horizon blue overcoat and a same colored hat.

On his chest, at left were several medals, I remember the red " Legion
d'Honneur "and the Yellow "Médaille Militaire", one of the others was
certainly the " Croix de Guerre." I recall that Mr. Servoise walked a few
steps to a jeep crew and he showed the G.I.s something he had on the right
side of his chest. I went to look. A safety pin was holding a piece of dark
green canvas and a big 1 was sewed in the middle of it! A WWI Big Red One

The old man kept showing his patch with one of his sticks. We all saw he was
crying. Very moved, we applauded when a G.I sat him in the jeep while others
crammed his pockets with packs of cigarettes! I don't remember what happened
later but the last picture which comes back to my mind is this crying old
soldier in the middle of young friendly fighters...his comrades in arms even
if they were not B.R.O and it was another war...

I actually owe so much to my friend Leonard Jimenez (former Major U.S Army)
to have remembered this story. I recently sent him informations about the
French " Croix de Guerre" his father was awarded in 1944 for heroism during
the battle of Brest.

Quality of Life Update: Fat Cats in a Rat Factory
Ed: Anyone from the GAO reading this? Pete asks for your help to save money

By Pete Peterson, Quality of Life Editor
Web Site:

It looks like there's been a "lock-down" at the five-sided wind tunnel as the
election approaches. Ignoring his own gross inconsistencies on the issues,
"Bouncing Bill" Cohen went out of his way recently to counsel the Joint
Chiefs and assorted colored suits to not bang their military drums "with tin
cups." Translation: Tell the world we're ready and don't mention the money we
need to fix problems until after the election. In short, accommodate the Gore
Campaign position.

At a time DOD can't pass GAO audits and runs shortfalls in critical skills
that would stagger the mind, MTFs say goodbye monthly to medical personnel
who've had enough of this crap. They're leaving the services for saner lives
as civilians. Shortage of doctors doesn't seem to matter as active duty
doctors are routinely sent into nearby civilian hospitals to perform
non-trauma assignments.

One reader complains about needless delays to dissuade patients from spending
TRICARE money, which is really the taxpayers' money, which is really the
patient's money.

Patients under TRICARE Standard still look for doctors who will see them, but
they can't be found.

If active duty doctors have enough time for civilian hospitals, they've got
the time to take on more active duty and retired patients! We retirees used
to be their favorite Guinea Pigs, so why are they using civilians? It used to
be a fair trade. They got training and we got some health care.

Inversely, the military hires civilian doctors and PAs to come in and staff

Rarely is a peep heard about this common practice. Perhaps the parties
involved fear consequences to their own careers. Or, somebody's making deals,
just like congress does.

GAO just released a fat figure estimate of $116 Billion for our generous
health care benefits over the next 10 years. Boy! I bet their fingers are
sore! I suspect that number includes some Federal Employee's bias against
military people getting as much choice, quality or quantity in health care as
they have, being the real power behind the thrones and all. Sometimes they
act like they're the "real" standing Army of federal government and not those
who wear uniforms, carry weapons and prepare to die if need be.

Whatever the real numbers, big dollars like these corrupt. $16 billion in
health care this year, $28 million next year, under poor control and
accountability provides the opportunity to play it loose. With sloppy
management, somebody other than health insurance company executives can
figure out how to exploit this situation to get ahead. For sure, all this
money does not become health care. A lot of it goes into TRICARE contractor
pockets. A lot of it goes into activities that don't see or treat patients.

Another correspondent wants us to write about patient-dumping by military
hospitals just to save money at the expense of lives? We'd love to, as soon
as we have details. "Dumping" patients at military and civilian hospitals is
a violation of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). If
anybody has real life examples, let me know.

Still another person wants to know if these civilian doctors the military is
hiring are qualified and have malpractice insurance. We don't know that
either. Again, if you know something, let me know.

I think it's time for GAO to use their considerable expertise as
investigators, not just as auditors and estimators. They should look at
profits being made by TRICARE contractors (Net 30% range in our opinion - 18%
is industry average). They should also investigate waste and misappropriation
of resources on the military side of this TRICARE house of cards. They should
look at "sweetheart deals" being made between the MTFs and nearby civilian
hospitals. Look at contracts that are being thrown around. They should then
consider if Sherman Anti-Trust and RICO applies to some of what's happening.

Finally, to lighten up. Here's something for those who can never forget (or
forgive) Dr. Sue Bailey who mangled DOD's TRICARE Program into the mess that
it is now. I warned the rest of the country to buckle up as she moved over to
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration! Well, now she's quoted in
the New York Times: "What else are we not knowing about, and when don't we
know it?" Heck, don't ask me Sue, you're in charge, aren't you?


GI HUMOR - A visit at the Russian Staff College
Ed.: Hilarious, enlightening and undeniably politically INCORRECT.

At the Russian War College, the general is a guest lecturer and tells the
class of officers that the session will focus on potential problems and the
resulting strategies.

One of the officers in the class begins by asking the first question, "Will
we have to fight in a World War Three?"

"Yes, comrades, in all likelihood, you will," answers the general. "And who
will be our likely enemy, Comrade General?" another officer asks. "The
likelihood is that it will be China."

The class looks alarmed, and finally one officer asks, "But Comrade General,
we are 150 million people and they are about 1.5 billion. How can we possibly

"Well," replies the general, "think about it. In modern war, it is not the
quantity, but the quality that is key. For example, in the Middle East, 5
million Jews fight against 50 million Arabs and the Jews have been the
winners every time."

"But sir, " asks the panicky officer, "do we have enough Jews?"

The Story of Andrew's Raiders
Ed.: Ever wonder who the first Medal of Honor recipients were? Here is there
incredible story of heroism and courage during the Civil War.

Note: If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed
recently, please write James H. Also, if you would like more info on MOH
recipients and their stories, please email James H at
By James H., SFTT Medal of Honor Historian and Assistant Editor

Secretary of War Edwin Stanton looked in amazement at the 6 young soldiers
before him. It was March 25, 1863 and the sight of ragged remnants that had
once been brave young commandos moved his heart. They had just been released
from a Confederate P.O.W. camp in a Prisoner exchange.

The original mission had been proposed by Virginian and Union, spy James J.
Andrews, and was quickly embraced by Union Generals Buell and Mitchell. In
fact, Brigadier General Ormsby Mitchell was so enamored with the plan, that
he personally joined Andrews when he went to three Ohio regiments on April 7,
1862 to enlist volunteers for the daring foray into enemy territory. 23 young
soldiers volunteered their services.

A 24th man joined the group, civilian William Campbell, who happened to be
visiting his friend Private Philip Shadrach at the time. When Shadrach
volunteered to join the effort, the 200 pound William Campbell volunteered to
join him.

The soldiers were told little more than that they should separate into small
groups and travel separately through enemy lines to Marietta, Georgia. Four
days later 21 of the volunteers had successfully arrived to meet Andrews in
the small city just north of Atlanta, and the plans for their daring raid

Their mission was to purchase tickets as passengers on a Confederate train,
then take control of the train and travel north 100 miles to Chattanooga
wreaking havoc and burning bridges along the way.

The courage of Andrews and his men would be challenged by the courage of
their enemy as well. The General's engineer, Jeff Cain was joined by two of
his crew Anthony Murphy and William Fuller, in a desperate effort to recover
their train. The three ran after the train on foot, pursuing it for two miles
to Moon's Station where they found a hand-propelled cart to continue their

Over the first twenty miles of their journey north from Big Shanty, Andrews
and his men took time to pull up rail behind them and drop timbers across the
tracks to discourage any possible pursuit, as well as cutting telegraph lines
that might have sent news of their desperate mission ahead to waiting
Confederate troops.

As they passed the Etowah River, they made a fatal mistake, ignoring the
presence of the old steam engine Yonah as they continued on towards Kingston.
Cain and his crew however, didn't overlook the enhanced pursuit vehicle and
quickly traded their handcar for the aging mechanical one.

As it became obvious that The General would not make Chatanooga, the raiders
began to jump one by one from the train and race for the shelter of the
woods. Two miles north of Ringgold and just five miles from Tennessee, the
General gasped its last puff of steam and the remaining raiders ran in
desperation to avoid capture. The Great Locomotive Chase was over, the flight
for life had begun.

Within a week Andrews and all 21 raiders were captured. In Atlanta, James
Andrews was tried and convicted as a spy. On June 7th, he was hanged. Eleven
days later, on June 18th, seven more raiders including the civilian William
Campbell and his friend Private Shadrach and two of the three NCOs were also
hanged as spies. The remaining 14 soldiers were placed in prison camps. Bold,
daring and with nothing to loose they escaped. Four months later, eight of
them reached safety. The other six were recaptured.

It was these six young men, released in exchange for Confederate prisoners
who stood before the Secretary of War to recount the tale of their ordeal.

The Secretary was moved and stepped briefly into an adjoining room at the War
Department. He returned momentarily with something in his hand. "Congress,"
he told the young men, "has by recent law ordered medals to be prepared on
this model. Yours will be the first that have been given to private soldiers
in this war."

He stepped before the youngest, Private Jacob Parrott and presented the FIRST
Medal of Honor ever awarded. After awarding the remaining five, he walked
them to the White House to meet the President, thus setting the stage for a
tradition that would become part of our military history.

On 9 September, more of the raiders were presented Medals of Honor.
Eventually 19 of the 24 were awarded Medals of Honor. As civilians, neither
James J. Andrews, or William Campbell were eligible for the award.

For Article Submissions:

1. Please try to keep articles to 700 words or less. SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT,
if possible!

2. Please submit your piece to one of our subject matter experts who can
assist you in pre-editing prior to final publication decision, unless you
feel strongly that your issue is so hot that Zimm needs to see it personally
and immediately. SFTT is not trying to duplicate a rigid chain of command
with titles and perks.

R.W. Zimmermann
We've had numerous requests from troops in different branches of the military
to establish this link so that we will all know how "all you others" talk
that talk. Please see below:
***** BOOK SALES *****
Hack's books About Face*, Hazardous Duty*, The Price of Honor* and The
Vietnam Primer can be found at www.hackworth.com. They make a great addition
to any library. We are offering them at a special SFTT price.
Defending America Newsletter: Administrative Volunteers:
R.W. Zimmermann, Chief Editor/President of SFTT and Tank Commander
David H. Hackworth, Spirit Guide, and undisputed Y2K Expert
Bill Rogers, Senior Assistant Editor and SFTT Vice President
Kate Aspy, Contributing Editor and Oracle
Barry "Woody" Groton, Chief TECH DROID and Medicine Man
John Cloven, Master web manager
Ed "Edgar" Schneider, Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman:
Kyle Elliott, Book List Editor and Most Over-worked
James H., MOH Editor and NCOIC
Defending America


NOTE: The following list only includes the two primary assistant editors for
each service or special area. Please refer to our WEBSITE -- www.sftt.org,
for the complete listing.
ALL Letters and Articles for considered publication should be submitted to
one of our brave, resolute and caring volunteers.
U.S. Army:

Tig Dupre, Civil-Military relations, weapons expert and Senior Editor

CPT Scott Key, Armor, Generalist, Assistant to Chief Editor

Robert L. Duecaster, Legal

U.S. Navy:
Mark Crissman, Naval Aviation, Generalist and Senior Editor

Pat Nisley, Navy Generalist and XO

John J. Vanore, Surface Warfare, Reserve and Intelligence issues

U.S. Air Force:
Paul Connors, Senior Editor, AF Historian, Grunt experience, Procurement and
AirCrew issues

Sean Fermat, Fighters, WSO, Weapons, C&C, Generalist

U.S. Marines:

Maj. Gordon Todd, USMCR, Communications & Tech., Small Arms Training, Senior

Capt A. McRae, Marine generalist

US Coast Guard
Tom Grabowski

Department of Defense
Mike St.Clair Acquisition and Quality Assurance

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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