-Caveat Lector-

Taco shell recall raises concern over bioengineering

By DAVID SCOTT, Associated Press

ST. LOUIS (September 24, 2000 2:47 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Just down the block from biotech ground
zero - the headquarters of Monsanto Co., which helps produce genetically
engineered foods - the Beddo family shopped for groceries.

Israel Beddo had heard about Kraft recalling taco shells because of a
particular type of bioengineered corn, but didn't think much about it. His
wife, Krista, on the other hand, was well aware of the issue as she held
their 1-year-old daughter.

"I think they ought to leave nature alone," she said. "There is a reason food
grows like it does."

Kraft Foods recalled Taco Bell-brand shells after tests showed they were
made with a variety of genetically engineered corn that isn't approved for
human consumption because of questions about whether it could cause
allergic reactions.

Hours after Friday's recall, people shopping for dinner in St. Louis
expressed support for biotechnology - but growing apprehension.

"It's probably (used) a lot more than we know, particularly in the produce,"
said Diane Joiner, 41, a second-grade teacher from St. Louis.

She was shopping with her two children at a Schnuck's Supermarket in
Richmond Heights, Mo., where the recalled shells were still on the shelf
Friday night. Joiner said the recall scared her, not so much because of the
genetically modified corn but because it reminded her how little she knows
about the food she buys.

"It's never advertised blatantly," Joiner said. "You might hear a blurb on the
news one day, and never hear anything else another day. I would like to
know. ... But I don't think they tell you everything."

Most Americans aren't even aware of biotech foods in the supermarket,
according to a study commissioned by the International Food Information
Council, which is funded in part by biotechnology companies. Of those
surveyed in May, only 43 percent said biotech products are in stores.

In reality, about 50 percent of the nation's corn acreage was planted with
genetically modified seed this year, said Scarlett Foster, a spokeswoman
for St. Louis-based Monsanto.

Fifty-nine percent of soybeans and 61 percent of cotton were grown from
genetically modified seed. The vast majority of those biotech crops are
grown from Monsanto seed, she said.

The International Food Information Council found that over the last three
years support in for biotech products in the United States has dropped. In
1997, 79 percent of those surveyed felt biotechnology would benefit
themselves or their families. That slipped to 75 percent in February 1999,
to 63 percent in October 1999, and was down to 59 percent this May.

The corn involved in the taco shell recall is produced by Aventis Corp. It
contains a bacterium gene that makes the corn toxic to an insect pest, and
is one of the least-used varieties of biotech corn. It's also the only
genetically engineered crop of any kind not approved for food use.

Foster said Monsanto has a long-standing policy against producing any
biotech products that are not designed for human consumption, as well as
a policy forbidding the insertion of a human or animal gene into a plant.

That's not enough for Ed Fink, 35, an information services manager at a
telecommunications company who did his shopping Friday in Ladue, Mo.,
at Wild Oats Market, an organic food store that doesn't knowingly sell any
genetically modified product.

Shopping at the same store, Washington University student Nicole
Lovenduski said biotech food "doesn't really bother me." She is returning to
school in St. Louis after spending a semester in London, where public
opinion is decidedly anti-biotechnology.

"It was on the news, it was like the main event, when someone found some
crops that had been genetically engineered," she said.

Justine McBride, also a student at Washington, believes biotechnology can
be dangerous - but at the same time she can see its advantages. For
example, European researchers have developed rice with extra beta
carotene that's advertised as a way to save millions of children in
developing nations from blindness or diseases like diarrhea and childhood

"I'm confused about that," McBride said. "It's hard to argue with, but in
principle I'm against the bioengineering of anything."

Steve Wingate

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