-Caveat Lector-


Coup plotters breached immunity: Fiji court

Source: AFP|Published: Monday October 2, 11:58 AM

In a landmark decision that could decide the fate of coup plotter George Speight, who 
is facing treason charges, Fiji's High Court today found his group had breached 
conditions for immunity.

Justice Peter Surnam was giving judgment in an appeal by the state in a case of 
attempted murder against Speight supporter Isoa Karawa.

Karawa had been released by the magistrates court on the grounds that he was covered 
by an immunity granted to Speight and his group in return for ending a siege of 

Karawa had faced charges over the shooting of a television cameraman shortly after the 
May 19 coup.

Overturning the magistrates court decision, Surnam said conditions of the decree 
granting immunity had clearly been breached because all arms stolen by the coup 
plotters had not been returned to the military as required.

“If there has been a failure by Speight and his group to return all arms ... then in 
my judgment that would indicate a fundamental breach of the provisions of the Immunity 
Decree,” he said.

The army had offered Speight and his followers immunity on condition they turned over 
all their arms and released all government hostages, including now-deposed prime 
minister Mahendra Chaudhry.

It later said the group had forfeited the immunity because it failed to meet all 
conditions of the agreement, since weapons were still at large.

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