-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:642604">Maj. Downing on
Subject: Maj. Downing on MKULTRA
From: Christopher P McDill <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
Date: Tue, Sep 19, 2000 8:40 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Here's an interview wherein Major Jack Downing discusses his past
role in mind control experiments:


[Another gem, dating from the end of '98]

Q: So let us take on the issue of controlling the mind. Some of what you
were involved with centered on the issue of the human mind. Will,
values, consciousness, perception, etc were the puzzle-pieces you were
seeking to re-arrange.

Downing: I participated in numerous projects, because of my
expertise, which attempted to correct the "brainwashing gap" that we'd
convinced Congress existed between the U.S. and its Communist adversaries.
The gap didn't really exist, mind you, but events which transpired
between WWI and the Korean war convinced us that the human mind was
the next big battlefield.
There was a fantastic little paperback book that came out a long time
ago called "Brainwashing" written by a CIA-affiliated journalist named
Hunter, which made brainwashing out to be the invention of Chinese
communists. It was intended to scare Americans into
pressuring their congressional representatives into allocating more
money into mind-control research. . . and it worked. That same trick
also worked to get funding for a lot of similar projects. The media
has been the best ally for black ops.

Q: You had no issues about doing this stuff? I feel that you are almost
relishing the memories of better days, when funding was good, and
anything was possible.

Downing: Actually, that period slightly proceeded my tenure in this line
of work. I worked with people who would get almost tearfully wistful
remembering when it was all new, and the priorities of the Cold
War superceded such minor issues as human rights.

Q: So you, as you have stated elsewhere, were involved in some of the
research into the possibilities of LSD and other drugs in
unconventional warfare.

Downing: That was one of the things. I did that for a while. My
findings on that were not so promising. Others who did that sort of thing
got better results. After MKULTRA it was turned over to the "Nonlethal
Weapons" program and it was out of my hands. . . I was doing a lot with
indoctrination, interrogation, counterintelligence stuff. . . like how to
get captured personnel to divulge military secrets. That was much more
fruitful than the other thing. I think that drugs actually made people
more resistant to indoctrination. The drug programs tried to achieve the
opposite effects, but people, you know, would just get high, and ignore
the interrogators. So. . .we took the investigation in another direction.
The "Nonlethal Weapons" folks worked on how to use drugs just to
incapacitate troops, or make them question authority. I turned
my attention on ways to get confessions.

Q: It's a classic news item during wartime, that American POWs bravely
resisted giving away their secrets, risking torture and death in the
interests of patriotism. . .

Downing: Well, that's what we were trying to undermine. The old way
of interrogation, which is still used much of the time by police and less
sophisticated governments is torture. Fear. It works, but not always.
Following the example of religious cults, we developed a different, more
successful angle. No torture, no fear. The human mind is so malleable,
belief systems so fragile, why hurt people? The move in modern warfare is
bloodless victory. We really don't want to kill anyone unless we're in
a hurry. Better to conquer the loyalties and confidence of the enemy in
their ideologies. Then you have two armies fighting for you: your own, and
theirs. Better to cultivate sedition than to fertilize the fields with

Q: So, about the cults. What did you take from them?

Downing: Okay. So as I was saying. It is admittedly hard to
develop any weapon without the enemy using it too.
We cannot rely on our soldiers to keep secrets anymore. That is why
soldiers get such a compartmentalized picture of what they are doing.
And they are also given to believe totally inaccurate things about their
mission, so long as it does not interfere with their combat effectiveness.
So many Army and Air Force people are being released thinking they
have these secrets, about government collaboration with
aliens, or some other conspiracy poppycock.
They write books, the enemy reads them, and they think they have good
intelligence because it came from ex-armed forces.
The cults. What we got from them is the idea that you can get better
intelligence from people who believe in your mission. So, say we get a
POW, and we have a little time to work with him. It's not time-critical,
such as on the eve of an offensive or something. We take him away to some
cozy place and deprogram him. We don't ask him any questions about
secrets. That would put him on the defensive too soon.
Usually we do this with officers. Enlisteds just get torture, because they
don't have much to offer outside of maybe some logistical details. But
an officer, sometimes an NCO, has a bigger picture, so we need him.
What we do, we strip away his adherence to any former ideologies, and
then make him loyal to our cause. It's easier than you'd think. Much
Once we have him in our pockets, then he's volunteering everything
he knows, and helping us figure out where the gaps are in his own picture
of his former mission. Precious intelligence, and it's worth the extra
time spent retrieving it. So then we have an informant who could even be
released back to his people, and about half the time, he'll continue
funneling useful data back to us.
The issue I have with this now is that this method leaks out. Now the big
cults are stronger for our having developed better methods of
brainwashing. They watch. They know when they're on to a good thing. So
now we have high-up cult people in some powerful places in government,
feeding these tricks back to their people, and -well, it's two ways
actually. Cult stuff permeates the state, too. Look at AA. That
organization has learned an awful lot from the Chinese school of
brainwashing. And where did they get those Maoist secrets from? American
intelligence dossiers, initially. Think about it: "Big Book" sounds
suspiciously like "Little Red Book". . .dunnit? The  groupness, the
self-criticism, the confessing, guilt, thought-stopping
vocabulary. It's bad news.

Q: Okay, last question. How was your expertise applied during your
affiliation with the order known as the "Black Ops Brethren"?

Downing: Ah, I was one of the people who worked on ways to lay
on cover memories. People would see things, and we needed to make
them remember something else. Besides straightforward hypnosis and other
mindcontrol tricks, we threw in assorted other smoke-and-mirrors
tactics just to confuse any efforts on the part of the 'witness' to
unravel what happened. Several alternate realities were laid in, to create
a cognitive dissonance.


    You can find this interview, and others like it, at the website
Interviews With Jack Downing:
<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/babcock.chester/interview1/index.html">

There are several other sites devoted to collecting Downing-related
<A HREF="http://sites.netscape.net/chrismcdill/updates">
<A HREF="http://homestead.deja.com/user.almaqtul/index.html">
<A HREF="http://www.ufomind.com/people/d/downingj/">
<A HREF="http://www.meninblack.f2s.com/mibexplanations.htm">

Subject: Re: Downing on MKULTRA
From: Christopher P McDill <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2000 11:17 AM

    Here's some more of what Downing has said about mind control

Q: What is MKULTRA?

      J.D.: ...MKULTRA was a gov't "black" operation which focused on the
means, technologically or chemically, by which the human mind could be
completely controlled. In essence, how to create a "Manchurian Candidate"
(have you seen that movie?)

      ...I'd like to clear up some confusion about the nature of projects
or operations (or agencies) called "black"...most people think black
simply means "ultra top secret," which is actually untrue...for example,
there has never been anything black about Nevada test Site/Nellis Bombing
range (which includes "area51") ...secret, yes...very secret. But there is no
      It is federal land, and it's on the map. People are wasting too many
brain cells caring about that place.

      Black operation is one that pretends to be something else. .
.deception is a key factor. For example, the CIA recruiting people,
while deceiving them into
      thinking that they are working for a corporation or activist
group...they never know where their paychecks are coming from. Black is
. . .your own government bombing a federal building and then blaming it on
extremists or communists. . .you can see that something is going on, but
the causality is
completely displaced. . .another example is of course the building up of a
UFO mythology in order to keep us from thinking about experimental
warfighting technologies, or covert domestic operations. . .

. . .as investigators of UFOs and paranormal phenomena, you should
always ask yourself, when following clues or interviewing people, whether the
lead you are following may have conveniently been set for you, by some
individual or agency who has a stake in your deception. Most
investigations of this sort amount to little more than a merry goose
chase. Someone is laughing, at your expense.
Remember what I have said in the past about the "hall of mirrors". . .

      Q: Refresh our memories.

      J.D.: The "hall of mirrors is the modus operandi and sole function
of at least a few "black" agencies within the U.S. and other governments.
By means of spinning out distractions and alternate realities, public opinion
is shaped, and people are kept from finding out what's really going on.
This evolved after WWI [in the U.S.], when the U.S. and British gov't
began to hire top advertising people to work in their propaganda departments.
It became clear that wars could be won by the control of information
alone. Many wars have happened in the 20th century with nary a shot fired, and
the civilian population oblivious, until the forces of economic
imperialism start setting up shop in their countries. The U.S. is now in
a state of constant
war with the world, and the stake is economic. The "hall of mirrors"
functions to tell the world that the U.S. is the "good guy" and that
"everything is okay, just you stay tuned to your TV sets"...

from <A

Subject: JD:  MKULTRA in Vietnam
From: Christopher P McDill <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2000 11:38 AM

    Here is an interview with Maj. Jack Downing

Source: <A
Jack Downing Interview

[Here is a transcription an interview with Maj Jack Downing from November
of 1998. The interviewer has insisted on his anonymity. ]

Introduction: I am picking Major Jack Downing's brain, in the interest of
getting a better understanding of some of the things he has alluded to in
earlier writings. I have been cautioned that he will likely not
answer all of my questions, as he is treading carefully around matters
that are still highly classified enough to get him into trouble.

Q: First off, I'd like you to explain why you use the title "Major" even
though you are not an active-duty military officer.

J.D.: It is a tradition that officers in the U.S. Armed Forces can
hold on to the rank, as a sort of "honorary" title, that they last held
before leaving the service. I suppose it's like being called "doctor"
after you've earned a PhD. I left the army only a few years after the
Vietnam conflict, and went into civilian employment with the NSA, and they
called me Major there, so I got used to using the title. Ironically,
during the war I was a captain, but usually went by "Mr." Because I was
usually in mufty. I was working alongside the CIA, as a consultant in
PSYOPS, and as a specialist in human ecology-

Q: Before you proceed, can you explain what you mean by "human

J.D.: That's a phrase that connotes different things, depending on the
context, from the wholesome to the not-so-wholesome. In the capacity for
which I was employed, it was a way of pinning down the psyche and
behaviors of human beings in differing environments or under various
circumstances. It employed the observational principles of anthropologists
and psychologists alongside the more manipulative techniques of
advertisers, social engineers, and "golden age" brainwashers. It was, in
retrospect, a very unorthodox and ethically questionable thing.

Q: So what were you doing there? What were you doing with all that?

J.D.: Ah, at first I was helping the CIA turn the sentiments of the
Cambodian population against the Khmer Rouge. Among other things, we had a
radio station which would broadcast western cultural programming to the
locals. . .rock-n-roll, pro-American propaganda, sort of a VOA thing, only
it was broadcast from within Phnom Penh, and was made to appear as if
under strictly local sponsorship. I was back and forth between Vietnam and
Cambodia (Kampuchea) doing various things. The radio thing was the most

Q: You were in "mufty" as you said-

J.D.: Well, both in and out of uniform actually. I had two sets of ID, and
in my "civilian" capacity I went about as Mr. Jacob Donleavy, passing
as either a journalist, spook, or diplomat, depending on the
circumstances. I was Captain Jack Downing in my Army uniform, but my MOS
[army job -ed.] was as varied as my hats. One day I'm in
counterintelligence, another day a press liason, yet another time I'd be a
Special Forces paratrooper. I had to keep tabs on several operations.
Unconventional warfare was no picnic.
Most of the operations were laughable failures, mostly due to the meddling
of higher-up brass. . .We also brought the MK projects into the war. The,
uh, extreme circumstances of warfare gave us excellent opportunities to
observe the ways certain mind control technologies might work . . . or
fail to work.

Q: What would you consider a success?

J.D.: Relative to the nature of the operation in question, I'd say that
much was learned from the administering of psychoactive substances to the
troops under combat stress. LSD, pot, the usual culprits, and then some
new chemicals, trying to elicit stronger fight reflexes, etcetera.

Q: So you were like. . .a pusher, too?

J.D.: [grinning] You could say that. I was providing these substances to
the soldiers personally, and would have had to take the fall, so to
speak, if the big brass were to protest. Luckily, that didn't happen. What
did happen is that these soldiers took stories back with them at the end
of their tours. My name was connected with a certain quality of drugs,
much like Mezz Mezzrow gave his name to Harlem's best reefer in the 30's.

Q: You mean, that "Captain Jack" is you!?

J.D. : Presumably. More amusing to me is the "Jacob's Ladder" connection.
But anyway, it was all very insightful to me, because in my curiosity, I
was consuming some of these substances myself, and learned a whole lot
about myself. There was a fellow in army intelligence that I had some
acquaintance with who was also messing with the stuff and he got it into
his head that he was clairvoyant. There was a whole clique who got into
this clairvoyance thing, and got some general to put up money for
research. Ed, uh, he was called Ed James back then, was a PSYOPS guy, and
still is. I'm a whole helluva lot more psychic than these guys, but I
wasn't about to take up that indoors lifestyle when I was having so much
fun in the Jungle. A man hasn't really lived until he's seen tracer and
mortar fire at night, under the influence of acid.

Q: So, back to Phnom Penh...

J.D. : We had to hightail it out of there. I really feel bad for  those
people. Some of my colleagues (the CIA guys) had some women they were
seeing out there, real cuties, that they had to abandon to the Khmer
Rouge, and you know they got purged.

Q: So how long were you out there, in Southeast Asia?

J.D. : I served several tours of duties. I'm sorry I have to be vague
about the exact years. After that I was over in Germany applying some of
the findings we got, and set up some things in a few army bases in the
U.S. At the time of my leaving, my role in the army as human ecology
expert was taken up by another officer, a Michael Aquino, who was trying
out these principles in the context of Anton Lavey's church, and it was
alleged (and denied) in some base daycare centers. I knew about the
daycare things, but I don't know of any involvement by Aquino. Who knows?
Things in intelligence were so compartmentalized that one hand didn't know
what the other was doing.

Q: Well this is pretty serious though. If you know something about those
charges you should have testified when he was investigated.

J.D.: Hah! Are you kidding? In our field, nobody was sinless enough to
cast the first stone. Anyway, Aquino was a member in good standing with
the Black Ops Brethren, which my father was in, and I had to keep my nose
clean if there was any hope of me getting in.

Q: Can you talk a bit about the Black Ops Brethren? What were they doing
in the Vietnam War?

J.D. : What they were doing in the war, I am not at liberty to divulge. I
was not a member, and had no contact with people identified to me as such.
But I would not be surprised if they were not watching my work very
closely, because when I did get involved, I saw the file they'd kept on
me. It dated from my childhood, and was particularly detailed about my
wartime work.

Q: And later?

J.D. : I've written about that period. I learned about the organization
known exoterically as the Men in Black during my indoctrination into the
brotherhood. I'd have loved to have talked to my father in greater depth
about those earlier years, but he died not long after I got involved, and
most of what I know about his secret work I read in the archive of the
Black Ops Brethren.

Q: As soon as the focus turns directly on the Black Ops Brethren, you tend
to get pretty slippery.

J.D. : You want to know why? I'll tell you. If I tell so much as a single
story about specific operations, I become afraid. Why? I don't know
why. Perhaps they conditioned me somehow. Perhaps I'm brainwashed, but I
can't bring forth memories of specific activities without having a panic
experience. I know how to cure myself of most anxieties and fears pretty
easily. This is pretty deep stuff, which even the subtle psychological
antidotes which I know won't fix. So. . .what I can do then is try to
allude to things, beat around the bush, try to get closer to my own
memories by sneakier means. How did I even get started talking about all
this "Men in Black" stuff in the first place? I managed after years of
struggle to bypass the defenses that were set up inside of me against
speaking about those years. I'm tired. I'll tell you more some other time.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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