-Caveat Lector-

: Police stop religious candidate from campaigning in Egypt

: By Esmat Salaheddin

: CAIRO: Egyptian riot police prevented candidates of the banned Muslim
: Brotherhood in Alexandria from campaigning for parliamentary
: elections, one of the candidates said on Monday.

: "An anti-riot force surrounded 20 to 30 people during a tour by
: Brotherhood candidate Hamdi Hassan in west Alexandria on Saturday,"
: said Ali Abdel-Fattah.

: "All of them were taken to a police station on the pretext that the
: election campaign had not started yet," Abdel-Fattah said. "There were
: only slight injuries."

: Officials were not immediately available to comment.

: The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most influential religious movement,
: was banned in 1954 but has enjoyed periods of official tolerance. It
: informally nominates and supports candidates running as independents
: in parliamentary elections.

: The elections for 444 members of parliament will take place in three
: stages on October 18 and 29 and November 8.

: Official campaigning has not begun, but many candidates of the ruling
: National Democratic Party and others have started wooing the public.
: The state-owned daily al-Akhbar printed photographs on Sunday of
: Economy and Foreign Trade Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali canvassing
: voters in a barber's shop.

: The authorities have detained more than 200 suspected Brotherhood
: members in recent months, security sources say.

: The group issued a statement condemning the crackdown as a government
: bid to exclude them from the election.

: "Muslim Brothers are subject to a wide-scale detention campaign by
: security authorities for just trying to participate in the approaching
: poll as independents," it said.

: "When Muslim Brothers apply for registration as independents and
: demand the application of Sharia ....they are exercising a right
: guaranteed by the constitution," it added.

: In another development, the deputy to a jailed religious newspaper
: editor said the imprisoned journalist planned to run in the
: forthcoming elections.

: "From inside the jail...Magdy Ahmed Hussein has decided to register
: for the legislative election for the Cairo neighbourhood of Manyal,"
: Talaat Rumeih, deputy chief editor of the suspended bi-weekly al
: Shaab, said in a statement.

: The newspaper is the mouthpiece of the religious Labour Party. The
: party and its publications were suspended in June for allegedly
: fomenting student riots in May and forging links with the Muslim
: Brotherhood.-Reuters

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