-Caveat Lector-


FBI Looks at Bush Team in Widening Tape Probe

By Mike Allen and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday , October 1, 2000 ; A08

AUSTIN, Sept. 30 – While continuing to investigate whether an
employee of Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ad firm mailed
confidential debate materials to Vice President Gore's camp, FBI
agents are looking at whether she was acting at the behest of
campaign superiors, an official involved in the case said today.

The FBI interviewed Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, here this
afternoon. Rove was the only member of Bush's inner circle who
was not questioned a week ago.

The interview came three days before the first presidential
debate—an indication of how the case has become a distraction at
a critical time.

A videotape of a Bush debate rehearsal was mailed from Austin to
the Washington office of a Gore debate coach. Investigators said
forensic evidence links the package to Juanita Yvette Lozano, an
assistant to Mark McKinnon, Bush's top media consultant.

Bush's campaign expressed full confidence in Lozano today.

"We have every reason to believe Ms. Lozano is telling the truth
and we stand by her," spokesman Dan Bartlett said. "She is a
longtime personal family friend of Mark's—even baby-sitting his
own children for years—and we believe she is supportive of
Governor Bush. She's worked for him for over a year and we
believe what she's saying—that she was mailing a pair of pants on
behalf of Mark."

Chris Gunter, an Austin lawyer retained by Lozano, said he
believes the FBI will go at a measured pace. He compared his
client with Richard Jewell, the security guard falsely accused of
planting a bomb during the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996.

"I think they've learned from past mistakes that it's not wise to
do things too fast and jump to conclusions," Gunter said.

Federal authorities acknowledge that even if the evidence links
Lozano to the package, many questions remain. Federal sources
said that even if Lozano's fingerprints are on the materials, it
would not necessarily prove she had mailed the package, because
she might have handled it earlier.

Top Bush officials, even though they are among those being
investigated, applaud the expanded investigation because they
believe it will force the FBI to look beyond the inside-job
theory and consider other possibilities, including the
involvement of Democrats, according to campaign aides.

Bush officials say the tape probably was copied from one kept at
Maverick Media, the Austin firm McKinnon heads. They remain
convinced that security could have been breached from the
outside. Although publicly the campaign has pointed to Gore
headquarters as a potential perpetrator, Bush officials privately
allow for the possibility that Democrats in Austin got hold of
the materials and mailed them to former House member Tom Downey,
who was Gore's sparring partner in practice debates.

The Gore campaign released new information received from Downey's
lawyer. A typed, unsigned message on plain paper that accompanied
the tape said something along the lines of: "Here's some material
that might be helpful to you. I'll call in a few days to see if
you need anything else."

Bush, at his ranch near Crawford, Tex., said today, "I'm
confident that nobody who supports my candidacy would have mailed
the tape. Somebody that thinks I ought to be president wouldn't
have done that."

Gore told reporters in Washington, "I have full confidence in the

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

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