-Caveat Lector-

(This is a vegetarian site that is advertising on tv with the slogan "Meat
should be buried, not eaten!"   http://www.meatstinks.com  --SW)

Meat Stinks
For the animals, the environment, and human health

Every year in the U.S., more than 8 billion animals are slaughtered for food--
that's more than 250 animals per second. Raising animals on factory farms
is cruel and ecologically devastating. Eating animals is bad for our health,
leading directly to many diseases and illnesses, including heart attack,
stroke, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

For the animals
Animals on factory farms are treated like machines. Within days of birth, for
example, chickens have their beaks seared off with a hot blade. Male cows
and pigs are castrated without painkillers. All of these animals spend their
brief lives in crowded and ammonia-filled conditions, many of them so
cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a wing. Many do not get
a breath of fresh air until they are prodded and crammed onto trucks for a
nightmarish ride to the slaughterhouse, often through weather extremes and
always without food or water. The animals are hung upside down and their
throats are sliced open, often while they're fully conscious.

For the environment
Today's factory farms use everything but the "moo," "cluck," and "oink" --
but in the process, they leave behind an environmental toll that generations
to come will be forced to pay. Raising animals for food requires more than
half the water used in the United States and is the biggest polluter of our
water and topsoil. Coyotes and other animals are poisoned and shot by
western cattle ranchers who consider federal land to be their land for
grazing. Our country's meat addiction is slowly poisoning and depleting our
land, water, and air.

… And for YOU!
The only two researchers in human history who have successfully reversed
heart disease, by far America's biggest killer, have included an exclusively
vegetarian diet as a part of their programs. On the Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr.
Caldwell Esselstyn programs, patients become "heart attack proof" (to
quote Dr. Esselstyn, in the August 1999 issue of the American Journal of
Cardiology) by getting their cholesterol levels to below 150 (the average
vegan cholesterol level is 128), the level below which no one has ever been
documented as having died from a heart attack. And people who consume
animal products are also 40 percent more susceptible to cancer, and at
increased risk for many other illnesses, including stroke, obesity,
appendicitis, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, and food poisoning.
Additionally, meat contains accumulations of pesticides and other
chemicals up to 14 times more concentrated than those in plant foods.

What you can do
Meat stinks for the animals, the Earth, and your health. Make the
compassionate, environmentally sound, and healthful choice -- go
vegetarian! Download our leaflets, videos, photos, and factsheets, and give
them to your friends, relatives, and the public (including any reporters you
feel might be interested). Check out our "Resource for Activists" for more
tips. If you can't download the information you want, you can order copies
through the PETA literature catalog.

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