Title: Recommendations!
> I see no one has commented on this article one way or the other, so I'm
> curious. This being a conspiracy list, opposed to the NWO and all, is it
> just me, or do I see an analogy to today's "liberal" mind-set of political
> correctness, and it's INSISTENCE on "tolerance", Thought Control at its
> best, regardless of who's other rights this idea of "tolerance" tramples on,
> and sees no problem with it?
> Don't get me wrong now. I'm only trying to feel my way, since politics was
> never really of interest to me. But what with the New World Order right in
> my face, well I find I must take notice.
> Opinions?
> Justine

 Kris and all list members:  May I humbly suggest that when we address one another we use the title "Comrade"  Such as "Yes, Comrade Justine, you are absolutly correct."  And when we sign off use the "Sig Heil" since energetic gestures cannot be correctly demonstrated on e-mail list.  This will assure uniformity and please our masters whoever they may be. And condition us for life in the New World Order.  DP (which means among other things 'definitily perforated').

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