-Caveat Lector-

>Copied from another list:
>This is an open email from Dr. Samuel Katz, sent to numerous
>individuals, including the original recipients of the Turner/Sponsel
>Because I was the co-developer (with John F. Enders, Nobel laureate)
>of measles vaccine, I have been the recipient over the past 10 days
>of numerous phone calls and e-mails regarding the Yanomami and
>Patrick Tierney's accusations (Darkness in El Dorado). I am neither
>an anthropologist nor a geneticist. I am a pediatrician-vaccinologist
>who has spent the past 44 years in studies of various vaccines,
>especially measles.
>Among the materials sent me is a memo (undated) from Terry Turner and
>Leslie Sponsel to Louise Lamphere and Don Brenneis. Their comments
>regarding Neel's use of measles vaccine are totally incorrect.
>Edmonston B vaccine which Neel administered at a time when an
>epidemic of measles was already underway (Amer J Epidemiology, 1970,
>91:418-429, Neel et al) was a scientifically established and proven
>method of attempting to interrupt an outbreak. Nearly 19 million
>infants and children between 1963 and 1975 in the US and
>internationally received this licensed (by FDA) vaccine with or
>without immune globulin. Vaccine virus has never been transmitted to
>susceptible contacts and cannot cause measles even in intimate
>contacts. Drs. Turner's and Sponsel's memo indulges in hyperbole as
>well as errors ("virulent vaccine", "counterindicated by medical
>experts", "greatly exacerbated and probably started the epidemic of
>measles", etc.). Who are the unnamed "medical experts" they cite?
>Once again, I cannot comment on Neel's style, goals or objectives,
>but the use of Edmonston B vaccine in an attempt to halt an epidemic
>was a justifiable, proven and valid approach. In no way could it
>initiate or exacerbate an epidemic. Continued circulation of these
>charges is not only unwarranted, but truly egregious.
>Yours very truly,
>Samuel L. Katz, MD Wilburt C. Davison Professor & Chairman Emeritus
>Department of Pediatrics

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