-Caveat Lector-

  NewsMax.com reports (below) a little about the findings
  of an "independent" FLIR test conducted by Davidian-legal-
  team experts. Findings in this new test may contradict
  findings of a FLIR test conducted for the Davidian legal
  team on July 20, 2000. Davidian attorney David Hardy sent
  me a CD with video clips of that preliminary FLIR test.

  The Davidian-legal team's preliminary FLIR test found
  (a) no gun-muzzle flashes lasted longer than one video
  frame, (b) people were always visible, even in clothing
  designed to block the IR signature of the body, and (c)
  specular solar reflections on glass produced a bright
  flash... everything that the Vector-Data test found.

  It sounds as if a new test may have got new results.
  Unfortunately the following NewsMax.com report gives
  rather vague and unspecific information about the new
  FLIR test. I have not been sent anything on this new
  test, but here's a quick review of what's available:

  The NewsMax.com report indicates the new test found
  gunshots lasting over 4 times longer than 8 milliseconds,
  which would be about 32 milliseconds, which is still one
  video frame per shot and thus is not inconsistent with
  what the VDS test found. All the ballistic studies I
  can find on the duration of a gun-muzzle thermal flash
  find upper durations to be slightly over 2 milliseconds.
  Some Waco FLIR flashes last 500 times longer than that!
  The findings of this new FLIR test appear to contradict
  the database available to ballistic-science researchers.

  Notably absent from the NewsMax report on the new FLIR
  test is any mention about what was found regarding solar
  reflections. A central argument for why the Waco FLIR
  flashes are gunshots is that solar reflections on glass
  shards cannot be detected by a FLIR. Both the VDS test
  and the preliminary Davidian legal-team test proved that
  that key claim was false -- specular solar reflections
  on glass ARE visible on FLIR as a bright-white flash.

  I believe that people need to know that a major basis
  for the Waco FLIR gunshot claim -- that you cannot see
  solar reflections on FLIR -- has been proven to be 100%
  false. The no-solar-reflection claim was a major reason
  I'd initially signed onto the gunshot claim. But proving
  that you CAN see solar reflections causes a profound shift
  in the underlying logic for the gunshot claim -- what was
  a given (if they can't be reflections the next best option
  is gunshots) suddenly has to stand on its own feet and as
  a result must prove on a flash-by-flash basis that each is
  not a solar reflection. Knowing this fact is essential to
  coming to a truthful conclusion about this matter and yet
  it has been totally ignored by the alternative media.

  It seems the only real new finding in this new FLIR test
  is that people on FLIR "ranged from invisible to barely
  visible." In the VDS test last March, people are some-
  times invisible IF you freeze the frame at one point,
  but as they move from one location to another they are
  detectable. So what is said in the NewsMax.com report is
  not necessarily very different than the VDS-test results.

  The main problem here is that more people are telling you
  what they see and you do not see. It's best to see things
  for yourself, which is why I've done all that I can and,
  to toot my horn a little, more anyone else on Earth to
  make raw Waco FLIR images available to all for free over
  the Internet: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/wacoflir.htm

  I'd not invest anything in the "new evidence" suggested
  in the following NewsMax.com report until the raw data
  is made available to others, particularly to everyone.
  It's my belief that the Branch Davidians are being
  subjected to malpractice that has wasted enormous time
  and resources barking up an empty tree and will probably
  continue to undermine the Davidian's future legal efforts
  and saturate alternative media with provably false claims.

FROM: http://www.NewsMax.com/articles/?a=2000/9/26/190545


New Evidence in Waco Case

Stephan Archer

Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2000

A week ago today, a U.S. District Court upheld the government's
behavior at Waco in the Branch Davidians' $675 million
wrongful-death lawsuit, but a new motion for reconsideration
loaded with "smoking gun" evidence could influence appeals and
keep the saga alive. Michael McNulty, a reporter and documentary
film producer who has brought to light serious questions
regarding the Waco siege, told NewsMax.com there was little
chance Judge Walter Smith Jr. would seriously consider the
evidence in the motion. The point of the motion is to make sure
all the evidence is in the record before the case moves to the
appellate level, he said.

"It ain't over 'til it's over," McNulty said in referring to
evidence he believes indicts the FBI.

According to McNulty, the newly presented evidence revolves
around two main claims of the government. In its first claim, the
government argued the flashes on the Forward-Looking Infrared
(FLIR) tapes could not be gunfire because they lasted longer than
8 milliseconds on the tape. Its second claim points to the fact
that people can't be seen in the tapes firing a weapon.

A Sept. 6 FLIR imagery field test conducted by experts for the
Branch Davidians, however, indicates the government's FLIR
conclusions were shaky at best and deceptive.

According to the independent test at Fort Collins, Colo., gunfire
flashes can occur on the tapes without any visible presence of
people. Gunfire flashes can also last more than four times as
long on the tapes as the government claims.

These findings aren't short of extraordinary in light of the fact
that similar tests conducted by the government at Fort Hood,
Texas, didn't uncover any of this information.

A reason for this discrepancy could be that the temperature
during the test at Fort Hood was about 20 degrees cooler than the
temperature during the test at Fort Collins, which more
accurately assimilated the temperature in Waco during the 1993

Another reason for the different test results could be that Fort
Hood used a different video format for recording while Fort
Collins used the same format as that used at Waco.

In the motion to reconsider are a number of affidavits including
that of Ferdinand H. Zegel, a physicist with more than 30 years'
experience in thermal imaging and related fields. He is a project
manager and staff engineer for Radian Inc., involved in missile
target thermal signature recognition.

He observed the Fort Collins test and concluded that people
moving outside the Davidian compound would have been difficult to
see on the FLIR tapes.

"The Fort Collins test demonstrates that under ambient conditions
approximating those of April 19, 1993, individuals are not
readily visible in FLIR imagery," Zegel said in his affidavit.

Zegel further explained in his affidavit that a human image from
the Fort Collins test should be more discernible than a similar
human image recorded at Waco or Fort Hood because the images were
larger. The reason for this is the camera was closer to the
"action" at Fort Collins. The camera was also more stable and at
a better angle making any pictures just that much more clear.
Yet, human images still ranged from invisible to barely visible.

McNulty added that after the test at Fort Collins, it was also
discovered that standard military issue uniforms, such as the
ones worn by FBI agents during the Waco siege, are chemically
treated to reduce or eliminate thermal image.

Commenting on government claims that gunfire flashes on FLIR
tapes would last no longer than about 8 milliseconds, Zegel said
in his affidavit, "The Ft. Collins test demonstrates that bursts
of gunshots generate much longer duration flash signatures than
values claimed possible by defense experts."

Experts for the Davidians contend that these findings show that
the government's arguments need to be re-evaluated.

Carroll Lucas, who has experience interpreting aerial and
satellite photography, had previously spent 25 years with the CIA
in what was then known as its National Photographic
Interpretation Center. In a written affidavit that was submitted
along with the motion to reconsider, he said individuals could be
seen near locations of the flashes on the FLIR tapes.

"Based on the digital image analysis, I conclude that individuals
are visible in the courtyard near locations and at times
associated with FLIR imagery flashes," Lucas said.

With this whirlwind of information coming in at a time in which
the end of the Waco case seemed to be at hand, will Judge Smith
reconsider the case?

"I don't think (he) will," said McNulty. "I think the judge has
got his mind made up, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by the

(c) 2000 NEWSMAX.COM


GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm
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